Jul 11, 2024Latest update

Package Infomation

  • Package Namecom.natstudio.fikfap
  • LanguagesView 86 items
  • Requires Androidv12 (v31)
  • Content RatingEveryone
  • Architecturearm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
  • PermissionsView 8 items
  • SignatureView
  • Target SDK Version

Old Versions of FikFap

FikFap FAQ

1. What's it?

FikFap is a trendy mobile app for adults that lets you create and watch short, spicy videos, combining social media vibes with a more laid-back, less restricted content style.

2. What age group is FikFap for?

It's strictly for 18+ peeps since it features adult content.

3. Can I download FikFap on iOS?

Nah, it's only available for Android users, so iPhone folks are out of luck.

4. Is FikFap on the Play Store?

Nope, you won't find it there; you'll need to grab it from third-party sites.

5. Can I make money on FikFap?

Totally, you can earn cash through content creation and monetization options.

6. Is FikFap free to use?

Yup, it's free, but there's a premium version if you want to ditch the ads and unlock extra features.

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