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Personal Trainer (CPT) Exam Prep-
With 350+ targeted questions, Dynamic Path's Personal Trainer (CPT) Exam Prep app for will help you jumpstart your career as a certified personal trainer.<br><br>This module contains a targeted curriculum of multiple-choice questions and detailed, explanatory answers, all written exclusively for DynInstallation

Culinary Profession Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our app for the IACP's Certified Culinary Professional exam (CCP). This app contains 400 focused questions, written exclusively by expert writers who have professional culinary knowledge. All of our materials undergo a thorough review process.<br><br>This exam prep app covers tInstallation

CEN Emergency Nurse Exam Prep-
With 400 targeted practice questions, Dynamic Path's's Certified Emergency Nurse exam prep app is the perfect on-the-go tool to help you prepare for your BCEN CEN certification exam.<br><br>Features:<br> - 400 multiple-choice questions, all written by nursing experts<br> - Detailed explanations of tInstallation

Financial Planner Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our premier exam prep app for Financial Planner exams, now updated with 150+ new questions.<br><br>This module contains professionally-written multiple-choice review questions, each with detailed, helpful explanations. Our questions cover all the topics you can expect on FinanInstallation

CSC Cardiac Surgery Nursing Exam Prep-
With 214 multiple-choice questions, Dynamic Path's CSC Cardiac Surgery Nursing exam prep app is perfect for busy, on-the-go nurses preparing for the Cardiac Surgery Subspecialty Certification Exam.<br><br>This module contains a curriculum of multiple-choice questions with detailed, explanatory answeInstallation

FAA Private Pilot Exam Prep-
With 95 targeted questions, Upward Mobility's FAA Private Pilot app is the ideal study tool for those seeking a private pilot certificate.<br><br>OVERVIEW:<br>Perfect for those interested in becoming private pilots, this app re-enforces key topics like interpreting charts, reading aircraft equipmentInstallation

National Counselor Examination (NCE) Prep-
Dynamic Path presents its National Counselor Exam Prep app. This app is perfect for those preparing for national or state-level counselor licensure exams. <br><br>Features:<br> - 400 original simulated test questions for the NCE, written exclusively for Upward Mobility by expert writers<br> - Study Installation

ACSM CPT Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path's ACSM Certified Personal Trainer app is our exclusive study aid designed for the Personal Trainer Certification issued by the American College of Sports Medicine, as well as the Certified Health Fitness Specialist and Exercise Specialist exams.<br><br>Features: <br> - 486 simulated exaInstallation

Critical Care Nurse Specialist Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our CCNS Exam Prep app to prepare you for any level of the AACN Acute and Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialists certification exam. <br><br>Our 600+ exclusive questions are written by nursing experts and paired with clear and concise explanatory answers to reinforce practicaInstallation

MACE Medication Aide Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s Medication Aide Certification Exam Prep app is the perfect tool to help you pass the NCSBN MACE exam.<br><br>Features:<br> - 296 simulated exam questions with detailed, explanatory answers<br> - Study Mode: Study at your own pace; each question is paired with a clear and useful explaInstallation

Certified Personal Trainer Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our updated module for the NASM 4th edition, with 75 all new-questions.<br><br>Our app features 475 practice questions, are all written exclusively for Dynamic Path by a Certified Personal Trainer. The questions incorporate practical, real-life scenarios to help you bridge the Installation

SPHR Human Resources Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our SPHR exam prep app, designed to help you achieve your HRCI's Senior Professional in Human Resources certification.<br><br>Each of our exclusive 269 practice questions is paired with an explanatory answer to reinforce the knowledge you need to succeed. <br><br>This app coverInstallation

Looking to ace your Doula certification program? Want to learn more about pregnancy, childbirth, and baby care?<br><br>Dynamic Path presents 294 review questions covering crucial topics for a doula's practice, including:<br><br> - Psychology and Philosophy of Birth<br> - Healthy Pregnancy<br> - PostInstallation

LEED Green Associate Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our LEED Green Associate Exam Prep app, with over 500 review questions designed to help you study for the Green Associate (GA) exam administered by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). <br><br>Our targeted multiple choice questions include detailed explanations to help reinInstallation

NCMHCE Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam Prep-
Upward Mobility presents our National Clinical Mental Health Exam Prep app, with over 300 review questions designed to help you study for the NCMHCE exam administered by the National Board for Certified Counselors.<br><br>This is the ideal study tool for those working toward certification in CounselInstallation

Free Test Prep by Dynamic Path-
Dynamic Path presents free on-the-go test prep for over 100 academic and professional level exams.<br><br>Every exam has 25 completely free study questions with explanatory answers, each written and edited by experts in their field. <br><br>Users also have the option to purchase hundreds more high-qInstallation

FSOT Pro - Foreign Service Test Prep-
FSOT Prep Pro's 844 expertly written questions and explanations will thoroughly prepare you for Foreign Service Officer Test, your gateway to diplomatic service.<br><br>Our questions are up-to-date through current events and cover all topics on the FSOT including:<br><br> - U.S. Society<br> - U.S. GInstallation

Nurse Midwife Exam Prep-
With 250 practice questions, Upward Mobility’s Certified Nurse-Midwife app will help you prepare for the AMCB CNM certification exam.<br><br>This app makes the perfect study tool for nurse-midwives working to advance their career with CNM certification, or for those looking for extra practice in preInstallation

NCLEX-PN Exam Prep by Upward Mobility-
Perfect for the busy nursing professional! NCLEX-PN Exam Prep is Upward Mobility’s focused exam-prep app for NCSBN’s NCLEX Licensed Practical Nurse Exam on Android.<br><br>OVERVIEW:<br>This module contains a targeted curriculum of nearly 500 multiple-choice questions. Written by nursing experts, ourInstallation

Arizona Real Estate Exam Prep-
Want to ace your Arizona real estate sales agent or broker exam? Look not further! Dynamic Path's Arizona Real Estate Exam Prep app contains 646 questions covering essential vocabulary, general knowledge, and state-exam specific knowledge. Each question is paired with a concise but detailed explanaInstallation

Registered Dietitian Exam Prep-
Effective and user-friendly, Dynamic Path's Registered Dietitian Exam Prep app is the smartest way to prepare for your RD exam. <br><br>Features: <br> - 350 multiple-choice questions written in the style of the exam <br> - Explanatory answers with every question to expand and reinforce your knowledgInstallation

Paralegal Exam Prep-
With nearly 700 questions, Dynamic Path's Certified Paralegal Exam Prep app is the perfect way to prepare on-the-go for your new career as a Paralegal or Legal Assistant. <br><br>Our CP/CLA app contains 700 simulated exam questions written by legal experts. Each question is paired with an explanatorInstallation

Lean Bronze Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents 300 professionally-written multiple-choice questions to help you prepare for the Lean Manufacturing Bronze Certification, given by SME. <br><br>This extensive test prep module is tailored to the Lean Certification Body of Knowledge and covers all categories on the Lean Bronze KInstallation

Certified Phlebotomy Tech Exam Prep-
Prepare for your phlebotomy tech certification exam on the go with Upward Mobility’s Certified Phlebotomy Tech Exam Prep app. <br><br>This module was carefully crafted by phlebotomy experts to help you review phlebotomy essentials. Each of the 276 multiple-choice questions is paired with a detailedInstallation

Praxis II EE-CK Early Education Exam Prep-
Getting ready to take the Praxis II Elementary Education Content Knowledge exam?<br><br>Look no further! Our EE-CK prep app contains 300+ targeted questions to prepare you on-the-go. Each question is also paired with an explanatory answer, to reinforce and expand your knowledge.<br><br>This module cInstallation

PTA Physcial Therapy Exam Prep-
Upward Mobility presents our Physical Therapy Assistant Exam Prep app, with 300 review questions designed to help you study for the FSBPT Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) exam, also known as the National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE).<br><br>This is the ideal study tool for those working toward certiInstallation

CVPM Vet Manager Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents its premier exam prep app for the VHMA's Certified Veterinary Practice Manager (CVPM) exam. <br><br>This app contains 400 focused multiple-choice questions, designed to cover all aspects of the CVPM exam, including human resources, law and ethics, marketing, organization of theInstallation

Red Seal Cook Exam Prep-
Study smart with Dynamic Path’s new Red Seal Cook exam prep app! This module features 400 review questions designed to help you prepare for culinary exams like the Canadian Red Seal Chef test. <br><br>Our targeted multiple choice questions were written exclusively for Dynamic Path by managed care prInstallation

Occupational Therapy Assistant Exam Prep-
Upward Mobility presents our Occupational Therapy Assistant Exam Prep app, with 300 review questions designed to help you study for the NBCOT Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) exam. <br><br>This is the ideal study tool for those working toward certification in OT assisting, and a perfeInstallation

CLEP US History II Exam Prep-
Getting ready to take the CLEP US History II Exam?<br><br>Study with our 300 practice questions, perfect for the on-the-go student. Each question is paired with a key takeaway, designed to reinforce and expand your knowledge of United States History.<br><br>Our intuitive apps contain originally writInstallation

CLEP Western Civ II Exam Prep-
Getting ready to take the CLEP Western Civilization II Exam?<br><br>Well here are 300 practice Western Civ questions perfect for the on-the-go student. Each question is paired with a key takeaway, designed to reinforce and expand your knowledge of western history and civilizations.<br><br>Our intuitInstallation

Medical Coding Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our CPC Medical Coding exam prep app, newly updated for the ICD-10 system. Our exclusive study app is designed to help you prepare for the Certified Professional Coder exam offered by the AAPC.<br><br>Our medical coding exam prep app is designed to cover the need-to-know informInstallation

Series 6 Licensing Exam Prep-
Perfect for the on-the-go financial professional!<br><br>Dynamic Path's FINRA Series 6 exam prep app contains 300+ focused questions to thoroughly prepare you for Investment Company Products/Variable Contracts Limited Representative exam. <br><br>This app has a Study Mode where concise yet thoroughInstallation

AP Macroeconomics Exam Prep-
Aiming for a high score on your AP Macroeconomics exam? Look no further! Dynamic Path's AP Macroeconomics Exam Prep app is the perfect tool to help students to ace this competitive test. <br><br>The module presents 150 realistic questions, covering all key topics on the exam, including:<br> - Basic Installation

AP Microeconomics Exam Prep-
Aiming for a high score on your AP Microeconomics exam? Look no further! Dynamic Path's AP Microeconomics Exam Prep app is the perfect tool to help students to ace this competitive test. <br><br>The module presents 150 realistic questions, covering the following topics: <br> - Basic economic conceptInstallation

CCRN Nursing Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s CCRN exam prep app is the perfect study aid tool to help you properly prepare for this certification exam administered by the AACN.<br><br>This practice exam review module contains 723 questions written by professional writers, each with concise but detailed explanations to help you pInstallation

EPPP Psychology Exam Prep-
With 900+ practice questions, the Dynamic Path's EPPP Exam Prep app is designed to helpyou study for the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology.<br><br>By assessing learned knowledge in practical questions, Dynamic Path's EPPP Exam Prep will help to successfully bridge the gap between yInstallation

Veterinary Technician Exam Prep-
Veterinary Technician National Examination Prep is Upward Mobility’s focused VNTE exam preparation app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This module contains a targeted curriculum of 400 simulated exam questions that deal with the successful knowledge required of the successful entry-level veterinary tInstallation

CompTIA A+ 220-902 Exam Prep-
The new CompTIA A+ exams are more rigorous than ever before, and so is our app.<br><br>Upward Mobility's new CompTIA A+ 902 app will thoroughly prepare you for the 220-902 IT technician certification with 300 questions and explanations, with expanded, all-new material written by a CompTIA-certified Installation

ADA NBDE Parts I and II Dental Exam Prep Bundle-
Dynamic Path’s National Board Dental Exam Bundle app is a valuable tool to help you pass the important American Dental Association (ADA) NBDE exams. This high-value bundle contains material for both Part I and Part II of the dental boards, and gives you a 20% savings over buying the apps separately.Installation

ADA NBDHE Dental Hygienist Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s NBDHE Exam Prep app is the perfect tool to help you pass the National Board Dental Hygienist Exam administered by the American Dental Association. <br><br>Our targeted multiple choice questions include detailed explanations to help reinforce your comprehension of the material. All ourInstallation

NCLEX-RN Nursing Exam Prep by Upward Mobility-
Perfect for the aspiring nursing professional!<br><br>With a focus on prioritization type questions, and developing subject matter expertise, Upward Mobility’s NCLEX-RN Exam Prep is a valuable tool to help you prepare for this important exam. <br><br>This practice exam/review module contains over 80Installation

AP Psychology Test Prep-
Dynamic Path's AP Psychology app contains 181 targeted questions and explanatory answers to prepare you for the AP Psychology exam. Each answer is paired with a Key Takeaway designed to expand and reinforce your knowledge of the topic covered in the question.<br><br>This app covers all material on tInstallation

ADA NBDE Part II Dental Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s National Board Dental Exam Part II app is a valuable tool to help you pass this important American Dental Association (ADA) test.<br> <br>This practice exam/review module contains 400 questions written by professional writers with concise, but detailed explanations to help you prepareInstallation

CLEP Sociology Test Prep-
Looking for the perfect on-the-go study tool for the CLEP Sociology exam? Look no further!<br><br>Dynamic Path's CLEP Sociology Exam Prep app offers 100+ simulated exam questions written exclusively for Dynamic Path by expert sociology writers. Each question is followed by a clear and insightful expInstallation

CompTIA Server+ Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s CompTIA Server+ SK0-003 Exam Prep app is a valuable tool to help you achieve CompTIA's Server+ certification. 116 simulated exam questions cover all topics on the exam. <br><br>Each question is paired with a concise but detailed explanation and a Key Takeaway. The Key Takeaway is deInstallation

Miller Analogies Test Exam Prep Pro-
With 400 analogies written by test-prep experts, Dynamic Path’s Miller Analogies Test prep app is a valuable tool to help you excel on the MAT exam. <br><br>With 400 analogies with detailed explanations, we recommend this tool as a supplemental study tool or practice test for those who want to improInstallation

CompTIA 900 Exam Prep Bundle-
The new CompTIA A+ exams are more rigorous than ever before. Dynamic Path's new CompTIA A+ 900 Bundle will thoroughly prepare you for both the 220-901 and 220-902 IT technician certification. <br><br>With 600 questions and explanations and with expanded, all-new material written by a CompTIA-certifiInstallation

NREMT EMT I-85 Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path presents our NREMT EMT Intermediate 85 Exam Prep app. <br><br>This module contains a targeted curriculum of 275+ questions designed to include all necessary content areas required of an EMT Intermediate. All questions were written exclusively for Upward Mobility by expert writers who arInstallation

CLEP Management Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path's CLEP Management app is a carefully constructed tool to help you prepare for the College Board's CLEP Principles of Management Exam.<br><br>Each question is structured to help you master an important area of knowledge for the test. This module contains 158 simulated exam questions addrInstallation

Analogies Ace - GRE Prep-
Dynamic Path’s GRE Analogy Ace is a specialized tool written by education experts to help you excel on the analogies section of the GRE exam. The verbal section of the GRE is highly challenging due in part to the difficult analogies section. This module will help you improve your vocabulary and apprInstallation

Green Plumbing Exam Prep-
Study on the go with Dynamic Path’s new Green Plumbing exam prep app!<br><br>Our study app was designed to help you prepare for green plumbing certification tests like the IAPMO exam. Each question comes with a detailed answer explanation, so you can learn the reasoning behind every answer. <br><br>Installation

Praxis II Psych Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s Praxis II Psychology Exam Prep app is the perfect tool to help prospective teachers prepare for the Praxis subject test. <br><br>The module contains 200 simulated exam questions addressing all topics commonly covered on the exam. Each question is followed by a clear and insightful expInstallation

Praxis II Biology Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s Praxis II Biology Exam Prep app is the perfect tool to help prospective teachers prepare for the Praxis Biology subject test. <br><br>The module contains 150+ simulated exam questions addressing nearly all the topics commonly covered on the exam. Each question is followed by a clear Installation

ASWB Bachelor's Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path’s Social Work Licensure Board app is now updated for the 2015 exam! Our exclusive study app designed to help you prepare for the ASWB Bachelors-Level Social Work Licensing Exam.<br><br>Our app is designed to cover the need-to-know information for a BSW with no post-degree experience whoInstallation

AP US History Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path's AP U.S. History Exam Prep app is a tool to help students properly prepare for the multiple choice portion of this test.<br><br>The module covers European colonization of the Americas up through Bill Clinton's administration, with 150 realistic questions that address nearly all of the Installation

Praxis World and US History Exam Prep-
Dynamic Path's exam prep app for Praxis World and US History is the perfect tool to help prospective teachers properly prepare for this competitive certification exam.<br><br>The module contains 300+ simulated exam questions addressing nearly all the topics commonly covered on the test. Each questioInstallation

AP Environmental Exam Prep-
Aiming for a high score on your AP Environmental Science exam? Look no further! Dynamic Path's AP Environmental Science exam prep app is the perfect tool to help students to ace the multiple choice portion of this competitive college preparatory test.<br><br>The module presents 130 simulated exam quInstallation

NREMT First Responder and EMT Basic Exam Prep Bundle-
This exclusive EMS bundle by Dynamic Path provides a great value, giving you both the NREMT EMT Basic and First Responder exam prep apps for just $6.99. <br><br>This bundle contains 750+ questions paired with detailed explanations, written exclusively by certified EMT expert writers.<br><br>This appInstallation

Texas Real Estate Salesperson / Agent / Broker Exam Prep-
Want to ace your Texas real estate exam? Look not further! Dynamic Path's app contains 400+ questions covering essential vocabulary and state exam specific knowledge. Each question is paired with a detailed explanation written by professional writers and real estate experts.<br><br>This app featuresInstallation
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