Paprika Recipe Manager 3
Paprika Recipe Manager 3
Jun 26, 2024Pembaruan Terbaru

Tentang Paprika Recipe Manager 3

Deskripsi Aplikasi "Paprika Recipe Manager 3"

Mengorganisir Resep Anda. Buat Daftar Belanja. Rencanakan Makanan Anda.


  • Resep - Unduh resep dari situs favorit Anda, atau tambahkan resep sendiri.
  • Daftar Belanja - Buat daftar belanja cerdas yang secara otomatis menggabungkan bahan dan menata mereka berdasarkan aisle.
  • Pantry - Gunakan pantry untuk mencatat bahan apa saja yang Anda miliki dan kapan mereka kedaluwarsa.
  • Rencana Makan - Rencanakan makanan Anda menggunakan kalender harian, mingguan, atau bulanan kami.
  • Menu - Simpan rencana makan favorit Anda sebagai menu yang dapat digunakan kembali.
  • Sincronisasi - Sincronisasi resep, daftar belanja, dan rencana makanan antara semua perangkat Anda.
  • Pengaturan - Skala bahan ke ukuran porsi yang diinginkan, dan konversi antara satuan ukuran.
  • Masak - Tetapkan layar saat memasak, cek daftar bahan, dan tanda terang pada langkah saat ini.
  • Cari - Organisir resep Anda ke dalam kategori dan sub-kategori. Cari berdasarkan nama, bahan, dan lebih banyak.
  • Timer - Waktu memasak secara otomatis terdeteksi dalam arahan. Klik satu untuk memulai timer.
  • Impor - Impor resep dari aplikasi desktop dan mobile lainnya.
  • Bagikan - Bagikan resep melalui email.
  • Cetak - Cetak resep, daftar belanja, menu, dan rencana makan. Resep mendukung berbagai format cetak termasuk kartu indeks.
  • Bookmarklet - Unduh resep langsung dari browser ke akun Paprika Cloud Sync Anda.
  • Akses Offline - Semua data Anda disimpan secara lokal. Tidak diperlukan koneksi internet untuk melihat resep Anda.

Versi Gratis

Versi gratis dari Paprika memiliki semua fiturnya, kecuali:

  • Anda hanya bisa menyimpan hingga 50 resep.
  • Paprika Cloud Sync tidak tersedia.

Anda dapat mengupgrade ke versi penuh kapan saja (melalui pembelian dalam aplikasi) untuk membuka batas tak terbatas resep dan sincronisasi cloud.

Platform Lainnya

Paprika juga tersedia untuk iOS, macOS, dan Windows. (Harap dicatat bahwa setiap versi dijual secara terpisah.)


Tangkapan layar Paprika Recipe Manager 3

Versi Lama dari Paprika Recipe Manager 3

Paprika Recipe Manager 3 FAQ

1. Paprika Recipe Manager 3 is a comprehensive app designed to help users manage their recipes, meal planning, and grocery shopping. Here are some common questions and answers about the app.

Many users want to know how to download Paprika Recipe Manager 3. The app is available for purchase on both the Google Play Store and the App Store for iOS devices. Simply search for "Paprika Recipe Manager 3" and follow the prompts to install it on your device.

2. A popular question involves the features offered by the app. Paprika Recipe Manager 3 allows users to download recipes from websites, add personal recipes, and organize them into categories. It includes a meal planner for scheduling meals, smart grocery lists that automatically sort ingredients by aisle, and a pantry feature that helps track what ingredients you have on hand.

Users often inquire about syncing capabilities. To sync your recipes across multiple devices, you need to create a Paprika account and log in on all your devices. This ensures that your recipes, grocery lists, and meal plans are updated and accessible no matter which device you are using.

3. Some users experience issues with recipe formatting when importing from certain websites. This can occur if the website's structure changes or if the recipe format is not compatible. Users are encouraged to check the formatting after importing and make any necessary adjustments manually.

Another frequently asked question is about the timer feature. Paprika Recipe Manager 3 can detect cooking times in your recipe directions and allows you to set multiple timers for different components of a recipe. This feature is especially useful for complex dishes that require precise timing for various ingredients.

Apakah Anda menemukan ini membantu

Ulasan Pengguna

+ Ulasan

Paprika Recipe Manager 3 is a game-changer for anyone who loves cooking! The interface is intuitive, and the features are incredibly useful.
I can't imagine my kitchen without Paprika Recipe Manager 3. It has simplified my meal planning and grocery shopping immensely.
Paprika Recipe Manager 3 is the best recipe management app I've ever used. The ability to sync across devices is a huge plus.