Daniel Furrer
Mehr von Daniel Furrer
Garden Feng-Shui
Garden Feng-Shui-
Congratulations on having decided to design your garden based on Feng-Shui. The aim of this app it to support you by giving you the necessary recommendations for your garden. Many Feng Shui recommendations depend on the compass directions. That is why you will first create a new garden layout and
Chord dice
Chord dice-
Many modern songs are based on a maximum of six chords, which corresponds to the number of eyes in a dice. So we had the idea to create a dice with chords and play the diced combination. This way, interesting and creative combinations can be created in a playful way. Instead of recording chords, yo
Urinary incontinence -- when you can't control your bladder -- is a treatable condition. To get you the right treatment, your doctor will need to find the cause of your problem.  With this app you can keep a record of how much you drink and how often you pee, which will help the doctor to find the
Mein Gartenjahr
Mein Gartenjahr-
Our garden looks different every year depending on the weather and the choice of plants. But do you remember what it looked like this time of year last year? You can use this app to capture the garden year in pictures and with a short text. With this you can get inspiration for the current year or
Mein Gartenquiz
Mein Gartenquiz-
The app has a total of 16 quizzes with 240 questions and covers the topics of biological plant protection, garden soil and garden plants. It also includes three image quizzes. Read the question and select the correct answer by pressing the corresponding button. If the answer is correct, a green di
Online Spendings
Online Spendings-
Online spendings, especially the small ones, can sum up to a considerable amount by the end of the month. We have focused on simplicity. Just enter the amount and the title of the spend to have transparency over your costs. But if you need more information you can add additional information like
Plant diseases and pests
Plant diseases and pests-
We have trained a machine learning model to detect plant diseases and pests with photos. Take or load a photo of the infested leaf, fruit or of the insect and the app will detect the plant disease respectively the pest. It will then load the description and image from the identified disease or pes
Mein Garten Tagebuch
Mein Garten Tagebuch-
Are you like me? Some plants have to be fertilized or protected from diseases at regular intervals. But when was the last fertilization?  My garden diary helps you keep a better overview. In doing so, this app focuses on the most important garden activities like fertilizing, pruning, plant protectio
My list of tasks
My list of tasks-
The purpose of this app is to enable a quick overview of your tasks. If you are on the move and something comes you to your mind, then you can grab your iPhone or use your Apple Watch and enter the task into this application in a simple and fast way. You can just enter the name of the task and comp
Garten Adventskalender
Garten Adventskalender-
Every day you come across new tips on the subject of gardening and on some days you can test your knowledge with a quiz. There are also three little surprises waiting for you that will not be revealed here. Switch from portrait to landscape to load a new background,