À propos de HEI Online Hotel Reservations

HEI Online Hotel Reservations App

Discover Unbeatable Hotel Deals Worldwide

Experience the convenience of booking your next stay with the HEI Online Hotel Reservation app. Save money and time by accessing over 140,000 hotels across the globe. This exclusive app offers members an average of 20% off compared to popular booking websites, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

Membership Benefits

For members only, log in using the credentials from the website version or sign up directly through the app. If you're a new user, simply enter your access code or mobile code during registration. Enjoy the perks of being part of our community, including discounts on car rentals with Sixt and access to airport lounges.

Find Your Perfect Stay

Search for hotels by city, name, or nearby landmarks. Browse and book accommodations directly from the map view. Filter your search by star rating, price range, breakfast inclusion, and additional amenities. The app supports multiple languages, making it accessible to travelers from around the world.

Exclusive Savings & Offers

Take advantage of our best price guarantee, which ensures you always get the lowest rate. Plus, enjoy additional savings on car rentals and airport lounges. You can even find and purchase football tickets throughout Europe. As a bonus, download our free sightseeing app to enhance your travel experience.

Secure Booking & Cancellation

Book instantly with the assurance of immediate confirmation. Payments are processed securely via credit card (Diners, VISA, MasterCard/Eurocard). Manage your bookings conveniently through the app, including viewing vouchers and receipts on your mobile device. Easily cancel your reservation whenever needed.

Join Our Community

To learn more about becoming a member or offering this app as a white label solution to your customers, contact us at Stay connected with us on social media for the latest updates and promotions:

Download the HEI Online booking app today and start saving on your next hotel reservation!

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