Guardian Project: Apps You Can Trust
द्वारा अधिक Guardian Project: Apps You Can Trust
Haven: Keep Watch
Haven: Keep Watch4.6
Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spacesand possessions without compromising their own privacy. It is anAndroid application that leverages on-device sensors to providemonitoring and protection of physical spaces. Haven turns any Androidphone into a motion,
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In a world of viral videos and facial recognition, ObscuraCam helps you share photos and videos while protecting the privacy of you and those you care about. With ObscuraCam you can blur and disguise faces in your photos and videos. Information that could identify you as the cameraperson is removed
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PixelKnot: Hidden Messages
PixelKnot: Hidden Messages4.6
Have a secret that you want to share? Why not hide it in a picture? With PixelKnot, only your friends with the secret password can unlock your special message. Everyone else just sees a pretty picture. It’s a fun and easy way to share hidden messages without anyone knowing. Take those pixels, twist
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TorServices is a free proxy app that empowers other apps to use the internet more securely. It acts as a simple Tor "provider" for apps to hide their Internet traffic by encrypting it, then bouncing through a series of computers around the world. Tor is free software and an open network th
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