HongLin Li
Mehr von HongLin Li
GIF Keyboard Maker-image&photo to Gifs|Gif editor
GIF Keyboard Maker-image&photo to Gifs|Gif editor-
The world’s most popular of GIF maker, now on your mobile phone! GIF Keyboard Maker for iOS is the fastest, simplest way to make pictures or photos to GIFs from all of your favorite albums.<br> <br>If there’s a saying that social application is the must-have app on your iPhone, then this app is also
French Learning-Learn French Quick(A month)
French Learning-Learn French Quick(A month)-
French Learning App provides you a relaxing and interactive way of learning a new language. You will have continuous opportunities to practice your mastery of the language by constantly interact with the software by connecting words with pronunciation and translation to confirm their meaning.<br>- L
Meditation Timer-Mindfulness Let you sleep better
Meditation Timer-Mindfulness Let you sleep better-
Meditation Timer is a very simple App for you!<br>All you need to do is download the app . Then just sit back, relax and breathe,then relief your anxiety,stress and depression.<br>Meditation Timer is a wonderful app for mindfulness and meditation to bring more clarity, joy and peace to your daily li
Thesaurus-English to Chinese Dictionary&Traductor
Thesaurus-English to Chinese Dictionary&Traductor-
Thesaurus-English to Chinese Dictionary&amp;Traductor<br>This is t A app to translate English to Chinese.<br><br>Features:<br>-Includes more than 1000K words and expressions<br>-Easy to use, fast, works offline.<br>-Translates words directly in web browsers and other apps.<br>-With pronunciation of
Japanese Dictionary&Translator
Japanese Dictionary&Translator-
Learn Japanese By Japanese Translator&amp;Dictionary<br>This is t A app to translate English to Japanese, for these who want to learn Japanese by english and who want to learn english by Japanese.<br>Features:<br>-Includes more than 1000K words and expressions<br>-Easy to use, fast, works offline.<b
Math Problem Solver-1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade Math
Math Problem Solver-1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade Math-
Math Problem Solver-Teach your chirdren how to solve the math problem in a interest way!<br>We make math fun &amp; engaging. It’s easy to make you chirld Increase Scores &amp; Get Ahead in Math. The most important thing is that the chirld will very intersting in math through this APP.<br><br>1-4 Gra
GRE-GRE Exam,Practice Tests Edition
GRE-GRE Exam,Practice Tests Edition-
Do you want to pass the GRE Exam on your first attempt?<br><br>Study smart and save time. Let GRE App help you master the GRE so that you can focus on the rest of your application and begin your grad school journey.<br><br>Have questions, feedback or suggestions? Reach out to us at iknowyouarebest@1
USCIS-USCIS prep Editon & practice for 2018
USCIS-USCIS prep Editon & practice for 2018-
Do you want to pass the USCIS Exam on your first attempt?<br><br>If you are considering applying for your US Citizenship, then an important part of the procedure will be the Citizenship Test administered during your interview. <br><br>Features:<br><br>-Over 1,000 USCIS questions with detailed answer
Python-Learn to code with Python Quiz
Python-Learn to code with Python Quiz-
Python- is an app for testing and improving your knowledge of Python 2.x concepts! Questions range from basics of programming to highly Python specific, possibly unexpected ways to write your code. Whether you are a Python novice or an experienced Python coder, there will be challenging questions fo
GRE-GRE Prep,Practice Tests Edition 2018
GRE-GRE Prep,Practice Tests Edition 2018-
Do you want to pass the GRE Exam on your first attempt?<br><br>Study smart and save time. Let GRE App help you master the GRE so that you can focus on the rest of your application and begin your grad school journey.<br><br>The first step is download this GRE App, and learn from it step by step.<br><
美颜照片编辑-照片制作音乐电子相册短视频<br>一个可以把你生活中的照片打造成精美的影片视频神器,你可以选取你喜欢的视频背景音乐和视频的效果(模版), 它操作简便且易于使用,降低了视频制作的门槛,几分钟内在iphone上就能制作出属于你的影片视频,是一个功能强大的视频制作软件,具有多种视频模板选择,只需简单几步就能制作精美的视频,能实时看到视频效果。<br> <br> 【个性模板】<br> 丰富的模板选择,自动让视频呈现不同风格!<br> 【绚丽特效】<br> 十几个特效粒子,一键呈现惊艳效果!<br> 【精美配乐】<br> 精选不同风格的背景音乐,搭
UI设计-专业的PS平面/室内设计学习软件<br><br>所有视频课程讲究贴近实战,老师采取案例式教学,真实的互联网设计项目,从立项,到需求分析,找设计思路,开始用PS作图,带你体验完整的互联网UI设计流程。<br><br>不仅仅是简单的PS修图,美工,更多的是传授专业的设计技能,学了就能应用到日常的设计工作中,全面提高你的设计技能。解决学习和工作中的难题。个性化的学习方案,根据学员感兴趣的内容自动匹配对应的课程。关注每一个设计人的职业成长。<br><br>好玩,有用的PS教程; <br>有效真实的设计癖手机版; <br>专业的设计教学视频播放平台设计狮;<br>丰富的设计素材觉色app;<b
Learn Korean(Hangul)With Scribe Origins Seris
Learn Korean(Hangul)With Scribe Origins Seris-
Learn Korean provides you a relaxing and interactive way of learning a new language. You will have continuous opportunities to practice your mastery of the language by constantly interact with the software by connecting words with pronunciation and translation to confirm their meaning.<br>- Learn Ko
Spanish Learning App-Learn Spanish Quick(A month)
Spanish Learning App-Learn Spanish Quick(A month)-
Spanish Learning App provides you a relaxing and interactive way of learning a new language. You will have continuous opportunities to practice your mastery of the language by constantly interact with the software by connecting words with pronunciation and translation to confirm their meaning.<br>-
Learn Japanese-Hiragana(Katakana)&kana(kanji)
Learn Japanese-Hiragana(Katakana)&kana(kanji)-
Learn Japanese provides you a relaxing and interactive way of learning a new language. You will have continuous opportunities to practice your mastery of the language by constantly interact with the software by connecting words with pronunciation and translation to confirm their meaning.<br>- Learn
新概念英语(New Concept English)作为全世界最为经典的英语学习的宝典,以其严密的体系性、严谨的科学性、精湛的实用性、浓郁的趣味性深受英语学习者的青睐。<br><br>新概念英语(New Concept English)作为一套优秀的英语学习教材,多年来深受中国广大英语学习者的信赖,新概念英语自1997年改版以来,在教学方面增加了大量的情景对话,教学内容更趋向于科学性、实用性。旨在提高学生听、说、读、写的综合能力,学员经过一段时间系统的学习后,其英语水平将会得到全面提高和质的飞跃。 <br>4、新概念英语第四册(高级班)<br>学习重点:第四册涵盖了文化、经济、哲学、艺术、体育