PS Touch
PS Touch
Jul 11, 2024Latest update

Package Infomation

  • Package
  • LanguagesView 8 items
  • Requires Androidv0 (v0)
  • Content RatingEveryone
  • Architecturearmeabi-v7a
  • PermissionsView 6 items
  • SignatureView
  • Target SDK Version

Old Versions of PS Touch

PS Touch FAQ

1. What's PS Touch?

PS Touch was a mobile app by Adobe that brought some of Photoshop's core features to iOS and Android devices, allowing users to edit images on the go.

2. What happened to PS Touch?

Adobe discontinued PS Touch to focus on more advanced mobile apps.

3. Can I still use PS Touch?

Yes, but it won't receive updates or be available for new downloads.

4. What are the alternatives to PS Touch?

Adobe recommends using Photoshop Express or Photoshop on the iPad for mobile editing.

5. Is there a way to transfer my PS Touch projects to other Adobe apps?

You can export your projects and import them into other Adobe apps like Photoshop or Lightroom.

6. Why did Adobe discontinue PS Touch?

Adobe shifted focus to newer, more powerful apps that integrate better with their current ecosystem.

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