Caustic editor for Volca Sample 정보
Use Caustic's powerful waveform editor to load, record, edit and upload samples for use with your KORG Volca Sample.
- Record directly from your Android device.
- Load any uncompressed, mono or stereo WAV, at any sampling rate or bit depth.
- Apply any of 16 of Caustic's effects and preview them in real-time, then stamp down and apply more.
- Process waveform audio with Fade In/Out, Normalize, Amplify, Reverse operations and more.
- Use Caustic's C-SFXR to generate retro video game sounds.
- Trim audio precisely, down to individual samples.
- View the frequency spectrum of your audio.
Volca Sample-specific features:
- Upload to any of the 100 sample slots and keep a database of your device's state.
- Clear all samples
- Restore factory samples
- Monitor device memory
This is not an official KORG app, it is made by me, Rej Poirier / SingleCellSoftware using the KORG volca sample SDK.
This app contains no ads, no IAPs and does not access the internet. If you'd like to support my work, please buy Caustic or any other of my apps.
Visit <a href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.singlecellsoftware.com%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNG_AumiRWFswKt5v7J5dHA_ImNE1Q&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGlDwkVS80-KKJImjsiG-JU0dyCKA" target="_blank">http://www.singlecellsoftware.com</a> for a free desktop (Windows/Mac) version too!
Caustic editor for Volca Sample 스크린샷
Caustic editor for Volca Sample의 이전 버전
Caustic editor for Volca Sample FAQ
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