More by Megalusion
빠른 초성 변환 (Speed Chosung Change)
빠른 초성 변환 (Speed Chosung Change)-
- Speed Chosung Change<br><br>아이폰에서 초성 검색을 사용하기 위해, 초성 인덱스를 만들어 주는 앱 입니다.<br><br>사용자의 이름, 성, 전화번호 뒷자리를 이용해 닉네임 필드에 초성 인덱스를 만들어 저장합니다.
Message Box - Save Your Message
Message Box - Save Your Message-
First, save recipients and message.<br><br>Second, touch and send it
Copy & Paste Manager
Copy & Paste Manager-
It's Copy &amp; Paste Manager.<br><br>Save text, and Touch it.<br>Save image, and Touch it.<br><br>And Paste or Share to other apps.
Safe Note (Walk, Type & Camera)
Safe Note (Walk, Type & Camera)-
Type text and take a shot while walking.<br><br>Let's Walk Safely!!<br><br>Safe Not has the special window connected to camera.<br><br>You can type some text and watch in front of you simultaneously.<br><br>Text can be shared to your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Email, Message. It can be copied to
Secure Camera
Secure Camera-
It's a fantastic Camera Application<br><br> - In-app Album<br> - Passcode Lock<br> - White Balance / Auto Expose Adjustment<br> - Timer Mode<br> - Burst Mode<br> - 6 Quality<br>- Manual Focus, Exposure<br>- Camera Zoom<br>- Face Detection<br>- Video Stabilization<br>- Interaction with Other App<br>-
Secure Camera Pro
Secure Camera Pro-
If you have a trouble when you trying to save to camera roll, <br>turn on privacy setting in Settings &gt; Privacy &gt; Settings &gt; SecureCamera. <br><br>It's a fantastic Camera Application <br><br>- In-app Album <br>- Passcode Lock <br>- White Balance / Auto Expose Adjustment <br>- Timer Mode <br