Internet Publishing Service, Indonesia
Mais por Internet Publishing Service, Indonesia
Kitab Nabi Konjo
Kitab Nabi Konjo4.9
Kisah masing-masing nabi terdapat dalam Kitab Taurat dan juga diakui dalam Al-Quran. Nabi Adam, Nabi Nuh, Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Yusuf, Nabi Musa, Nabi Daud, Nabi Sulaiman, Nabi Yunus. Pada akhir masing-masing Kisah ada beberapa ayat dari Kitab Injil, yang bersangkutan dengan na
Alkitab Duri
Alkitab Duri4.8
This is the Duri language Bible app for Android. This version contains both the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament (Joshua, Ruth, Proverbs, Amos, Jonah, Daniel and Esther), as well as downloadable audio recordings for the entire New Testament to listen to while reading. F
Alkitab Bambam
Alkitab Bambam4.7
This is the Bambam language Bible app for Android. The most recent version contains the entire New Testament and portions of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Psalms, Proverbs, Daniel and Jonah). There is also an audio feature for the entire New Testament and p
Alkitab Manado
Alkitab Manado4.7
Alkitab Manado APK Description The Alkitab Manado APK is a unique and essential application designed for the Christian community, particularly catering to the speakers of the Manado language in Indonesia. This digital version of the Bible not only brings the sacre
Alkitab Mualang
Alkitab Mualang4.7
The Gospel of Luke in the Mualang language is translated into everyday language. This book is not translated literally, word for word, but it is translated based on the meaning of the original text (Greek). The translation team also used several versions of the Indonesian Bible, namely: New Translat
Kitab Konjo Bulukumba
Kitab Konjo Bulukumba4.6
Ini adalah aplikasi Alkitab Bahasa Konjo untuk Android. Tersedia 100% gratis. Fitur-Fitur:- Dapat dijalankan pada hampir semua jenis HP dengan Android (OS 2.3 dan ke atas)- Fungsi-fungsi mudah digunakan pada semua- Ukuran font dapat dise
Kamus Bahasa Banjar
Kamus Bahasa Banjar4.6
The "Kamus Bahasa Banjar" application is a comprehensive linguistic tool designed to assist users in navigating the intricacies of the Banjarese language. Available in three distinct languages—Banjarese, Indonesian, and English—this dictionary serves as an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to