Aug 01, 2024Latest update

Package Infomation

  • Package Namecom.scee.psxandroid
  • LanguagesView 88 items
  • Requires Androidv14 (v34)
  • Content RatingEveryone
  • Architecturearm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a
  • PermissionsView 26 items
  • SignatureView
  • Target SDK Version33

PlayStation App FAQ

1. What does the PlayStation App offer?

The PlayStation App provides remote access to your PS4 console, enabling you to chat with friends, explore game news, and purchase games conveniently while on the move.

2. How can I link my PlayStation app to my PS4?

Ensure both your device and PS4 console are connected to the same Wi-Fi network and log in with the same account details for seamless integration.

3. Is voice chat available via PlayStation?

Absolutely, voice chat is supported. Join existing party sessions or initiate new ones by inviting friends from your contact list.

4. Can I buy games through PlayStation?

Yes, you can. Explore featured content or search for specific games within the app's store section, and have them ready for download at home when you're ready to play.

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