Floreo Media LLC
أكثر من Floreo Media LLC
Kung Fu!
Kung Fu!-
"Follow the path of ancient Chinese traditions and discover a unique way to strengthen your body while gaining increased mental and spiritual focus. Use graphics throughout the app to learn the basics, forms, and styles. Search by keyword or browse by subject. Bookmark and share your favorites with
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How to Sit
How to Sit-
How to Sit is the first in a new series of how-to titles by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh that introduces beginners to and reminds seasoned practitioners of the essentials of mindfulness practice. <br><br>Enjoy this app with bold black-and-white illustrations by Jason DeAntonis, How to Sit provides exp
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Lotus Sutra
Lotus Sutra-
The Lotus Sutra is the most read and revered scripture of Mahayana Buddhism. Three principal themes dominate the text: All Vehicles Are One Vehicle, All Beings May Become Buddhas, and the Importance of Faith and Devotion. Study the sermons and the metaphors of the ancient parables that have inspired
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Body Language!
Body Language!-
The Official, Authorized Mobile App Version of Body Language of Highly Effective Public Speakers by Franklin Covey<br><br>Whether you are a salesperson, consultant, team leader, executive, city council member, teacher, or a new hire, your presentations skills matter. Have you ever spent hours and ho
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Making Space
Making Space-
For those new to meditation and mindfulness practices, Making Space contains the most popular and transformative practice of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in a mobile app that can be a help and companion at any time during the day.<br><br>Learn how to create a Breathing Room for sitting meditation, and
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Peace of Mind!!
Peace of Mind!!-
Peace of Mind: Becoming Fully Present by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We can’t heal with our minds alone. Thinking can be something productive and creative, but without integrating body and mind, much of our thinking is useless and unproductive. <br><br>In Peace of Mind, Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh r
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Better Body Abs
Better Body Abs-
Tired of having to “suck it in”? Looking to strengthen your core abs, or sculpt and tone for an eye-catching six-pack? This app is filled with hundreds of helpful how-to tips and abdominal exercises designed to energize, repair, strengthen and tone those pesky abs into the shape you want! <br><br>
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Planting Seeds
Planting Seeds-
Planting Seeds offers insight and a wide range of contemplative and fun activities that parents and educators can apply in school settings, in their local communities, or at home in a way that is meaningful and inviting to children. The activities are designed to help relieve stress, increase concen
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Better Body Back
Better Body Back-
Tired of having a sore back? Looking to strengthen your back, or recover from a recent injury or twinge? This app is filled with hundreds of helpful how-to tips and back exercises designed to energize, repair, strengthen and tone your back into the shape you want! <br><br>“I used to have chronic s
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Bible in Chinese
Bible in Chinese-
Enjoy the Old and New Testaments of the Bible in the colorful language of Chinese on your mobile device!<br><br>Explore one of the greatest pieces of literature ever to grace mankind, serving as a spiritual guide and reference for millions of people around the world. From the stories of Adam &amp;
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Bible in Italian
Bible in Italian-
Enjoy the complete Bible, both Old and New Testaments, in the beautiful language of Italian.<br><br>Explore one of the greatest pieces of literature ever to grace mankind, serving as a spiritual guide and reference for millions of people around the world. From the stories of Adam &amp; Eve to the s
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Astrology Deluxe
Astrology Deluxe-
Astrology is a unique mix of science and interpretation, providing both insight and entertainment to followers of all kinds. Our birthdays are more than just fun: They can also be informative about our lives and what the future may hold. From an astrological perspective, each day supplies a collect
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Bartender's Bible..
Bartender's Bible..-
The Authentic, Original, Comprehensive Collection of Bartending Recipes<br><br>Nearly 25,000 different drink recipes make this mobile App the ultimate resource for all, from the beginning bartender to the premier mixologist and everyone in between. Learn how to set up a legitimate bar; master import
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El Poder del Ahora!
El Poder del Ahora!-
La sabiduria of Eckhart Tolle ahora en espanol! El Poder del Ahora es un camino hacia la realizacion espiritual.<br><br>Es una guía o curso completo de meditación y realización. Es un libro para ser leído una y otra vez, porque en cada ocasión que vuelves a él encuentras más profundidad y significa
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Love Match Deluxe
Love Match Deluxe-
How compatible are you with your current partner, lover, or friend? Did you know that astrology can unlock a whole new level of understanding between people simply by looking at their star sign and that of their partner? <br><br>With the Love Match Deluxe mobile app, you'll discover special insights
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Millennials @ Work
Millennials @ Work-
Work life is different from anything you have experienced up to this point. Not because it is work, but because authority figures at work may appear very different from those you have encountered in your life so far. It is not an overstatement to say that many young professionals experience a hefty
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Barbeque Recipes
Barbeque Recipes-
Hot dogs. Hamburgers. Babyback Ribs. Corn on the cob. BBQ Chicken! Is your mouth watering yet? Whether it’s on your grill at home, or a grill at the ballpark… Enjoy this collection of dozens of delicious BBQ recipes on your mobile device.<br><br>Become a master of the grill - Throw a party and wo
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Christian Mystics
Christian Mystics-
Enjoy 365 daily insights into the most beneficial and essential teachings of Christianity.<br><br>“A true religious renewal can arise only through the mystical dimension of faith.” – Matthew Fox<br><br>Spiritual maverick Matthew Fox believes that through the ages religious patriarchal hierarchy and
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Mindful Movements
Mindful Movements-
Initially developed by Thich Nhat Hanh as stretching breaks between long periods of sitting meditation, the Ten Mindful Movements have become a popular tool to reduce stress and tension. These simple and effective movements, based on yoga and Tai Chi, can increase mental, emotional, and physical wel
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Rajani Kanth Jokes
Rajani Kanth Jokes-
Called the most famous South Indian actor and a timeless Bollywood superstar, Rajnikanth is known for his larger-than-life super-hero appearances in blockbuster films, uniquely styled dialogues, and punchlines delivered in inimitable style. This app is filled with with the most comprehensive collect
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Airport Codes Guide!
Airport Codes Guide!-
Your quick reference guide for airport codes! Search for three-letter airport codes by city, country, airport name, or code. <br><br>The Airport Codes app conveniently features airport codes from thousands of airports worldwide. Booking a flight? Planning a trip? Just curious? This quick and easy r
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Animal Facts Trivia
Animal Facts Trivia-
What is the only species of bird that can fly backwards? What are male bees called? What color eyes do white tigers have? If you love to observe animals and all of the incredible things that they do, you'll have a blast playing Animal Facts Trivia. Thousands of questions about insects, mammals, rept
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Sexy Vegan Cookbook
Sexy Vegan Cookbook-
Enjoy recipes ideal for breakfast, lunch, dinner and more – this vegan collection even includes cocktails for those days that require a good drink! Quickly find your favorite recipes, recent recipes, or just browse the entire collection to find something new and tasty!<br><br>Are you searching for
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Sri Guru Granth Sahib
Sri Guru Granth Sahib-
Study the central text of Sikhism, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. <br><br>Sikhism, a religion that emerged in the Punjab region of India in the 15th century, is a unique faith that has aspects of both Islam and Hinduism. The Sikh Gurus were reformers who promoted religious tolerance and equality for wom
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As You Think
As You Think-
In 1904, a relatively unknown Englishman named James Allen wrote a little book called As a Man Thinketh. The book has become one of the world’s greatest self-help books — “self-empowerment” is a better term — for it not only reveals to us that the keys to success are within our own minds, it shows u
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The Career Chronicles
The Career Chronicles-
“A comprehensive career guide ... Offers a candid view of what it’s really like to work in fields from engineering to health care. More than 750 professionals confess the best, worst and most surprising parts of their jobs, giving graduates an insider’s view before they start their own on-the-job tr
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World Explorer Trivia
World Explorer Trivia-
"Do you know where Tuvalu is? What about the best place to get a Gelato?<br><br>Come test your knowledge with World Explorer and see if you know your world.<br><br>For questions or support, contact"
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Bible KJV New Testament
Bible KJV New Testament-
Experience the New Testament in a whole new way with this King James Bible app. Published in 1611, the King James Version was the first English translation of note and is widely popular with traditionalists. The New Testament includes the Life of Jesus &amp; the Early Church, Letters from Apostle Pa
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Great Work Great Career
Great Work Great Career-
The Official, Authorized Version of Stephen R. Covey’s Great Work Great Career<br><br>From the great mind of Stephen Covey, author of “7 Habits for Highly Effective People”, this app contains advice and guidance on making smart moves and getting to that next step in your career.<br><br>Adapted from
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Native American Wisdom Deck
Native American Wisdom Deck-
This book isolates the essence of Native American wisdom: the essential harmony of natural and human worlds--in short, accessible bits of philosophy.<br><br>Joseph, Sitting Bull, Red Cloud, Black Elk, Ohiyesa, and many others share their insights on Native American ways of living, learning, and dyin
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Raw Food - Video
Raw Food - Video-
Have you heard of the health benefits of a raw food diet? Looking for a healthy way to change your diet, improve your health, and try new things? Enjoy this collection of healthy raw food recipes, tips, and tricks today, and unlock the secret benefits of a raw food diet today!<br><br>Chef Rod Roto
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Angelic Messenger Cards
Angelic Messenger Cards-
Do you have a guardian angel? Do you often wonder if angels truly exist?<br><br>With the Angelic Messenger Deck app, explore the archetypes and symbols that provide divine guidance to humanity. The deck is made up of 48 cards, each with a vibrant floral photograph. Author Meredith Young-Sowers provi
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Spelling Bee Game Trivia
Spelling Bee Game Trivia-
Test your skills with a fun trivia game that allows you to choose the one correctly spelled word. Every word, ranging from easy to challenging, was chosen from the Winning National Spelling Bee competitions. You might recognize the words, but how certain are you about their spelling? Play a game and
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Habit 6: Synergy (with Video)
Habit 6: Synergy (with Video)-
*****The Official, Authorized Version of Stephen Covey's Habit 6: Synergize (With Video)*****<br><br>To put it simply, synergy means "two heads are better than one." Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old pro
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201 Tips for Healthy Living
201 Tips for Healthy Living-
Today is the perfect day to become a healthier you! 201 Health Tips includes expert-approved how-to instructions for healthy weight, disease prevention, and longevity! Learn a new tip each day, and take the necessary steps to lead a healthier, happier life! <br><br><br>Features:<br>*Navigational dis
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The Relationship Handbook
The Relationship Handbook-
Shakti Gawain's Path to Consciousness, Healing, and Growth..<br><br>Using knowledge and skills honed over a lifetime of teaching and learning, personal development pioneer Shakti Gawain presents a powerful, life-changing work on a subject she has always been passionate about: our relationships. <br>
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Biblia Santa La Reina Valera
Biblia Santa La Reina Valera-
Esta version completa de la Santa Biblia tiene ambos testamentos con todo escrito en espanol! Con busqueda rapida y la informacion bien formada, la aplicacion esta disfrutable. Lee la palabra de Dios y encuentrase con paz donde sea, en cualquier momento del dia. <br><br>App Features: <br><br>- Uniqu
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Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirations
Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirations-
The Official, Authorized Version of Dr. Wayne Dyer Inspirations<br><br>Dr. Wayne Dyer's Inspirations is a motivational app that can be used to produce positive results in your life. Use this mobile app to help solve the mystery behind your existence. You will learn to listen to and act on the inner
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The Ultimate Pilates for Abs
The Ultimate Pilates for Abs-
Tired of a soft, pudgy tummy? Get toned, tightened, and flat abs fast with this results-driven 6-week pilates workout plan from the creators of New York City's famous studio, Pilates on Fifth. <br><br>Workouts are clearly organized into daily routines. No extensive equipment is required, making it p
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Leadership Unleashing Talent
Leadership Unleashing Talent-
The Official, Authorized Version of Franklin Covey's Leadership Unleashing Talent (with Video)<br><br>Great leaders create a culture that not only unleashes the talent of the team, but builds on that talent so that the team continues to grow and develop as individuals and team members.<br><br>In Lea
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The Eckhart Tolle Collection
The Eckhart Tolle Collection-
GET THE COMPLETE ECKHART TOLLE COLLECTION NOW!<br> <br>***Eckhart Tolle’s Collection includes***<br>“The Power of Now” in English and Spanish<br>“Stillness Speaks” in English and Spanish<br>Power of Now Meditation Card Deck<br>Power of Now Inspiration Card Deck<br>New Earth Card Deck<br>Audio format
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The Ultimate Pilates for Arms
The Ultimate Pilates for Arms-
Try out these fantastic Pilates exercises for perfectly toned and jiggle-free arms, brought to you by the creators of NYC's famous studio, Pilates on Fifth. It's easy and simple to follow this 8-week video workout plan, designed to target your upper body.<br><br>App Features:<br>- Easy navigational
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Better Body Total Body Workout
Better Body Total Body Workout-
Ready to take your workouts to the next level? Want to focus on the whole package? Then Better Body Total Body Workout is just what you need! <br><br>The Better Body Series brings you Total Body Workout: A comprehensive collection of exercises, routines, tips and tricks – all designed to help you
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Dhammapada Buddha's Teachings
Dhammapada Buddha's Teachings-
The Dhammapada, one of the best-known texts of Buddhist scripture that is traditionally ascribed to the Buddha himself, is now available as a mobile app! Explore the doctrine, or the eternal truth, of Buddha, including 423 verses mostly on ethics. Navigate the app to search by keyword or category. S
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Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom
Dr. Wayne Dyer Everyday Wisdom-
Everyday Wisdom brings to you the power of positive changes in your life through self-motivation. You will get pearls of wisdom from Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. Wayne has authored 29 books, created many audio programs and vid
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Habit 1: Be Proactive ( Video)
Habit 1: Be Proactive ( Video)-
The Official, Authorized Mobile App Version of Stephen Covey's Habit 1: Be Proactive w/Video<br><br>In "Habit 1: Be Proactive," Stephen R. Covey explores the idea Habit 1 the habit of choice. No matter what the circumstances, we still have the power to choose what we will do about things that happen
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Habit 4 : (with Video)
Habit 4 : (with Video)-
The Official, Authorized App Version of Habit 4: Think Win-Win by Stephen Covey (with Video)<br><br>Think Win-Win isn't about being nice, nor is it a quick-fix technique. It is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration. Win-win sees life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive
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Quran in English, Arabic, Urdu
Quran in English, Arabic, Urdu-
Translated to English, the Qu’ran (the holy book of Islam) is now on your mobile! Read the word of God as revealed to Muhammad. The Qur'an is the supreme authority and living source of all Islamic teaching, and the sacred text that sets out the creed, rituals, ethics, and laws of Islam. Anyone inter
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The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle-
**The Official, Authorized Version of Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now**<br><br>Experience more joy and less stress in your life. Practicing The Power of Now helps you to transform the ideas from Tolle's classic into a new way of thinking and being. Erase the consuming thoughts of worry and fear, li
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New Earth Card Deck
New Earth Card Deck-
**The Official, Authorized Version of Eckhart Tolle’s New Earth Deck**<br><br>Eckhart Tolle distills the wisdom of his bestselling book A New Earth into short, carefully chosen passages for contemplation and inspiration. Tolle’s sage guidance will help you transcend ego-based mind-sets to awaken to
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Habit 7 (with Video)
Habit 7 (with Video)-
The Official, Authorized Version of Stephen Covey's Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (with Audio)<br><br>Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have--you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, an
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PresentMoment WonderfulMoment
PresentMoment WonderfulMoment-
Developed during a summer retreat at Plum Village, Thich Nhat Hanh's meditation center, these charming short verses were collected to help children and adults practice mindfulness throughout the day. The verses, or gathas, are designed to make everyday activities — such as washing the dishes, drivin
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The Awakening Deck
The Awakening Deck-
Enjoy daily guidance from Shakti Gawain, the best-selling author and internationally renowned teacher of spiritual consciousness.<br><br>Each of the 365 entries is clear and simple, consisting of a topic heading, a short message, and an affirmation or question – all designed to help you bring more a
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Power of Now Inspiration Deck
Power of Now Inspiration Deck-
**The Official, Authorized Version of Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now**<br><br>Experience more joy and less stress in your life. Practicing The Power of Now helps you to transform the ideas from Tolle's classic into a new way of thinking and being. Erase the consuming thoughts of worry and fear, li
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Stillness Speaks-Eckhart Tolle
Stillness Speaks-Eckhart Tolle-
**The Official, Authorized Version of Eckhart Tolle’s Stillness Speaks**<br><br>In Stillness Speaks, Eckhart Tolle illuminates the fundamental elements of his teaching, addressing the needs of the modern seeker by drawing from all spiritual traditions. Stillness Speaks takes the form of 200 individu
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Pearl of Great Price
Pearl of Great Price-
This application features the Pearl of Great Price, a collection of significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The collection features the translation of the Bible as revealed to Joseph Smith the profit in the years 1830-1831. Search and easily
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201 Tips Healthy Relationships
201 Tips Healthy Relationships-
Real advice from relationships experts.<br><br> If you want to reignite the passion of your relationship or simply discover ways to be a better partner, Healthy Relationship Secrets is the app for you. Learn about the power of spontaneity, the importance of having big dreams, and the necessity of ph
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Living in Light-Shakti Gawain
Living in Light-Shakti Gawain-
The Official, Authorized Version of Shakti Gawain’s Living in the Light<br><br>Personal growth pioneer Shakti Gawain highlights the transformative power of bringing the light of awareness to every aspect of the self, featuring exercises in the areas of creativity, self reflection, relationships, par
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The Instant Millionaire
The Instant Millionaire-
• Do those who succeed work harder than those who only dream about success? <br>• Are they smarter, luckier, more ruthless? <br>• And does financial success bring happiness? <br><br>These perennial questions are perhaps more timely than ever. The Instant Millionaire answers them in the unforgettable
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Ultimate Pilates - Beginners
Ultimate Pilates - Beginners-
Pilates has a powerful effect on transforming the body to be more fit and toned! <br><br>This app, perfect for beginners and intermediate students, features an easy-to-follow 4-week video workout plan, brought to you by the creators of NYC's famous studio, Pilates on Fifth. Intuitively organized int
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