Jul 18, 2024최신 업데이트

패키지 정보

  • 패키지 이름com.reddit.frontpage
  • 언어122개 항목 보기
  • Android 요구 사항v6.0-2438415 (v23)
  • 콘텐츠 등급모두
  • 아키텍처arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64
  • 권한47개 항목 보기
  • 서명보기
  • 타겟 SDK 버전34

Reddit FAQ

1. What is Reddit for?

Reddit serves as a global discussion platform where users can exchange opinions, memes, and thoughts on a wide range of topics with like-minded individuals.

2. Why is Reddit so popular?

Reddit's widespread popularity stems from its ability to connect people with shared interests, covering everything from niche hobbies to broader cultural discussions.

3. How does Reddit generate revenue?

Reddit monetizes its platform by leveraging advertising and offering premium memberships that provide an ad-free experience along with additional exclusive features.

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