European Union Apps
Plus par European Union Apps
Food Checker5.0
Food checker is a tool for collection of images of branded food products across Europe with the objective of identifying seemingly identical products with difference in composition (nutrition and ingredients). Food-checker rolls out as free to use for all users but limited in collecting images insidInstallation
Walking Challenge5.0
Walking Challenge is a campaign to promote walking and running as a mode of transport.
During the whole period of the campaign, colleagues across the EU Institutions and EU schools will challenge each other for the highest number of steps and kilometers they can cover.
Walking Challenge integratesInstallation
EUcraft lets you take decisions in the Council of the EU! Step into the shoes of national ministers and experience EU decision-making by negotiating on real topics that matter for you. Agreeing on a common charger for your devices, banning single-use plastics or supporting the transition to electricInstallation
European Solidarity Corps5.0
The European Solidarity Corps is the new initiative from the European Union to enable young people aged 18 to 30 to engage in solidarity-related projects around Europe. This could be as a volunteer, trainee or even as a paid employee working on a solidarity-themed project.
In this release, you can:
This handy app is the perfect tool for those wishing to stay up-to-date on the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
It provides easy access to the latest decisions of the Court of Justice, the General Court and the Civil Service Tribunal (including judgments, Opinions and orders), as Installation
Happy Onlife3.8
Happy Onlife, play and learn online safety.
You can now learn how to behave safely in the digital world by playing the Happy Onlife game.
This engaging game aims at supporting children between 8-12 years along with involving their parents and teachers in initiating active mediation of the digital teInstallation
Smart Radio Monitor3.6
Smart Radio Monitor (SRM) is a European Commission crowdsourcing project designed to gather and share radio spectrum data about mobile telephony coverage, Wi-Fi channel occupancy, broadband and net neutrality connection tests. Anyone with a recent iPhone can download an app which will automatically Installation
Council Voting Calculator3.4
Do we have a qualified majority? Simulate a vote at the Council of the EU with the voting calculator
It's always been difficult to check whether the Council of the European Union has reached the qualified majority it needs to adopt an act. Since November 2014, qualified majority voting at the CounciInstallation
ECDC Threat Reports2.0
The ECDC Threat Reports app gives you direct access to key updates and reports on communicable disease threats of concern to the EU. Search by specific disease or virus – from avian influenza to Zika, or by specific report type – including the weekly Communicable Disease Threat Report (CDTR), rapid Installation
EU Login1.3
The EU Login app is developed by the European Commission to facilitate your day-to-day Multi-factor authentication for many EU applications. Once you have registered your device with your EU Login account, authentication can be done with your PIN code or using the face recognition or fingerprint. YInstallation
Passenger rights1.0
Ever been stranded at a European airport or had your luggage lost when travelling in the European Union? Check out this mobile app to know what your rights are immediately, on the spot.
Launched by the European Commission, the app covers all modes of transport in the EU – air, rail, ship, bus and cInstallation
EU i Danmark-
Med denne app får du følgende:
- EU-nyhederne i dagens danske aviser samt på Altinget - ligger klar kl. ca. 07.00.
- Dagsorden for Kommissionens ugentlige møde.
- Overblik over, hvad der sker i EU den næste uge.
- Sidste nyt fra "EU i Danmark" og fra Kommissionen i Bruxelles.
- Brugermanual til EU iInstallation
Virtual Coaching Tool-
E-learning tool for coaching interpretersInstallation
netBravo is a European Commission crowd-sourcing project designed to gather and share radio spectrum data about mobile telephony coverage, WIFI channel occupancy, broadband and net neutrality connection tests. Anyone with a recent iPhone can download the netBravo app which will automatically record Installation
EU Charter-
The EU Charter app is a fundamental rights one-stop-shop for mobile devices.
It offers easy access to the text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU in all official languages in a mobile-friendly format. It also provides regularly updated information on an article-by-article basis on relaInstallation
Events@EU is the companion App to European Commission Event.
As a conference attendee to a European Commission event, check your registration, your personal agenda, speaker bios, use your QR code for accreditation, find and network with other delegates and much more.
Events@EU can be used offline anInstallation
EU in the World-
If you want to know what events the EU and its partners are putting on in your country, then this is the app for you.<br><br>Developed by the EU’s External Action Service, the app contains full listings of events open to the public across the world. <br><br>Events for children, exhibitions, conferenInstallation
Going Abroad-
Dear Going Abroad user, the Going Abroad mobile app is being phased out and no longer maintained. You can find all the European Road Safety information on Your Europe at https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/driving-abroad/road-rules-and-safety/index_en.htmInstallation
While the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Court of Justice of the European Union each have an interpretation service, recruitment of staff interpreters and selection of Auxiliary Conference Interpreters (ACIs) is carried out jointly. <br>Accreditation as an Auxiliary ConferenceInstallation
EVSW 2019-
The European Vocational Skills Week 2019 will take place in Helsinki from the 14-18 October. This app for participants includes the agendas for the conference, practical information, resources and access to networking opportunities.Installation
EU CBRNE Glossary-
The EU CBRNE Glossary is the EU official glossary on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive risks (CBRNE).
It is an information tool for practitioners information tool for practitioners in CBRNE management and response (law enforcement, fire brigades, medical emergency, civil protInstallation
EPALE Adult Learning in Europe-
EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers.
As a registered member of EPALE you can Installation
EU Committee of the Regions-
Connect to Europe's one million local politicians and get the latest from the EU body representing cities and regions across the continent.
The mobile app of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) brings you real-time notifications about news, events and opinions on your preferred topics. SaveInstallation
This App provides an overview of the main elements constituting a railway Safety Management System (SMS), including brief descriptions about their meaning. It also contains a management maturity model assessment tool which allows a user to evaluate how effective the SMS is by scoring the safety perfInstallation
Zoe makes a splash!-
A new App developed by the Environment Directorate General of the European Commission.<br><br>Kids: have fun with the story and learn a bit about how you can help save the environment too!<br> <br>Parents & Teachers: this interactive storybook is for you to use in the classroom or with your chilInstallation
Velomai is a month-long campaign to promote cycling as a mode of transport.
During the whole month of May, colleagues across the EU Institutions and EU schools will challenge each other for the highest number of kilometres and/or rides.Installation
WiFi4EU map-
WiFi4EU is an initiative led by the European Commission to bring free public Wi-Fi connections to local communities.
WiFi4EU has provided support to more than 7,200 municipalities which have deployed more than 93,000 public hotspots for their local residents and visitors, throughout the European UniInstallation
EP Events-
EP Events is the companion app for attendees of European Parliament events. On the app, you can find all the important information: your registration, the agenda, speaker bios, your QR code for accreditation, you can find and network with other delegates and much more. After downloading the informatInstallation
EU Council-
Designed for delegates, event invitees and the general public, the EU Council app will give users access to information on events and meetings taking place in the Council buildings in Brussels and Luxembourg. The app will include details about meetings (time, venue and agenda) and practical informatInstallation
Enjoy our educational simulation game that explains and promotes tax education!<br><br>You are now in Taxlandia, a tiny European state with gorgeous mountains and clear blue lakes. A popular tourist destination when the economy was booming and a country with minimal taxes, Taxlandia faces now an unpInstallation
This App offers mobile access to the CEPOL LEED eLearning platform. It provides training content to registered Law Enforcement officials across the EU Member States and other countries and partner organisations.Installation
Invasive Alien Species Europe-
This app is developed by the Joint Research Centre, the in-house science service of the European Commission. Its aim is to enable the general public (amateurs and professionals) to receive and share information about Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in Europe. Specifically, the app’s purposes are:
1) tInstallation
The EU Relocation Programme-
The app provides information on relocation to asylum seekers who are in clear need of international protection from Greece and Italy to another European state. The aim of this app is to help asylum seekers who are already situated in Greece and in Italy with information on the relocation procedure aInstallation
Nora, Barend, Ana and João are considering moving to another European country. But which country has an environment that is up to Nora's high standards? Where can Barend find a well-paying job? And could Ana and João find someplace that suit them both?
The ViROS app allows you to take a walk around Installation
EMN Glossary-
The EMN Glossary is a multilingual and multidisciplinary glossary for terms that are important in the field of asylum and migration. Emphasis is given to terms relating to international protection and refugees, and legal migration as well as iregular migration and return. In addition, terms that areInstallation
This app enables the general public (amateurs or professionals) to receive information about the quality of ambient air, and notifies them in case of an exceedance of pre-set pollution thresholds. It displays data from the air sensing networks that publish their data using Sensor Observation ServiceInstallation
EURES - Your Job in Europe-
Are you looking for a job in another European country? Would you like to live and work abroad and improve your job prospects? Then this app is for you. EURES is the European employment service that connects jobseekers with employers throughout Europe. This app allows you to benefit from this serviceInstallation
This app provides information about the protected areas of the Natura 2000 network. It allows users to send pictures collected in each site as well as an overall feedback about the protected area. Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world. It stretches over 18% oInstallation
Discover the European Parliament's Brussels campus through an interactive, augmented reality experience.Installation
EFSA to the people-
** This is not the official EFSA app: the data and information are not guaranteed to be up to date and accurate.** <br>“EFSA to the people” is the winner of an innovation prize, an Hackathon competition, that EFSA organised in 2016 for developers and designers from all over Europe to create an app tInstallation
Innovation Radar-
The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation framework programmes.
The Innovation Radar mobile app is your go-to resource for everything related to innovation in Europe. With our newly expanded feaInstallation
R&D for Galileo and EGNOS-
Browse the many EGNSS-related projects from the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7) that led to 26 product innovations, 19 trademark and patent registrations and 28 prototypes.<br><br>Discover the extensive research carried out under the FP7 across all sectors - from aviation Installation
EP Research Service-
Facts. Analysis. Insight. Foresight.
This app gives you access to all the publications and infographics published by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). As the in-house research service of the European Parliament, we provide independent, objective analysis on EU issues, policy and lInstallation
Have your say on Europe-
Reflecting on Europe is an initiative launched by the European Committee of the Regions to offer a space for citizens to present their ideas, thoughts and opinions on what the European Union should be. The main objective is to listen and report feedback from the local level to Brussels and EU institInstallation
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