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Version:1.4.43 (build 162)
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    About 云智工厂

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    Other versions of 云智工厂

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    Introduction of 云智工厂


    云智工厂是一款基于SAP ERP系统的移动应用,通过物资申报、收发货、仓库管理等业务流程,促进工厂内多车间协作,提高工作效率和管理水平。实现计划与执行一体化、物流配送敏捷化、质量管控协同化。立即下载,提升工厂管理!

    - 移动端操作,实现物资入库、出库、盘点等业务,数据自动写入ERP系统。
    - 预入库、预出库功能,解决结账期间或网络不通时的入库、出库问题,保证业务操作的及时性和账物一致性。
    - 实时、准确的库存、采购、入库、出库等数据,使各部门、各业务之间衔接更加透明。
    - 精确的物料条形码,移动端扫描即可完成物资移库、盘点、出库和入库等操作,方便管理。
    - 提高库管员对库存物资存储条件和要求的认知,实现物资档案管理。
    - 报表开发,掌握物资存储周期,提高物资周转率,降低库存。
    - 储备定额管理,自动报警并提醒采购员采购,确保库存充足。
    - 实物库管理,系统自动优先从实物库出库,降低实物库库存。
    - 监控申报到物资领用,超期未领用自动提示并生成报表,降低库存资金占用。
    - 费用报表,实时查询费用,实现费用的实时监控。

    1. 点击[安装]按钮或扫描二维码,在智能手机上下载并安装Android版本的应用。
    2. 打开应用,根据提示完成注册和登录。
    3. 在应用中选择相应的业务流程,如物资入库、出库、盘点等。
    4. 按照界面指引,填写相关信息并提交。
    5. 数据将自动写入ERP系统,实现一体化管理。

    立即下载云智工厂,提高工厂效率,实现一体化管理!#工厂管理 #移动应用 #提高效率 #一体化管理

    Cloud Factory - Improve Factory Efficiency with Integrated Management

    Cloud Factory is a mobile application based on SAP ERP system. It facilitates collaboration among different departments within a factory by streamlining material declaration, shipping and receiving, and warehouse management processes. With Cloud Factory, you can achieve integrated planning and execution, agile logistics, and collaborative quality control. Download now and elevate your factory management!

    Key Features:
    - Perform material operations such as inventory, outbound and inbound logistics, and stock adjustment on the mobile app, with data automatically synced to the ERP system.
    - Enable pre-inventory and pre-outbound functions to address issues during settlement periods or network unavailability, ensuring timely operations and accurate inventory records.
    - Real-time and accurate data on inventory, procurement, inbound and outbound logistics, fostering transparent connections among departments and business units.
    - Accurate material barcodes that allow for seamless operations like stock transfer, inventory check, outbound and inbound logistics, and enable identification of production dates and expiration dates for better management.
    - Enhance inventory clerks' knowledge of storage conditions and requirements through material archive management.
    - Develop reports to monitor material storage cycles, enabling proactive control of inventory from the source, improving turnover rate, and reducing stock levels.
    - Implement reserve quota management, triggering automatic alerts and reminders to procurement officers when stock quantity falls below the reserve quota.
    - Optimize physical inventory management by prioritizing stock retrieval from physical warehouses, effectively reducing physical inventory levels.
    - Monitor the entire process from declaration to material utilization, with automatic reminders and report generation for unclaimed materials, reducing capital tied up in inventory.
    - Expense reports allow technicians to track their expenses in real-time, department leaders to monitor departmental expenses, and centralized departments to oversee overall expenses, ensuring real-time expense control.

    How to Use:
    1. Click the [Install] button or scan the QR code to download and install the Android version of the app on your smartphone.
    2. Open the app and follow the prompts to complete registration and login.
    3. Select the desired business process within the app, such as material inbound, outbound, or inventory check.
    4. Fill in the required information and submit according to the on-screen instructions.
    5. The data will be automatically synced to the ERP system, enabling integrated management.

    Download Cloud Factory now to improve factory efficiency with integrated management! #FactoryManagement #MobileApp #EfficiencyImprovement #IntegratedManagement


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