Kevin Horvath
আরও Kevin Horvath
Text Converter - Quick Convert
Text Converter - Quick Convert5.0
Convert regular text into binary by just typing in the text box.
ইনস্টল করুন
UUID Generator - Easily Generate Random UUIDs
UUID Generator - Easily Generate Random UUIDs5.0
A simple and elegant way to generate a UUID (Universal Unique Identifier). Once the UUID is generated, simply tap on it to copy it to the system clipboard/pasteboard so that you can easily paste it into any desired location. Enjoy the vibrant changing background colors as you generate different uniq
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Jokes - Fun Jokes For All To Enjoy And Share - Yay
Jokes - Fun Jokes For All To Enjoy And Share - Yay5.0
Funny Chuck Norris jokes that are fun for the whole family.
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Rockford Crime Calls - 72 Hour Dispatch Call Log
Rockford Crime Calls - 72 Hour Dispatch Call Log5.0
This is an unofficial app pulling data from the Illinois API on Rockford dispatches. Iterate through the previous 72 hours worth of dispatch call logs from Rockford Illinois. Details and specific locations are also available through the map view.
ইনস্টল করুন
BMI Calc - Body Mass Index
BMI Calc - Body Mass Index4.9
A simple to use BMI Calculator that will take your weight and height and give you your body mass index.
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Dog Years - Fun And Simple Converter For Dog Years
Dog Years - Fun And Simple Converter For Dog Years4.8
Simple app that converts human years to dog years.
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Civics Practice
Civics Practice4.8
Are you preparing for the civics naturalization test? Then you have found a great app to help you study for it! Use this app to help you study for the citizenship test with the practice test and all of the questions available to study and memorize. Both 2020 and 2008 versions of the questions are
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Case Tracker for USCIS Status
Case Tracker for USCIS Status4.8
Is it getting annoying checking the USCIS website every few days or even hours to see if your case has changed? That no longer has to be an issue! Just download this app and enter your case receipt numbers to store them on your phone and have the ability to easily refresh them with a single swipe.
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Tip Calculator - Simple Way To Calculate Tips
Tip Calculator - Simple Way To Calculate Tips4.7
A fun and simple way to calculate the total cost of a meal. This app helps you figure out how much the total bill is going to be depending on the tip percentage that you wish to leave. You will also be able to see how much each person in the group is going to have to pay by setting the number of peo
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Random Number Generator - Easy
Random Number Generator - Easy4.6
A simple and elegant way to generate random numbers. Enjoy the rotating colors as you generate new numbers. If the colors are too much for you, then you can just turn them off in the settings screen, as this app is fully configurable. Sounds and vibration can also be turned on in the settings scre
ইনস্টল করুন
Little Words - Word Puzzle App
Little Words - Word Puzzle App4.5
A fun puzzle game that anyone can play.
ইনস্টল করুন
Blue Sniff - Bluetooth Scanner
Blue Sniff - Bluetooth Scanner4.4
Simple and easy to use bluetooth detector.
ইনস্টল করুন
Snowflakes Arcade Challenge
Snowflakes Arcade Challenge4.3
Touch and hold. Avoid everything! A simple, challenging game. Perfect for filling a few spare minutes here and there on a busy day! 3be975a711
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Guess The Flag - Fun Flag Guessing Game
Guess The Flag - Fun Flag Guessing Game4.0
Guess The Flag is a simple and fun game that let's you guess the flag of the country that is displayed at the top of the screen.
ইনস্টল করুন
Chicago Crimes - Reported Incidents Of Chica Crime
Chicago Crimes - Reported Incidents Of Chica Crime4.0
This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago.
ইনস্টল করুন
The Guessing Game - Numbers
The Guessing Game - Numbers4.0
A game where you have to guess the correct number to win.
ইনস্টল করুন
Random Product Finder - Find Random Stuff Online
Random Product Finder - Find Random Stuff Online3.5
This is a cool little app that will fetch you a random app from the almighty Amazon warehouse. If you see something that you like, and wish to purchase it, just click on the image or the text and you will be taken directly to Amazon so that you can make your purchase. There is a convenient button lo
ইনস্টল করুন
Text To Binary Converter
Text To Binary Converter3.3
Convert regular text into binary by just typing in the text box.
ইনস্টল করুন
IDOT Rest Areas - Illinois Car
IDOT Rest Areas - Illinois Car3.3
This data contains rest area related information such as services available, location information, location and rest area name. The data is intended to provide basic location and service information to the traveling public.
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Hawaii Farmer's Markets - Organic Food For The Fam
Hawaii Farmer's Markets - Organic Food For The Fam3.3
Find local farmers markets in Hawaii so that you can get some fresh and organic food for the family.
ইনস্টল করুন
Seattle Fire Calls - Cool Seattle Fire Dispatches
Seattle Fire Calls - Cool Seattle Fire Dispatches3.0
This is an unofficial app pulling data from the Washington API on Seattle dispatches. Provides Seattle Fire Department 911 dispatches. Updated every 5 minutes.
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New York City Jobs - Employment In New York City
New York City Jobs - Employment In New York City2.8
This dataset contains current job postings available on the City of New York’s official jobs site ( Internal postings available to city employees and external postings available to the general public are included.
ইনস্টল করুন
Iowa Offenders - Offenders Released From Prison
Iowa Offenders - Offenders Released From Prison1.9
This dataset includes the Fiscal Year of when an Offender is released from prison, their Age Groups, Sex, Race - Ethnicity's, Closure Type, Convicting Offense with description and the number of Months Served.
ইনস্টল করুন
Quick Filter - Quick And Simple Photo Editing
Quick Filter - Quick And Simple Photo Editing-
Quick and simple photo editing. Allows you to manipulate the photos currently in your library and then save the edited photos.
ইনস্টল করুন
Rabbit Years - Simple Converter For Rabbit Years
Rabbit Years - Simple Converter For Rabbit Years-
Simple app that converts human years to rabbit years.
ইনস্টল করুন
Cookie Crunch - Cookie Matching Fun For All Ages
Cookie Crunch - Cookie Matching Fun For All Ages-
Match the cookies to get points. Very fun and simple game to play for all ages.
ইনস্টল করুন
Finding Primes - Learn All About Prime Numbers
Finding Primes - Learn All About Prime Numbers-
A fun and simple way to learn about and find prime numbers.
ইনস্টল করুন
College Drunk Matching: Match 3 Puzzle Game, Alcohol Edition
College Drunk Matching: Match 3 Puzzle Game, Alcohol Edition-
Fun to play with your friends after you've had a few drinks. Play solo, or with a friend using "multiplayer" mode.<br><br>See if you can score more than 2,000 points! College Drunk Matching is the new match-3 puzzle game from the makers of hit app HipstaCam, featured in Yahoo News.<br><br>Swap props
ইনস্টল করুন
Chicago Towed Vehicles - Search Through Towed Cars
Chicago Towed Vehicles - Search Through Towed Cars-
This dataset displays location for vehicles that have been towed and impounded by the City of Chicago within the last 90 days. Illegally parked vehicles, abandoned vehicles and vehicles used for illegal activities may be towed by the Chicago Police Department, the Department of Streets and Sanitatio
ইনস্টল করুন
Austin Food Inspections - Texas Restaurant Scores
Austin Food Inspections - Texas Restaurant Scores-
Information is for Austin Texas. Provides recent restaurant scores for inspections performed within the Austin Texas area. Online search of this data set also available at:
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Chicago Food Inspections - Restaurant Insp. Scores
Chicago Food Inspections - Restaurant Insp. Scores-
Displays the Chicago Restaurant/Establishment inspection details for the previous few days.<br><br>This information is derived from inspections of restaurants and other food establishments in Chicago. Inspections are performed by staff from the Chicago Department of Public Health’s Food Protection P
ইনস্টল করুন
Missouri Farmers Markets - Fresh Organic Food Now
Missouri Farmers Markets - Fresh Organic Food Now-
Find local farmers markets in Missouri.
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New York Food Inspections - New York Food Health
New York Food Inspections - New York Food Health-
This app provides a list of the most recent retail food inspections in the New York area. The list view allows for users to drill down into a detail view of the inspection. There is also a map view that displays all of these recent food inspections.<br><br>Useful health and safety information to be
ইনস্টল করুন
Baltimore Farmers Markets - Organic And Fresh Food
Baltimore Farmers Markets - Organic And Fresh Food-
Easily locate fresh and organic food near you with this app. Find Baltimore farmers markets.
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King County Food Inspections - Washington Standard
King County Food Inspections - Washington Standard-
Recent Health Department inspection results for food service establishments in King County. This data is organized by Inspection Date. Each row in this dataset is an inspection, and if an inspection at a particular buiness results in multiple violations there will be multiple rows for that business
ইনস্টল করুন
Montgomery Food Inspections - Maryland County Food
Montgomery Food Inspections - Maryland County Food-
The Licensure &amp; Regulatory Services Program inspects all licensed retail food establishments in Montgomery County for a variety of reasons (e.g. obtaining a permit, regular check-ups, or in response to complaints.) Included in this overall surveillance are two types of inspections that are condu
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New York City Farmers Markets - Find Markets Close
New York City Farmers Markets - Find Markets Close-
Location and facility information for New York City farmers markets.
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San Francisco Food Inspections - California Health
San Francisco Food Inspections - California Health-
The Health Department has developed an inspection report and scoring system. After conducting an inspection of the facility, the Health Inspector calculates a score based on the violations observed. Violations can fall into:high risk category: records specific violations that directly relate to the
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