倩倩 皇甫
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Blood of Immortality
Blood of Immortality5.0
In Early Tang Dynasty, a mysterious murder was spread among the people. Was it did by ghosts? Or was it just a man-made conspiracy? Terrifying county government, houses full of puzzles, weird underground palace. How many secrets were hidden in them? This case is complicated and confusing. There se
Unlucky Boy Rescue 2
Unlucky Boy Rescue 25.0
Let's avoid the pitfalls hidden in our daily lives again. Can you free the protagonist from one trap after another? Try to solve funny puzzles at every level in this cool point and click game. 【How to play】 Click to find Projects can be used by drag and drop The acquired item is displayed at the b
陰陽鍋 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解謎遊戲
陰陽鍋 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解謎遊戲5.0
本是故人重逢時,誰知陰陽兩相隔。 自身已是不幸人,何苦再害他人魂。 民間傳說,鴛鴦鍋有一種說法也叫陰陽鍋。 中元節這天,生人吃紅鍋,死人吃白鍋,活人吃了紅鍋可以見到思念的故人。 《陰陽鍋》是一款中式恐怖懸疑劇情向解謎的遊戲。 故事發生在山城,整個故事都圍繞火鍋而展開。 火鍋、麻將、防空洞,給大家講述一個發生在山城的魔幻故事。 遊戲特色 真人配音,沉浸式遊戲體驗。 曲折故事離奇民俗,中元節的驚心動魄。 身陷詛咒,正邪難辨,一頓火鍋引出背後真凶!
引魂鈴 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解密遊戲
引魂鈴 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解密遊戲4.9
古籍有雲:“冥府之鈴,喚作引魂,有宋氏意外得此鈴,觸之,如入鬼神之境… ” 數百年後的豐州,天賦禀异的宋林繼承了引魂鈴,其馭鈴之術登峰造極,可入死者心牢探尋其生前記憶,憑此解决了不少本該成為千古謎雲的案件。 然而,宋林的引魂鈴不白搖,明碼標價一百兩黃金,遠非一般人所能承受,所以民間往往流傳的是他的另一個名字,“百兩不驗”——宋大人。 那麼這位宋大人,跟我們的故事有什麼關係呢? 上回書說: 王氏有君子,其名守玉,謙謙有禮,金榜題名。 錢氏有淑女,其名慧慧,亭亭玉立,待字閨中。 本以為,郎才女貌,應是一段千古佳話。 未曾想,陰陽兩隔,卻作一對苦命鴛鴦。 書接上回,各位看官,且看: 引魂師智解心
引魂鈴2破陣子 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解密遊戲
引魂鈴2破陣子 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解密遊戲4.9
魂鈴聲聲情綿綿,昔過奈何來生見 丹心壯志今宵訪,願做英烈大河山 遙遠邊關,軍營之中發現一名死狀蹊蹺的將士。宋林宋大人應邀前往調查,本想是一場簡單的兇殺案,不曾想突遭變故,竟使整個案件變得撲朔迷離。 於龐大的陰謀漩渦之中,背後究竟隱藏了怎樣的秘密?還未醒來的柳瑤還將遭遇何種事情,一切一切,又將要通過宋大人和他的冥府之鈴“引魂”一同揭曉。 《引魂鈴2破陣子》是一款國風懸疑探案解謎遊戲,延續了第一部的故事,依舊跟隨破案無數的宋林宋大人一起探索秘密揭露真相。 【遊戲特色】 遊戲世界觀放大,走出豐州譜寫更大的故事。 新老朋友的出現,帶來不同的故事和劇情發展。 場景風格和角色繪製也更精美。
Hidden my ramen by mom 3
Hidden my ramen by mom 34.8
Where is my ramen? My mom had to hide my ramen the third time.I have to find it. Mom will not let me eat ramen, hide my ramen. I want to eat ramen, I want to eat ramen every day. In the game you have to do everything possible to find ramen, and can not let mom find you. This is a very interesting
Finding wife's egg money
Finding wife's egg money4.8
Inside the cabinet? Under the bed? Where is my wife’s egg money hidden? Can you help me find out? My wife hid his egg money, I have to find it out, and I must not be discovered by my wife. [How to play] ·Click to find · Items can be used by drag and drop · The acquired item is displayed at the bot
Finding the Cat - Escape Game
Finding the Cat - Escape Game4.7
My cat couldn't find. It's like to play hide-and-seek with me. Where does it hide today? Inside the cabinet? Under the sofa? Or is it my bag? Warm style, cute cats, puzzles that open your brain hole. [How to play] ·Click to find · Items can be used by drag and drop · The acquired item is displayed
Cheating Exams Success
Cheating Exams Success4.7
The Exam is coming soon, I don't know how to complete the tests. It seems that I can only cheat. Can you help me? Game Rules: Before the end of each exam, find out different cheating props in the classroom.Do not be caught by the teacher, Sometimes can also learn from the answers of the classmates'
阿姐鼓2明王咒 - 中式恐怖民俗劇情解密遊戲
阿姐鼓2明王咒 - 中式恐怖民俗劇情解密遊戲4.7
那支撥浪鼓的聲響總迴盪在午夜夢回之際。 一如自己支離破碎的回憶,虞筧菲對過去的印像只有鼓聲,斷橋,和那個模糊的身影。 落葉尋根也好,心願難了也罷,有些事盤桓在心頭,終究得尋個說法。 那便歸去,到那個神秘山村,也是自己故土之地。 諸位請看,鼓聲已響,戲幕驟起。 醒木一拍,那說書人說: 路無盡,夜深深,心向未知那方行。 山嶺寂,月無聲,疑雲密布難見晴。 夢回難解心中疑。 鼓聲迷,身世尋,終返昌黎探究竟! 一個全新的故事,一場新的冒險,故事發生在一個叫做「昌黎村」的村莊,這次我們將更好地融合謎題和劇情、更流暢地講述故事和劇情、增加遊戲的趣味性和可玩性,同時將延續上作的民俗特色,讓我們和主角一起,
點燈2叩門怨 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解密遊戲
點燈2叩門怨 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解密遊戲4.6
《點燈2叩門怨》是一款粵語配音的中式懸疑劇情解謎遊戲,也是‘點燈’系列的第一部續作,人有三魂七魄,燈通陰陽兩界。我們試著以這個帶有神秘色彩的點燈儀式為引,講述發生在某個時空中的,關於一群人的故事。 這次的故事在全新的舞台,神秘的後鑼鎮。 神秘失踪的姐姐,當年到底得知了什麼不能言說的秘密。 而兇案頻發的後鑼鎮,又隱藏著怎樣的離奇陰謀。 為了得知一切真相,點燈祭魂的儀式,再次開場。 【故事背景】 後鑼鎮接連發生了兩起鎮民被惡鬼叩門後全家慘死的事,鎮民人心惶惶,每天祈福,希望惡鬼不要來敲自家的房門。點燈安魂的道士云蘇就是在這時被老馬請來了後鑼鎮。 【遊戲特色】 角色粵語配音,遊玩體驗更有沉浸感
陰陽鍋2同心劫 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解謎遊戲
陰陽鍋2同心劫 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解謎遊戲4.6
紅白參半陰陽斷,山城舊巷詭事現。 本是陰陽兩相逢,奈何生死難相見。 民間傳說,有一種神秘的火鍋叫做陰陽鍋。中元節這天,生人吃紅鍋,死人吃白鍋。還有一種火鍋,叫子母陰陽鍋,就是兩個同心圓的火鍋,大圓裡是紅鍋,中間的小圓裡是白鍋,你中有我,我中有你…… 一場不尋常的直播,一頓不尋常的火鍋。 當她不再是她,如何才能再找回摯愛。
Finding husband's egg money
Finding husband's egg money4.5
The husband hid his egg money, I want to find it out She must not be discovered by her husband, nor can be discovered by the charter woman. [How to play] ·Click to find · Items can be used by drag and drop · The acquired item is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
戲怨 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解謎遊戲
戲怨 - 密室逃脫類恐怖解謎遊戲4.5
戲台之上,千古往事談笑間。 戲台之外,聚散離合誰人看? 戲服殘破,寶劍也已鏽跡斑斑。 虞姬一曲千秋唱,從此烏江無故人。 三尺戲台上的最後一齣戲, 終是情深不抵緣淺, 一個轉身便是一輩子! 帷幕之後,究竟上演了怎樣的故事? 凋敝的戲院,又隱藏了怎樣的秘密? 《戲怨》是一款京劇題材的解謎遊戲,作為中國影響最大的劇種,京劇的傳承與發展離不開京劇戲班與民間曲調等的交流融合,這個故事發生在一個京劇戲班之中,講述了關於“一對名角兒”之間的糾葛。 【遊戲特色】 國風懸疑解謎,場景、謎題、劇情中加入了各種京劇元素。 劇情懸念升級,聯接不同的時空體驗不同的人生際遇。 謎題更具特色,更燒腦,難度逐漸升級。
The Conjuring
The Conjuring4.4
I was commissioned to come to a village, but when I came, I found that the village was very strange. Since a bride committed suicide half a year ago, the people in the village began to die slowly. All of a sudden, people were panicked, and the villagers moved out. And just a few days before I came,
Hidden my snacks by mom
Hidden my snacks by mom4.3
Where is my snacks? My mother hid my snacks, can you help me find it? This is a very interesting puzzle game, you need to use a variety of props to find the snacks, you not only to avoid all kinds of traps, but also to avoid being found by my mother! It was hidden by mom, so let's try and find it!
Hidden my ramen by mom
Hidden my ramen by mom4.2
My mother hides my ramen, can you help me find it? Mom will not let me eat ramen, hide my ramen. I want to eat ramen, I want to eat ramen every day. In the game you have to do everything possible to find ramen, and can not let mom find you. This is a very interesting puzzle game, you need to use a
Paparazzi Chase 2
Paparazzi Chase 24.1
Our protagonist has a dream of becoming a star But in real life there is always a trap for her And there is always a paparazzi photographed her when she was out. Let us help the protagonist please one by one trap in life Let paparazzi no chance to shoot the actress's ugly again. 【How to play】 ·Cli
Hidden my phone by mom
Hidden my phone by mom4.0
Where is my phone? My mom hide my phone.I have to find it. In the closet? On the bookshelf? Under the sofa? This is a very interesting puzzle game, you need to use a variety of props to find phone, not only to avoid all kinds of traps, but also to avoid being found by my mother! How to play It's v
Mischief To Couple 2 !
Mischief To Couple 2 !4.0
Try to solve funny puzzles at every level in this cool point and click game. The ex-boyfriend broke up with me and hurt my heart. How can I get him to be with him current girlfriend? I must tear them apart. This is a game of breaking loose couples. All you have to do is create traps and misundersta
Cat and Escape
Cat and Escape3.8
"Cat and Escape" will present three independent and complete stories for everyone. "Cat and Escape" --- Memory We need memory to determine our identity. When we find the missing part of ourselves, The closer you may be to the truth, the further away you may be from reality. Trapped in an empty secr
Unlucky Boy Rescue
Unlucky Boy Rescue3.7
Try to solve funny puzzles at every level in this cool point and click game. Let's avoid the pitfalls hidden in our daily lives. Can you free the protagonist from one trap after another? 【How to play】 Click to find Projects can be used by drag and drop The acquired item is displayed at the bottom
The Bride
The Bride3.7
An ancient and mysterious mountain, a mysterious village built on the mountain, Control corpse, exorcise insects, tame head, the bride of mountain god. It is complicated and mysterious, and it is terrifying and strange. the mantis stalking the cicada, and the siskin is behind—— Who is the mantis? Wh
Hidden my ramen by mom 2
Hidden my ramen by mom 23.4
Where is my ramen? My mom had to hide my ramen again.I have to find it. Mom will not let me eat ramen, hide my ramen. I want to eat ramen, I want to eat ramen every day. In the game you have to do everything possible to find ramen, and can not let mom find you. This is a very interesting puzzle ga
Haunted House - Escape game
Haunted House - Escape game3.3
Your grandfather, who has depended on each other since childhood, was hospitalized because of an accident, and is at stake. When grandpa was seriously ill and lay in bed, he held an old photo and muttered that the hairpin was missing. The photo is a photo of grandfather with a woman when he was youn
Hidden snacks
Hidden snacks3.2
Where is my snacks? My mom had to hide my snacks again.I have to find it. How to use Items can be used in the drag-and-drop. Humorous funny dream game. All kinds of bizarre dreams. Easy witty game process.
Unlucky Boy Rescue 3
Unlucky Boy Rescue 33.0
Let's avoid the pitfalls hidden in our daily lives again. Can you free the protagonist from one trap after another? Try to solve funny puzzles at every level in this cool point and click game. 【How to play】 Click to find Projects can be used by drag and drop The acquired item is displayed at the b
Who is The Murderer - Puzzle
Who is The Murderer - Puzzle2.5
If time could be back,what would it be? For most people, forgetting might be a good thing. This is a suspense and horror elements of the chinese-style plot puzzle game. The story takes place in the small town of Jiangnan in 1927. The young master kept vigil for his dead father, but he realized that
Go to the toilet
Go to the toilet-
I just want to go to the toilet. Why do you want to torture me like this?<br>Gunners, monsters, bears, and even Cupid! I just want to go to the toilet. Can you help me?<br><br>I really need you to use your ability to use all kinds of props to help me successfully enter the toilet. In the process, yo