Digifun Studios
Plus par Digifun Studios

Photo FX Editor – Cool Pic Frame & Instant Color effects5.0
Photo FX Editor is the premier way to take, edit and share your photo. The app is integrated with the Aviary photo editor. It is a fun and easy way to edit photos and share with apps like Instagram, What’s app, Pinterest, and many more. Your final image can be sent via e-mail, mms and uploaded direcInstallation

System Status - Battery & Network Manager4.2
Would you like to control and monitor all activity of your iOS devices then System Status Monitor is the perfect app for you people. System Status Monitor is the ultimate app for activity monitoring, managing and optimizing your device performance. It provides significant system status information sInstallation

Magic Mood - My Personal Mood Diary & Tracker3.9
Each new day brings a rainbow of emotions. With the good also comes the bad. Track your everyday mood with the Magic Mood iPhone app. It provides personal diary, mood tracker and mood journal to find out how good you are feelingInstallation

7 in 1 : Percentage Calculators Free3.3
7 in 1 : Percentage Calculator is a quick and easy way to solve
percentage related problems.
Calculations are now more quick, easy and accurate. 7 in 1 : Percentage Calculator is very useful to business professionals and studentInstallation

Bull Escape Free3.3
• Your Agility Will Be Improved!!! •
• Super Addictive Reaction Time Game! •
Bull Escape Free is a super addictive reaction time game, with strong visual design especially for the fan of reaction time based game. The objective is to blast the bull as soon as possible before it reach to limit line.Installation

WiFi & Router Password Finder3.0
WiFi & Router Password Finder is an offline application that helps you find the default passwords for more than 1,200 WiFi routers. The app provides various details like Vendor, Model, Version, Username and Password. This app can be very useful to recover password set by default for the model of youInstallation

Timer Auto Camera - Take best selfie every time!2.9
• Take perfect photo every time •
Timer Auto Camera can take photos very easily with self timer. It is the easiest way to take photos of a group or scene, families or friends, a travel self-portrait or selfie. You can set the timer simply with a slider. Once you are taking the photo it will let youInstallation

My Personal Secretary 2 – Live Text Translator2.8
*** 50% OFF for limited time ***
• A compact and easy to use live voice and text translator •
My Personal Secretary 2 is a powerful and energetic app that will help to break down language boundaries. It is fun and easy way to translate your voice, and read aloud the translate results. This app is Installation

My Personal Secretary - Voice Assistant2.7
• Unbelievable voice assistant who handles all of your typing job •
Are you one of them who really hate typing? Not to worry! My Personal Secretary – voice assistant is simplest way to type via your own voice. You can simply start speaking and your words are immediately converted into text. It willInstallation

Ruler : Measure With Phone2.3
With a single touch your iPhone or iPod Touch turns into a Top Accurate Ruler. EVERYONE NEEDS A RULER!
Ruler : Measure With Phone is beautifully designed scrollable ruler allowing you to take measurement quickly and easily. This is a basic ruler that helps you measure objects using your device scrInstallation

iWep Generator Pro - WiFi Pass1.8
iWep Generator helps you generate WEP key for your Wi-Fi Router. It is an offline WEP password generator.
Follow these steps to generate WEP Key for your wireless router.
● Enter the passphrase (which you can easily remember) and tap on 'Generate' button to generate 64 bit & 128 bit WEP Keys.
● SeInstallation

Fonts +1.5
• No More Boring Fonts For You! Endless Possibilities! •
Fonts + app displays all the present fonts and install any further font on iOS devices. You can install any TrueTypeFont (.ttf) or OpenTypeFont (.otf) format file on your device and use it in any other apps. Now it is possible to install anyfInstallation

Video FX Editor – Video Filters & Effects1.3
Video FX Editor is the premier way to take, edit and share your video. It is a fun and easy way to edit video and share with apps like Facebook, What’s app, and many more. Your final video can be sent via e-mail, mms and saved to video library. Use efficiently designed filters to create and share amInstallation

Ruler Pro : Measure With Phone-
With a single touch your iPhone or iPod Touch turns into a Top Accurate Ruler. EVERYONE NEEDS A RULER!<br><br>Ruler Pro : Measure With Phone is beautifully designed scrollable ruler allowing you to take measurement quickly and easily. This is a basic ruler that helps you measure objects using your dInstallation

iWep Generator Pro - WiFi Passwords-
iWep Generator helps you generate WEP key for your Wi-Fi Router. It is an offline WEP password generator.
Follow these steps to generate WEP Key for your wireless router.
● Enter the passphrase (which you can easily remember) and tap on 'Generate WEP Keys' button to generate 64 bit & 128 bit WEP KInstallation

Bull Escape-
◉ Your Agility Will Be Improved!!! ◉<br><br>◉ Super Addictive Reaction Time Game! ◉<br><br>Bull Escape is a super addictive reaction time game, with strong visual design especially for the fan of reaction time based game. The objective is to blast the bull as soon as possible before it reach to limiInstallation

7 in 1 : Percentage Calculator-
7 in 1 : Percentage Calculator is a quick and easy way to solve <br>percentage related problems. <br><br>GET ULTIMATE 7 BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED PERCENTAGE CALCULATORS IN ONE!<br><br>Calculations are now more quick, easy and accurate. 7 in 1 : Percentage Calculator is very useful to business professionaInstallation

Calculator^ Pro-
Calculator^ Pro is simple yet powerful calculator for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. This calculator is useful for your daily calculation needs. It supports all basic and arithmetic functions like multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, root and power. <br><br>It has stunning graphics and eaInstallation

WaterPrompt - Water Intake Tracker & Reminders-
• Perfect Drinking Water Reminder and Tracker •
Do you make mistake of waiting until you feel thirsty before drinking water? Thirst isn’t a signal for water intake time but it indicating that your body water level is depleting. It is a warning that you are hydrated and you need to drink up soon. DrInstallation

Calculator^ is simple yet powerful calculator for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. This calculator is useful for your daily calculation needs. It supports all basic and arithmetic functions like multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, root and power. <br><br>=========================<br>CustomeInstallation

9+ in 1 : Fitness Calculators Free-
This app is for entertainment and informational purposes only. <br><br>A collection of 9 plus extremely useful and easy to use fitness, health, weight loss and body calculators. It is a fully fledged calculator at your finger tips which provides you useful and quick fitness related calculations. <brInstallation
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