Andrew Putranto
أكثر من Andrew Putranto

Math Formula Dictionary5.0
Free Math Formula Dictionary Offline with a lot of mathematics formula.
Math Formula Dictionary Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• a lot of Math formula
• App is completely free, you don'تركيب .

Belajar Menulis Huruf5.0
Aplikasi untuk belajar menulis huruf dari huruf A sampai dengan Zتركيب .

Hardware Dictionary Offline5.0
Free Hardware Dictionary Offline with a lot of Words and Terms
Hardware Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• A lot of Words and Terms
• App is completely free, you don'tتركيب .

Genetics Dictionary Offline Free5.0
Free Genetics Dictionary Offline Free with thousand of Words and Terms.
Genetics Dictionary Offline Free Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Genetics Words and Terms
• App is cتركيب .

KJV Bible Dictionary:Offline5.0
King James Version Dictionary works offline and provides many words and terms for your bible study.
KJV Bible Dictionary Features :
- Thousand of Words and Terms
- Explanation for every words
- Quick search tool
- Bookmarks
- Historyتركيب .

Learn Java Programming Free5.0
If you are a computer science student or you are looking for a job in computers, learning Java programming language is a must for you. This app helps in learning Java programming language on the go. No book is needed , this app is sufficient to learn Java. No matter whether you are a beginner or an تركيب .

Dictionnaire Français5.0
Dictionnaire français Caractéristiques Hors ligne:
• Cette application fonctionne hors ligne - vous n'avez pas besoin d'une connexion Internet. Parfait pour vos voyages ou quand aucune connexion de données est disponible.
• Des milliers de mots et les termes
• App est entièrement gratuit, vous neتركيب .

Catholic Prayers : Offline4.5
Catholic Prayers Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• App is completely free, you don't have to pay anything ever!!
• Alphabetical listing
• A Quick Search toolتركيب .

Math Dictionary Offline4.0
Free Math Dictionary Offline with a lot of Words and Terms.
Math Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• A lot of Math Words and Terms
• App is completely free, you don't haتركيب .

Learn Excel Offline Free4.0
Learn Excel Offline is an interactive Excel learning guide which teaches you the most demanding functionality of Excel. This is an offline guide which don't need any active internet connection to learn.
We have covered almost all important corners of Excel which is going to help you a great deal in تركيب .

My IP Address Lookup Free3.8
Simple application for check your IP Address.
This application needs an internet connection.تركيب .

Biblical Dreams3.0
Biblical Dreams Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Biblical Dreams
• App is completely free, you don't have to pay anything ever!!
• Alphabetical listing
• A Search تركيب .

Diccionario Teológico3.0
Diccionario Teológico es una herramienta muy útil para todas aquellas personas que estudian Teología, la Biblia o simplemente quieren resolver alguna duda de conceptos relativos a esta doctrina. En ella encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para entender cualquier frase o idea sin problemas.
Esta herramتركيب .

Psychology Dictionary Offline3.0
Psychology Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Psychology Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Psychology Words and Terms
• App is completelتركيب .

Human Anatomy Dictionary Offline Free3.0
Free Human Anatomy Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Human Anatomy Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Human Anatomy Words and Terms
• تركيب .

Diccionario Hebreo Biblico3.0
Biblical Hebrew Dictionary is a tool with which you will be able to understand the meaning of the Hebrew words that appear in the Bible. With this dictionary you will be able to fully read the sacred texts of Christianity, being able to understand every last word contained in them.
This tool is diviتركيب .

Bible Characters Dictionary3.0
Bible Characters Dictionary helps students, students, teachers, teachers, or lecturers in understanding and remembering characters in the bible. Bible Characters Dictionary is equipped with a quick search system function that can find words that are desired or needed by the user.تركيب .

Biology Dictionary Offline2.5
Free Biology Dictionary Offline with a lot of Words and Terms.
Biology Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• a lot of Biology Words and Terms
• App is completely free, youتركيب .

XXX free game1.0
Stop wasting paper! Now you can play Tic Tac Toe on your ios device for free.
XXX Free game supports one player and two player gameplay, so you can play against another human or against your Android device.
XXX Free game provides a move randomization engine ensures that your device won't keep makiتركيب .

Law Dictionary Offline1.0
Law Engineering Dictionary Offline with a lot of Words and Terms.
Law Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• A lot of Law Words and Terms
• App is completely free, you don'تركيب .

Catholic Saints List Offline1.0
Catholic Saints List Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Saints Names
• App is completely free, you don't have to pay anything ever!!
• Alphabetical listing
• A Searتركيب .

Botany Dictionary Offline Free1.0
Free Botany Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Botany Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Botany Words and Terms
• App is completely free, تركيب .

Geology Dictionary Offline1.0
Free Geology Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Geology Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Geology Words and Terms
• App is completely frتركيب .

Medical Dictionary Offline1.0
Free Medical Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Medical Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Medical Words and Terms
• App is completely freتركيب .

Chemistry Dictionary Offline1.0
Free Chemistry Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Chemistry Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Chemistry Words and Terms
• App is completتركيب .

Computer Science Dictionary.1.0
Computer Science Dictionary helps students, students, teachers, teachers, or lecturers in understanding and remembering words and terms related to computer science. Computer Science Dictionary is equipped with a quick search system function that can find words that are desired or needed by the user.تركيب .

4096 Batik-
4096 Batik is a casual game in witch your goal is to combine the batik tiles until you reach the number 4096. A task that can be much harder than it seems.تركيب .

The Odd Game-
The Odd Game is a casual free game for your free time to train your brain and proof your math skills. Just select among odd or even in few seconds. If the time has passed, the game is over. You can compete with your friends using the leaderboard.تركيب .

Belajar Warna Indonesia-
Belajar Warna adalah aplikasi pendidikan yang membantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal berbagai macam warna. Mari kita ajak anak-anak untuk belajar mengenal berbagai macam warna sejak dini. Bersama Anak-anak akan dikenalkan pada dunia belajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Selesai belajar warna, mereka bتركيب .

Counting Kids-
Learn to add, substract , multiply, and divide numbers by quiz. First, choose play , and then the game you wants (either add,substraction,multiplication,or divide) . You can choose 1 from 4 available answers. if your answer is correct, the C number will increase, else W number will increase (C for cتركيب .

Liquid Bubble-
What is Liquid Bubble? It is a fun and addictive bubble shooter game!<br><br>Another classic bubble match-three game come to iOS.<br>Get Required snow crystal on the top of screen to level up,and try to get 3 stars on each level.<br><br>How to play:<br>1.Tap where you want the bubble.<br>2.To group تركيب .

Harpa Crista (Bible Hymns in Portuguese Free)-
Com o aplicativo da Harpa Cristã você tem disponíveis todos os Hinos da Harpa, além de escolher seus hinos favoritos, compartilhar as letras dos hinos e buscar hinos de maneira eficiente pelo nome ou pelo número.تركيب .

Obat Generik-
Obat Generik adalah nama obat yang sama dengan zat aktif berkhasiat yang dikandungnya, sesuai nama resmi International Non Propietary Names yang telah di tetapkan dalam Farmakope Indonesia. Contohnya: Parasetamol, Antalgin, Asam Mefenamat, Amoksisilin, Cefadroxyl, Loratadine, Ketoconazole, Acyclovirتركيب .

Indonesia Merdeka-
Indonesia Merdeka adalah game kuis yang menguji pengetahuanmu seputar kemerdekaan Indonesia. Selamat merayakan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Merdeka!تركيب .

4096 Halloween-
4096 Halloween is a casual game with halloween theme in which your goal is to combine the tiles until you reach the number 4096. A task that can be much harder than it seems.<br><br>The player moves all tiles at the same time by swiping up, down, left, right. When two tiles with the same value get iتركيب .

Love Story Book-
Most romantic love stories contains true love stories from all over the world. Everyone searching for true love in the world. Love if we define the word than its just the most precious time of life, the feelings that never ends, the beauty that never get dull, relation that is above all relations. Gتركيب .

Resep Kue Basah-
Resep Kue Basah adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara dengan bahan dasar Kue Basah.تركيب .

Resep Kue Kering Indonesia-
Resep Kue Kering adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara dengan bahan dasar Kue Kering.تركيب .

Plat Nomor Polisi-
Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor (TNKB), atau sering kali disebut plat nomor atau nomor polisi (nopol), adalah plat aluminium tanda kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia yang telah didaftarkan pada Kantor Bersama Samsat.<br>Plat nomor adalah salah satu jenis identifikasi kendaraan bermotor untuk mobil dan mتركيب .

Rice Recipes Yummy-
From simple to complex rice recipes here in this App. Find out your favorite and have some fun cooking for your family or friends. There are different kinds of rice and different ingredients to make it.تركيب .

French Synonyms Dictionary-
French synonyms dictionary provides thousands of french synonyms. This apps works offline and does not require an internet connection.
French Synonyms Features:
- Thousands of words and terms
- Works offline
- Quick search functionتركيب .

Software Dictionary Offline-
Free Software Dictionary Offline with a lot of Words and Terms
Software Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• A lot of Words and Terms
• App is completely free, you don't تركيب .

Doctor Dictionary Offline-
Free Doctor Dictionary Offline with thousand of Words and Terms.
Doctor Dictionary Offline Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Medical Related Words and Terms
• App is completتركيب .

Resep Es Indonesia-
Resep Es Indonesia adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara dengan bahan dasar Es.تركيب .

Resep Masakan Bayi-
Resep Masakan Bayi adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara untuk bayi.تركيب .

Resep Sarapan Pagi-
Resep Sarapan Pagi adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara untuk sarapan di pagi hari.تركيب .

Bible Wörterbuch-
Bible Wörterbuch Offline Features:
• Diese App funktioniert offline - Sie brauchen keine Internetverbindung. Perfekt für Ihre Reisen oder wenn keine Datenverbindung vorhanden ist.
• Tausende von biblischen Worten und Begriffen
• App ist völlig kostenlos, Sie müssen nicht alles bezahlen!
• Alphabتركيب .

Bible Dictionary : Offline-
Bible Dictionary Offline works offline and also provides reference and definition to many Biblical words. The compilation of definitions and proper terms for Biblical words with online verse reference, allows users to define and analyse in depth meanings. Discover the meaning of words and study themتركيب .

Bitcoin Universal Converter-
Bitcoin Universal Converter is an utility that let you know the current value of one BitCoin in different currencies like USD, EUR, AUD, NOK, BRL, GBP, etc.<br>You can convert BTC value into your currency.<br>* Always Free<br>* More than 33 Currencies supported<br><br>Supported currencies:<br>AUD - تركيب .

Dictionnaire Sante-
Tous les mots sont liés à la santé de leur courte définition afin que vous puissiez comprendre le mot facilement, il est avery utile et convivial dans la nature. Option de recherche est également disponible pour découvrir un mot.تركيب .

Pasta Recipes Yummy-
From simple to complex pasta recipes here in this App. Find out your favorite and have some fun cooking for your family or friends. There are different kinds of pasta and different ingredients to make it, choose your favorite and enjoying the most delicious dishes.تركيب .

Resep Mie Indonesia-
Resep Mie Indonesia adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara dengan bahan dasar Mie.تركيب .

Resep Sup Indonesia-
Resep Sup Indonesia adalah aplikasi yang berisi aneka resep masakan sup Indonesia / Nusantara .تركيب .

Biologia Dicionario-
Molto cordiale e disponibile in natura .contain tutti i termini biologici con breve descrizione per capire l'opzione di ricerca term.contain per scoprire la parola.تركيب .

Resep Ayam Indonesia-
Resep Ayam Indonesia adalah aplikasi aneka resep masakan Indonesia / Nusantara dengan bahan dasar ayam.تركيب .

Bible Names and Meaning-
Bible Names and Meaning Features :
• This app works offline – you do not need an internet connection. Perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available.
• Thousands of Bible Names and Meaning
• App is completely free, you don't have to pay anything ever!!
• Alphabetical listing
• Aتركيب .

Physics Dictionary Offline-
Physics Dictionary Offline helps students, teachers, or lecturers in understanding and remembering physics words and terms. Physics Dictionary Offline is equipped with a quick search system function for find words that are desired or needed by the user.
Physics Dictionary Offline Features :
- Thisتركيب .

Russian Synonyms Dictionary-
Russian Synonyms Dictionary helps students, teachers, or lecturers in understanding and remembering russian synonyms. Russian Synonyms Dictionary is equipped with a fast search system function that can find words that are desired or needed by the user.
Russian Synonyms Dictionary Features :
- Thisتركيب .

Zoology Dictionary Offline-
Zoology Dictionary Offline helps students, teachers, or lecturers in understanding and remembering characters related to zoology. Zoology Dictionary Offline is equipped with a quick search system function that can find words that are desired or needed by the user.
Zoology Dictionary Offline Featureتركيب .

Learn PHP Programming Free-
If you are a computer science student or you are looking for a job in computers, learning PHP programming language is a must for you. This app helps in learning PHP programming language on the go. No book is needed , this app is sufficient to learn PHP. No matter whether you are a beginner or an advتركيب .
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