Timo Baur
আরও Timo Baur
Celebrity Fan Quiz - 1D One Direction edition
Celebrity Fan Quiz - 1D One Direction edition-
This is your chance to prove you are the ultimate 1D fan.<br><br>With full Game Center integration you can see how you score vs. fans from all over the world...<br><br>...can you make it to the very top of the global leaderboard and prove you are the number 1 fan of all time?<br><br>With 5 different
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Celebrity Fan Quiz - Kim Kardshian edition
Celebrity Fan Quiz - Kim Kardshian edition-
This is your chance to prove you are the ultimate Kim Kardashian fan.<br><br>With full Game Center integration you can see how you score vs. fans from all over the world...<br><br>...can you make it to the very top of the global leaderboard and prove you are the number 1 fan of all time?<br><br>With
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Celebrity Fan Quiz - Drake edition
Celebrity Fan Quiz - Drake edition-
This is your chance to prove you are the ultimate Drake fan.<br><br>With full Game Center integration you can see how you score vs. fans from all over the world...<br><br>...can you make it to the very top of the global leaderboard and prove you are the number 1 fan of all time?<br><br>With 5 differ
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Learn German - Pronunciation, Dictionary, Flash-Cards & Fun Language Study Games To Improve & Test Your German Vocabulary
Learn German - Pronunciation, Dictionary, Flash-Cards & Fun Language Study Games To Improve & Test Your German Vocabulary-
Learn German Now was designed by a team of Modern Languages and Linguistics graduates from Oxford University.<br><br>It has been designed for newbies and intermediates alike to help you increase your vocabulary in a fun and interactive manner.<br><br>It contains 36 language packs and 1000+ words and
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Celebrity Fan Quiz - Rihanna edition
Celebrity Fan Quiz - Rihanna edition-
This is your chance to prove you are the ultimate Rihanna fan.<br><br>With full Game Center integration you can see how you score vs. fans from all over the world...<br><br>...can you make it to the very top of the global leaderboard and prove you are the number 1 fan of all time?<br><br>With 5 diff
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Learn Spanish - Pronunciation, Dictionary, Flash-Cards & Fun Language Study Games To Improve & Test Your Spanish Vocabulary
Learn Spanish - Pronunciation, Dictionary, Flash-Cards & Fun Language Study Games To Improve & Test Your Spanish Vocabulary-
Learn Spanish Now was designed by a team of Modern Languages and Linguistics graduates from Oxford University.<br><br>It has been designed for newbies and intermediates alike to help you increase your vocabulary in a fun and interactive manner.<br><br>It contains 36 language packs and 1000+ words an
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Celebrity Fan Quiz - Skrillex edition
Celebrity Fan Quiz - Skrillex edition-
This is your chance to prove you are the ultimate Skrillex fan.<br><br>With full Game Center integration you can see how you score vs. fans from all over the world...<br><br>...can you make it to the very top of the global leaderboard and prove you are the number 1 fan of all time?<br><br>With 5 dif
ইনস্টল করুন
تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية الآن - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Arabic Words
تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية الآن - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Arabic Words-
تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية الآن تم تصميمه من قبل فريق من طلبة اللغات الحديثة واللغويات حديثى التخرج من جامعة أكسفورد.<br>وقد تم تصميمه للمبتدئين والمتوسطين على حد سواء لمساعدتك على زيادة كلماتك اللغوية بطريقة ممتعة وتفاعلية.<br>فهو يحتوي على 36 من حزم اللغات ونحو + 1000 كلمة وعبارة لتتعلمها ويغطي جميع جو
ইনস্টল করুন
Englisch Lernen - Learn English & American Vocabulary from German Words
Englisch Lernen - Learn English & American Vocabulary from German Words-
Jetzt Englisch Lernen wurde von einem Team aus Absolventen der Studiengänge Moderne Sprachen und Linguistik der Oxford University entwickelt.<br><br>Die App wurde für Anfänger genau wie Fortgeschrittene entwickelt, um bei der Erweiterung des Wortschatzes auf spielerische und interaktive Art zu unter
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Learn Italian - Pronunciation, Dictionary, Flash-Cards & Fun Language Study Games To Improve & Test Your Italian Vocabulary
Learn Italian - Pronunciation, Dictionary, Flash-Cards & Fun Language Study Games To Improve & Test Your Italian Vocabulary-
Learn Italian Now was designed by a team of Modern Languages and Linguistics graduates from Oxford University.<br><br>It has been designed for newbies and intermediates alike to help you increase your vocabulary in a fun and interactive manner.<br><br>It contains 36 language packs and 1000+ words an
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现在学英语 - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Chinese Words
现在学英语 - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Chinese Words-
“现在学英语”是由一个来自牛津大学现代语言与语言学的毕业生团队设计而成。<br><br>它的设计面向初级学习者和中级学习者,帮助你以有趣互动的方式来增加词汇量。<br><br>它包含36种语言包以及1000个以上的单词和短语供你学习,涵盖现代生活中的各个领域,包括旅游、娱乐和技术等。<br><br>免费提供5种语言包(100个以上的单词)。只需升级便可使用全部36种语言包(1000个以上的单词)。<br>闪卡训练区能让你学习单词,并在应用中听到英语为母语的人士朗读单词。<br><br>四款迷你游戏帮助你测试并巩固所学的每一个单词包:<br><br>大熊选词闪卡 - 为熊先生展示的卡片匹配正确的
ইনস্টল করুন
Impara l'Inglese Ora - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Italian Words
Impara l'Inglese Ora - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Italian Words-
Impara l'Inglese Ora è stato progettato da un team di laureati di Lingue Moderne e Linguistica presso l'Università di Oxford.<br><br>E' studiato per principianti e intermedi, per aiutarli ad ampliare il proprio vocabolario in modo divertente e interattivo. <br><br>Contiene 36 pacchetti lingue e oltr
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Пора Учить Английский! - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Russian Words
Пора Учить Английский! - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Russian Words-
Выучите английский благодаря специальному приложению, разработанному выпускниками лингвистов Оксфордского Университета.<br><br>Приложение было разработано для новичков и для тех, кто уже знаком с языком. Оно поможет пополнить словарный запас в веселой интерактивной форме.<br><br>Приложение содержит
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Aprende Inglés Ya! -Learn English & American Vocabulary from Spanish Words
Aprende Inglés Ya! -Learn English & American Vocabulary from Spanish Words-
"Aprende Inglés Ya!" fue diseñado por un equipo pertenecientes al "Modern Languages and Linguistics" de la Universidad de Oxford.<br><br>Es ideal para usuario que inician o usuarios con conocimiento intermedio que desean aumentar su vocabulario de manera divertida e interactiva.<br><br>Contiene 36 p
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Ingilizce öğren - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Turkish Words
Ingilizce öğren - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Turkish Words-
Learn English bir Now Modern Diller ekibi ve Oxford Üniversitesi'nden Dilbilim mezunları tarafından tasarlanmıştır.<br><br>Bu hem yeni başlayanlar hem de orta seviyedekiler için, eğlenceli ve interaktif bir şekilde kelime dağcığınızı artırmak amacıyla tasarlanmıştır.<br><br>Bu öğrenmeniz için 36
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Aprender Inglês Agora - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Portuguese Words
Aprender Inglês Agora - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Portuguese Words-
Aprender Inglês Agora foi projetado por uma equipe de graduados em Línguas e Linguísticas Modernas da Universidade de Oxford.<br><br>Foi feito para iniciantes e intermediários para ajudar você a aumentar seu vocabulário de uma maneira divertida e interativa.<br><br>Contém 36 grupos de linguagens e 1
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học tiếng Anh - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Vietnamese Words
học tiếng Anh - Learn English & American Vocabulary from Vietnamese Words-
Học tiếng Anh được thiết kế bởi một nhóm Nhà Ngôn ngữ học và Ngôn ngữ Hiện đại đã tốt nghiệp từ trường Đại học Oxford.<br><br>Phần mềm được thiết kế dành cho người mới học và người ở trình độ trung bình để giúp bạn tăng vốn từ vựng theo cách vui vẻ và có tính tương tác.<br><br>Phần mềm bao gồm 36 gó
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