Tentang Busbud

Easily Compare and Book Bus & Train Travel

Hello, traveler. Going places?

Discover seamless, smart train and bus travel with Busbud – your go-to app for effortlessly booking tickets! Experience a user-friendly interface that makes finding the best schedules and affordable tickets a breeze. Whether it’s a quick hop to the next city or a carefully planned vacation, finding the best bus, train, or carpool routes has never been easier.

Your Trip, Your Way

  • 📍 Avoid long lines at the counter and book tickets on-the-go with our intuitive bus & train app.
  • 📍 Compare and find cheap bus tickets and train tickets from 2,200+ carriers.
  • 📍 Manage your entire trip right from your phone, from booking to boarding.

The Features You're Looking For

  • 📍 Scan your e-ticket for quick and easy boarding.
  • 📍 Sort by earliest, latest, cheapest, or fastest train and bus routes.
  • 📍 Find the nearest bus stops and schedule.
  • 📍 Book a trip with amenities like Wi-Fi, toilet, and power outlets.
  • 📍 View boarding requirements and luggage limits.
  • 📍 Save your account details for even faster bookings in the future.

Busbud Takes You Further

  • 📍 Book tickets in 89+ countries across the globe.
  • 📍 Access over 2 million train, ferry, carpool, and bus routes.
  • 📍 Compare trips with popular carriers across the world.

Top Bus Operators:

  • Greyhound, FlixBus, ALSA, National Express, Megabus, Aircoach, RedCoach, Trailways, OurBus, Interscape, ADO, Eldo Coaches, Eagle Liner, Intercity Xpress, Citiliner Plus, Delta Coaches, JetSet Express, New York Trailways, Go Buses, Rider Express, Rede Expressos, Budgetliner, Pine Hill Trailways, Jefferson Lines, Salt Lake Express, Northwestern Stage Lines, Barons Bus and more.

Top Train Operators:

  • Amtrak, Via Rail, Eurostar, Renfe, Italo, Deutsche Bahn, Trenitalia and more.

Book With Confidence

  • 📍 Plans changed? No problem. Enjoy flexible one-tap cancellations where available.
  • 📍 Got questions? Our dedicated customer support team is ready to assist you.

So Many Reasons To Choose Busbud

  • Help The Planet: Choosing train or bus travel reduces your carbon footprint. With Busbud, you're supporting sustainable travel options that help decrease CO₂ emissions globally.
  • See The Sights: Enjoy panoramic views from your window seat as you explore new destinations. Bus and train travel lets you appreciate the journey as much as the destination.
  • Work On-The-Go: Stay productive while you travel. Many buses offer free Wi-Fi, so you can get work done or stream your favorite shows during the ride.
  • Relax and Ride: Sit back, unwind, and let us take care of the logistics. Whether you're daydreaming, listening to music, or catching up on sleep, your trip will be smooth and comfortable.
  • Smart & Easy Travel: Our app is praised for its seamless booking process and intuitive design. It's super easy to find the best train and bus tickets and schedules without the usual hassle.

Busbud. Your way to go places.


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