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Bullet Train "Shinkansen" GO2
Bullet Train "Shinkansen" GO25.0
Shinkansen trains mental training game2. The latest Shinkansen trains loved by boys. Heaps of Shinkansen trains extremely popular with kids! Fun for babies, infants and children. Kids just touch a Shinkansen train along with music and listen to the different sounds. Fully loaded latest launch of m
怖い話はお好きですか?ご覧になる覚悟はありますか? あなたの想像を超える恐怖体験を…洒落怖な話、意味怖な話、実話、都市伝説、ホラー話、オカルト話を大量に収録しました。 そしてこのアプリはただ怖い話を「読む」だけじゃない。珠玉の演出と仕掛けであなたの恐怖度を最高潮に。 いきなりXXXがXXXしたり、意味がわかるとXXXしてしまったり。 ほんとにあった怖い話から2ちゃんねるでも知る人ぞ知る怖い話や人気ランキングの高い話が勢揃い。 《新作追加タイミングについて》 2週間に1度、新作が6話ずつ追加されます。 新作が追加されるとプッシュ通知が届くので設定でONにしておこう! Ver.2.0.0より
Play & Sound DINOSAUR Touch!
Play & Sound DINOSAUR Touch!5.0
This is Dinosaur Edition popular with boy! Free app for the baby , infant, children. Play and touching Dinosaur with roar! It is an application that baby stop crying in the educational game full of fun. ●Age This app is for toddler and children 5 years old from 1 year old ● Features - There
Game like a kitty -Mouse Tapping Game
Game like a kitty -Mouse Tapping Game5.0
This is a game for kids. but its like a "of the cats, by the cats, for the cats!". The game that kids play acting like a cats. Place the game in front of your kids(acting like a cat), have her/him tap and catch mice running across the screen. It’s a nice, fun and quite absorbing pastime game for all
Attack on Flappin HARD ver. - for attack on titan
Attack on Flappin HARD ver. - for attack on titan4.0
This is very very hard ver. of "Attack on Flappin". Try to get high score! if you can! The game combines "Attack on Titan" and "flappy bird" soldiers are Vowing revenge and to reclaim the world from the Titans. Join the Survey Corps! Go to outside of wall! and through the pipes! Flap your 3DMG
Attack on Flappin -Tribute for  Attack on Titan -
Attack on Flappin -Tribute for Attack on Titan -3.7
This is The game combines "Attack on Titan" and "flappy bird" #We just release "Very Very HARD version" Check our "View More by This Developer". Try to get high score, if you can :) soldiers are Vowing revenge and to reclaim the world from the Titans. Join the Survey Corps! Go to outside of wall!
Yokai touch for kids app
Yokai touch for kids app1.0
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch Monster "Yokai" cartoon characters, those will be moved and made fun sounds! and sometime they scare your kids ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old, 2years old, 3 years old, 4 years old and 5 years old ● appearance
Kids picture book game - Momotaro
Kids picture book game - Momotaro-
This is All Free picture book for Kids! Story is Momotaro that is Japanese an old tale. Even you and kids don't know story, you and kids can have a fun with characters action and sounds! Kids can play to touch characters. When kids touch characters, that make fun sounds and moving! So it's good
It is a fan simple game “Mr.Takoda” for free. <br><br>Fan game to devote for “Mr.Takoda” lovers to the whole world! <br><br>While escape the looming wall down, compete for high scores game!<br>More and more get away down by operating the popular character!<br><br>You can choose from the control are
Fairy tale characters for kids app
Fairy tale characters for kids app-
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch fairy tale characters, those will be moved and made fun sounds! ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old, 2years old, 3 years old, 4 years old and 5 years old ● appearance - Little Red Riding Hood - Alice's Adventures i
これは若き日の黄門様の物語です。 皆が知る、世のため人のために活躍する黄門様になるずっと昔の若かりし時、ちょっとしたキッカケから、横柄で横暴でブラックなパワハラ黄門と化した黄門様が、家来のスッケとカックを連れて、一目惚れした町娘を様々な困難を持ち前のパワハラさと印籠パワーで切り抜けながら探しまくる物語なのです。 印籠パワハラや斬り捨てゴメンな御一行様が、様々な困難や敵と戦いながら、少しずつ町娘に近づいていく様が描かれています。 進めば進むほど、萌で超美少女の町娘の姿がはっきりと見えてきて、また物語の展開が分かる、全く新しい放置系育成型のアクションアドベンチャーゲームです。 - ゲームバ
Catch Insect!
Catch Insect!-
This app is educational game to tap the cool insects to match the fun music from baby and children. This app is completely free. Let’s play with a sound by tapping the cool&cute insect character like a puzzle. ■ stage introduction -Beetle stage Giant beetle, Hercules Beetle, Caucasus Beetle, Neptu
Sweets Touch for Kids App
Sweets Touch for Kids App-
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch cute kawaii Sweets characters, those will be moved and made fun sounds! ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old, 2years old, 3 years old, 4 years old and 5 years old ● appearance - Candy - Cookie - Jelly - P
Fun MOVING Working Vehicles
Fun MOVING Working Vehicles-
MOVING Working Vehicle! Free app for the baby , infant, children. “MOVING! play and touching Japanese cartoon anime icons” It is an application that baby stop crying in the educational game full of fun. ●Age This app is for toddler and children 5 years old from 1 year old ● Features - There
Dinosaur Puzzle - easy fun toy
Dinosaur Puzzle - easy fun toy-
Educational puzzle game that is fitted with swipe the Dinosaur to match the Fun music to children from a baby!It’s completely free. - Let’s complete the puzzle by simple operation! - Difficulty from children to adults can enjoy - I can enjoy free stage 5 in total. - Children will delight in the
Baby Toy -Monster Touch!
Baby Toy -Monster Touch!-
It is an application to play with "interesting monster" popular with children. In this application, the monster rampage function is installed! Children can play with a favorite hit. Touch illustrations of popular monsters for boys and girls, together with music. Gao! It is an easy kid app that pla
【閲覧注意】呪怨人形 -見てはいけない呪いのホラーアプリ-
【閲覧注意】呪怨人形 -見てはいけない呪いのホラーアプリ--
最”狂”のホラーノベルゲームをアナタに… ノベルホラーゲームで誰でも簡単に絶望と恐怖が楽しめます。 スマホでしか体験出来ない怖すぎるグラフィック、サウンド、演出がアナタを待ち構えています。 ※このゲームにはトラウマになり得る恐怖演出や血などのグロテスクな表現が含まれています。 ※お部屋は真っ暗にしてヘッドホン推奨でお楽しみ下さい。 ※あまりの恐怖でも途中の脱出は出来ません。一度始めたら最後までお付き合い下さい。 ■■■あらすじ■■■ 弱小出版社に勤める主人公(由依)は上司から都市伝説を集めた記事を出すことを求められる。 街に赴き、人々が反応しそうなオカルト話を集めに行くのだが、道すがら出会
Train Game - Shinkansen GO
Train Game - Shinkansen GO-
Shinkansen trains mental training game. The latest Shinkansen trains loved by boys. Heaps of Shinkansen trains extremely popular with kids! Fun for babies, infants and children. Kids just touch a Shinkansen train along with music and listen to the different sounds. Fully loaded latest launch of me
Tap game - Japanese Train GO!
Tap game - Japanese Train GO!-
Limited express trains mental training game. The latest trains and popular trains of the past year gathered! Heaps of Limited express trains extremely popular with kids! Fun for babies, infants and children. Kids just touch a Shinkansen train along with music and listen to the different sounds. Fu
Japanese"Limited Express" GO!2
Japanese"Limited Express" GO!2-
It is an educational train game with Kyushu train as a motif! The latest trains and popular trains of the past year gathered! Heaps of Limited express trains extremely popular with kids! Fun for babies, infants and children. Kids just touch a Shinkansen train along with music and listen to the diff
app for kids - Fighting and Working  Vehicle
app for kids - Fighting and Working Vehicle-
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch Fighting vehicle, plane, battle ship and working vehicle, those will be moved and made fun sounds! ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old from 5 year old ● appearance - Battle ship - Tanks - Fighting vehicle - Fighte
Learning English Alphabet ABC
Learning English Alphabet ABC-
The alphabet version of the “ Touche de English” is released! Let’s have fun with English! This is an intellectual training App for babies and small children! It’s a free App. This is an intellectual App. By touching any character you like, you can hear native English speaker’s pronunciation. The
Fruit Touch for Kids App
Fruit Touch for Kids App-
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch cute kawaii fruit characters, those will be moved and made fun sounds! ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old, 2years old, 3 years old, 4 years old and 5 years old ● appearance - Apple - Orange - Grape -
This is a educational game to tap the cute characters to match the fun music from babies to children! It’s completely free. TINY TWIN BEARS official app! It is a reflex game to continue to tap the LuluLolo that more and more appear! Lulu is simple mode, Lolo is difficult mode. · How to Play 1. S
Baby game - Child Touch NIKORI&PERORI
Baby game - Child Touch NIKORI&PERORI-
This app is educational game to tap the cute characters to match the fun music from baby and children. This app is completely free. The official app of "NIKORI&PERORI" has appeared! You can play by clearing the issues related to food education at each stage. Let's play with a sound by tapping the c
Fighter aircraft - kids app
Fighter aircraft - kids app-
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch Many kinds of Fighter airplanes, those will be moved and made fun sounds! ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old from 5 year old ● appearance - Many Fighter aircrafts and more...
Touch Vegetable for kids app
Touch Vegetable for kids app-
This is FREE, fun, easy and simple App for kids! If kids touch cute kawaii vegetable characters, those will be moved and made fun sounds! ●Age This app is for toddler and children 1 years old, 2years old, 3 years old, 4 years old and 5 years old ● appearance - cabbage - Ellinghi - Japanese radi
Find the same images!
Find the same images!-
This is for Toddler Preschool Activities app is a collection of many working vehicles finding games for toddlers. Features: * Try to find the hidden object in all the clutter. Find it quickly for a higher bonus. * Designed for children -- no confusing menus or navigation. * Unlimited play! Each
Working vehicles Puzzles
Working vehicles Puzzles-
Educational puzzle game that is fitted with swipe the cute animal to match the Fun music to children from a baby!-Working vehicle. It’s completely free. - Let’s complete the puzzle by simple operation! - Difficulty from children to adults can enjoy - I can enjoy free stage 5 in total. - Childre
Luxury Trains GO! Train Game!
Luxury Trains GO! Train Game!-
This App is train game as popular Japanese Luxury Trains Which are loved by many boys! Heaps of Luxury Trains extremely popular with kids! Fun for babies, infants and children. Kids just touch a Luxury Trains along with music and listen to the different sounds. Fully loaded latest launch of mental
Kids game - Find Objects the bears’s school
Kids game - Find Objects the bears’s school-
Babies, children and adults is also happily play find objects game. the bears's school character appeared educational game to find Tap of! It is completely free. the bears's school official app! A lot of cute characters find puzzle game!   Main Features: -Find Objects in scenes that change every t
10万人以上が絶叫!人気の最恐"体感型"ホラーアプリ! 今作はネットで有名な『裏S区』や『帝国陸軍第126号井戸』、『3つの選択』等怒涛の作品を多数収録。 前作に増して恐怖増殖中!ただ"読む"だけじゃない、恐怖を倍増させる"仕掛け"から目を逸らすな! 怖い話はお好きですか?ご覧になる覚悟はありますか? あなたの想像を超える恐怖体験を…洒落怖な話、意味怖な話、実話、都市伝説、ホラー話、オカルト話を大量に収録しました。 そしてこのアプリはただ怖い話を「読む」だけじゃない。珠玉の演出であなたの恐怖度を最高潮に。 いきなりXXXがXXXしたり、意味がわかるとXXXしてしまったり。 ほんとにあっ
Bears’s school tap toy
Bears’s school tap toy-
This game is educational games that tap the cute character to match the fun music to children from a baby ! “the bears’s school” OFFICIAL Application! You can play around by tapping on various cute animals like a puzzle .   ■ introduction stage -Stage 1 Jackie, Roy, Hermann, Peter, Chucky, Toffee
Puzzle game -Kids Puzzle Animal Edition for baby
Puzzle game -Kids Puzzle Animal Edition for baby-
An educational puzzle game, from baby to child, swipe cute animals and fit with fun music! It's completely free. - Let's complete puzzle with easy operation! - Difficulty level, children to adults can enjoy - Enjoy total 9 stages for free. - All pieces have sound effects, children will enjoy - Suit
Moving Insect touch game
Moving Insect touch game-
This app is educational game app to tap the moving insects! with sound and action! completely free. Let’s play with a sound and action by tapping the cool & cute insect character like a puzzle. ■ stage introduction -Beetle stage Giant beetle, Hercules Beetle, Caucasus Beetle, Neptune Beetle, Jer f
Game like a kitty -Mouse Tapping Game 2
Game like a kitty -Mouse Tapping Game 2-
This is a game for kids. but its like a "of the cats, by the cats, for the cats! 2". The game that kids play acting like a cats. Place the game in front of your kids(acting like a cat), have her/him tap and catch mice running across the screen. It’s a nice, fun and quite absorbing pastime game for a
Touch & Move ! Working Vehicle
Touch & Move ! Working Vehicle-
This version is Working Vehicle ver! Free app for the baby , infant, children. “play and touching Japanese cartoon anime icons” It is an application that baby stop crying in the educational game full of fun. ●Age This app is for toddler and children 5 years old from 1 year old ● Features -
Kids game - Play and Sound!  TINY TWIN BEARS
Kids game - Play and Sound! TINY TWIN BEARS-
This game is educational games that tap the cute character to match the fun music to children from a baby ! Is completely free . TINY TWIN BEARS OFFICIAL Application! You can play around by tapping on various cute animals like a puzzle .   ■ introduction stage · Bathing Lulu, Lolo, Lulu (tie dress
Train Go Game
Train Go Game-
It is an educational game of private railways of Tokyo! Heaps of attractive trains loved by boys. From babies to toddlers to children can play the game. The game has combination of fun music. It makes sound when a kid touches the Shinkansen! In addition, children react by playing. It is a fully loa
Kids game -  TINY TWIN BEARS for baby infant child
Kids game - TINY TWIN BEARS for baby infant child-
TINY TWIN BEARS official game! This game is educational games that tap the cute character to match the fun music to children from a baby ! Is completely free . You can play around by tapping on various cute animals like a puzzle .