


342. by Meta Platforms, Inc.

Jun 17, 2024

Package Infomation

  • Package Namecom.facebook.katana
  • LanguagesView 96 items
  • Requires Androidv11 (v30)
  • Content RatingEveryone
  • Architecturearmeabi-v7a, x86
  • PermissionsView 91 items
  • SignatureView
  • Target SDK Version34

Facebook FAQ

1. How does one access Facebook's application?

To access Facebook's application, create an account using an email address or phone number.

2. Is it possible to utilize Facebook without having an account?

Yes, Facebook can be used without an account, but content visibility varies based on the privacy settings of the profiles being viewed.

3. What distinguishes Facebook from Facebook Lite?

Facebook offers all features while Facebook Lite is designed to be more compact, focusing solely on essential functionalities.

4. Is it feasible to regulate who views one's posts on Facebook?

Absolutely, when posting, select the audience from options including Public (everyone), Friends only, or Custom settings for specific individuals or groups.