H Valeur
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Digits of Pi (π)5.0
Memorizing and citing digits of Pi is a popular activity for young and old. Studies have shown that memorizing Pi has both cognitive benefits and educational value. In other words, it is a workout for your brain.
Therefore, we created the Digits of Pi App so you can exercise your brain! Use the appInstallation

Times Tables Test5.0
This app was created in response to requests from pupils that use our popular web-based Times Tables Test. Pupils requested a fast iOS app that does not require internet access, so they can practice and learn the multiplication tables in remote areas, or places with a weak signal.
This is a standalInstallation

Los divisores de un número son todos los enteros que pueden dividir uniformemente en ese número. El Máximo Común Divisor (MCD) es el mayor entero que se divide exactamente en dos o más números sin resto.
Se usa el Máximo Común Divisor para simplificar fracciones. Para simplificar una fracción, puedInstallation

Brøk Kalkulatorer5.0
Brøk kalkulatorer appen ble laget som svar på forespørsler fra besøkende til det populære https://matematikk.maniacs.info nettstedet. Målet var å gjøre appen intuitiv, rotfri, rask å betjene, og enkel å bruke.
Brøk kalkulatorer appen kan legge sammen, trekke fra, gange og dele ekte brøker, uekte brInstallation

Key Cards5.0
The Key Cards app is a digital wallet application designed to store and manage all your cards - from membership and rewards cards to important identification cards like your driver’s license and insurance cards.
Simply take a photo of your card and assign a label to it, and then the app will secureInstallation

Percent Calculators5.0
The iOS Percent Calculators App was created in response to requests by visitors to the popular https://percent.info website. The goal was to make the app intuitive, clutter free, fast to operate, and easy to use.
The app can do the following:
1) Calculate the percent of a number
2) Calculate the peInstallation

Online Bingo5.0
If you’re a fan of Bingo, prepare to be dazzled by the Online Bingo app — a thrilling virtual haven for bingo enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a curious newcomer, this app promises an electrifying ride through a world of numbers, luck, and excitement.
Say goodbye to solitary Bingo sInstallation

Roman Numeral5.0
Roman Numerals are a "number system" that uses a combination of letters to express a number. This App will make it easier to process Roman Numerals. The Roman Numerals App can do two things very well:
First, if you have a Numeric Number, this App will convert it into a Roman Numeral.
Second, if yoInstallation

Winning Numbers Game5.0
The Winning Numbers Game will mix up eight numbers in random order. Can you put the numbers back in the correct order and win the game? It's a very addicting and a fun single player game if you like logic and a good challenge.Installation

The Number Line5.0
The iOS Number Line App was created in response to requests by visitors to our popular https://numbermaniacs.com website. Our visitors wanted a standalone application that does not require an Internet connection to locate numbers on a number line.
In addition to showing numbers on a number line, thInstallation

Mix and Match Two5.0
This App will mix up sketches of famous and not so famous people. There are two sketches of each person. It is your job to match the same sketches together.
It's a fun game that requires you to pay attention to complete it. Can you see who the sketches are suppose to represent?Installation

Presidents Game5.0
The Presidents Game App serves three main purposes.
First, it's good for your brain. The older you get, the more important it is to exercise your brain to keep it sharp. This app will help you remember 46 names in a row, in addition to making you dig out old knowledge from the past that you may notInstallation

Greatest Common Factor5.0
The factors of a number are all the integers that you can evenly divide into that number. The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the greatest integer that divides exactly into two or more numbers with no remainder.
The Greatest Common Factor is used to simplify fractions. To simplify a fraction, you cInstallation

World Flags and Geography5.0
The World Flags and Geography App is both a game and a learning tool. This app will test your knowledge of flags, geographic locations, and capitals of the countries in the world.
By taking the tests in this app, you will not only learn what the world flags look like, but also where the countries iInstallation

State Capitals USA5.0
At some point during Elementary School or Middle School, you will be asked by your teacher to memorize all the States in America and their corresponding capitals.
To memorize states and capitals back in the day, people used flash cards, where they wrote the state on one side of the card and the capInstallation

Prozentrechner (%)5.0
Die iOS Prozentrechner App wurde in Resonanz auf die Bitten von Besuchern der beliebten Website prozentrechner.com entwickelt.
Unsere Besucher wünschten sich einen eigenständigen Prozentrechner, der ohne Internet funktioniert.
Ziel war es, die App intuitiv, übersichtlich, schnell und einfach in deInstallation

Calculating Fractions5.0
The IOS Calculating Fractions App was created in response to requests by visitors to the popular https://fractioncalculators.com website. The goal was to make the app intuitive, clutter free, fast to operate, and easy to use.
This app can add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. It can handleInstallation

As a Fraction5.0
The As a Fraction App was created in response to requests by visitors to our popular https://thefractioncalculator.com website. Educators and students wanted a standalone application that does not require an Internet connection to convert decimal numbers and percents to fractions.
This powerful numInstallation

Least Common Denominator4.3
You need to know the least common denominator if you want to add, subtract, or compare fractions. The Least Common Denominator App calculates the least common denominator for any two or three numbers you submit.
Download the easy to use Least Common Denominator today! Math will be easier and homewInstallation

Simplify Fractions4.3
This app can not only simplify fractions, but it can also simplify mixed numbers (mixed fractions). It can calculate and simplify both proper and improper fractions.
In other words, the Simplify Fractions App is the only app you will ever need to reduce any kind of fraction to its simplest form poInstallation

Tape Measurements4.0
This app was created in response to requests from people that use our popular web-based tape measurement tools. Visitors to our site https://valeur.uk requested a fast app that does not require internet access to display tape measurements in remote areas or places with a weak signal.
This is a staInstallation

How many days until Christmas?3.8
Here is your chance to get the app that Santa and his elves are most likely to use to keep track of days until Christmas.
As you can probably imagine, it is very important for everyone in Santa's Workshop to know how many days until Christmas so they can plan for enough toys for Christmas.
You mayInstallation

Long Division Calculator3.6
We took all of the knowledge and feedback from our popular Long Division Calculator web application to create the best iOS Long Division Calculator App possible.
Our Long Division Calculator App allows larger numbers and has a lot more options than your standard division calculator app.
Long divisInstallation

King Nim Game3.6
The King Nim Game is a number strategy game for all ages.
King Nim and the player take turns counting one or two numbers. Whoever gets to pick 21 in the end is the winner. The game encourages thinking, strategy, and reasoning.
King Nim of Nim Kingdom is a math genius and challenges you to his Nim GInstallation

Days until my birthday3.3
How many days until my birthday? Young people may ask it, because they are looking forward to their special day with cake and presents. Older people may ask it, because they are not looking forward to getting even older.
For whatever reason you have to ask the question, this popular app has the ansInstallation

PEMDAS - Order of operations2.7
The PEMDAS App was made to supplement the website https://pemdas.info which explains and teaches you the order of operations.
As the site explains, the order in which you do arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, is important so that you get the correct Installation

Exponent Calculator1.0
The iOS Exponent Calculator App was created in response to visitor requests from our popular online Exponent Calculator. Visitors to our site wanted a standalone Exponent Calculator that can be used in remote areas where there may not be a strong Internet signal.
This app does not require an InternInstallation

Multiple Choice Questions1.0
The IOS Multiple Choice App was created in response to requests by visitors to the popular multiplechoice.net website. The app does not require the Internet, so you can use it on road trips and in other remote areas that may not have a strong Internet signal.
Like the website, the Multiple Choice AInstallation

This app was created in response to people that use our popular web based VAT Calculator. People requested a fast VAT Calculator app that does not require Internet access for use in remote areas or places with a weak signal.
This is a standalone app that does not require Internet and has no advertiInstallation

Mínimo común múltiplo-
La iOS Mínimo común múltiplo app fue creada en respuesta a las visitantes del sitio popular https://fraccion.org.
Esta app no sólo halla el MCM de sus números, sino también calcula el multiplicador por el que necesita multiplicar cada número para obtener el MCM.
La app es rápida, intuitiva, y fáciInstallation

Box Method Multiplication-
Box method multiplication is now part of the core curriculum in many school districts across the country. This app was created in response to multiple requests from teachers, parents and students wanting an app to help with the increasing popularity of box method multiplication.
With this app, you Installation

Calcular IVA-
La IOS Calcular IVA app es una colección de calculadoras de impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) para la mayoría de los países hispanohablantes en el mundo.<br><br>Cada calculadora refleja la tasa de IVA para el país aplicable. Esta calculadora es beneficiosa para negocios e individuos. Es útil para losInstallation

Hex Calculator App-
Hexadecimal numbers have 16 different digits (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F), as opposed to the more common 10-digit decimal system that you are probably more familiar with.
This Hex Calculator App, also known as the Hexadecimal Calculator App, was created in response to requests from visitors toInstallation

Inches on a Ruler-
The iOS Inches on a Ruler App was created in response to requests by visitors to our popular https://maniacs.info website. Our visitors wanted a standalone application that does not require an Internet connection to show inch measurements on a ruler.
With this app, you have the option to enter inchInstallation

iOS Procenträkning Appen skapades som svar på förfrågningar från besökare till den populära webbplatsen https://procent.org.
Målet var att göra appen intuitiv, rörig, och snabb att använda.
Det fungerar utan internet och innehåller de vanligaste procentuella räknarna för att göra ditt dagliga liv Installation

Decimal (.)-
The iOS Decimal App was created in response to requests by visitors to our popular https://decimal.info web application. Our visitors wanted a standalone tool that could be used to determine decimal place values, in addition to providing access to many of our decimal calculators and converters.

Spacebar Counter-
The iOS Spacebar Counter App (also known as the Counter Clicker App) that you can download from the App Store, was inspired by our popular online Spacebar Counter and molded to perfection with suggestions by our web visitors.
Our visitors wanted a standalone application that does not require an IntInstallation

Credit Card Calculator-
The Credit Card Calculator app is a must-have for credit card holders. It is especially helpful for credit card holders that have a credit card balance that they want to pay off.
The app was inspired by the popular Foenix.com Credit Card Calculator web application. We took what we learned from our Installation

Binary Calculator-
This Binary Calculator app was created in response to requests from visitors to our popular arithmetic.info Binary Calculator web application.
The Binary Calculator app actually has four calculators in one. It can add binary numbers, subtract binary numbers, multiply binary numbers, and divide binaInstallation

Calculadora de Divisores
Divisores de 24, divisores de 18, divisores de 30, divisores de 36, No hay problema.
La IOS Divisores app fue creado en respuesta a los visitantes del sitio popular https://matematicas.maniacs.info.
La meta fue hacerse el app más intuitivo, sin desorden, rápido de operar,Installation

Car Make and Model-
So you think you know about cars? Let's put your knowledge to the test! The iOS Car Make and Model App has tens of thousands of multiple-choice style car questions.
Can you match a car make with a car model? Can you match a car model with a car make? Can you identify a car logo? Let's see, shall weInstallation

The Numdactle app is designed to challenge your logical and strategic thinking with Numdactle puzzles. We provide a grid with a few numbers, and your task is to find the missing number we ask for.
Here are the rules: The sum of the numbers in each row, column, and diagonal must be identical. Each nInstallation

Calculadoras de fracciones-
La IOS Calculadoras de fracciones app fue creado en respuesta a las visitantes del sitio popular fraccion.org. La meta fue hacerse el app más intuitivo, sin desorden, rápido de operar, y fácil de usar.
Esperamos que el Calculadoras de fracciones app se convierta en su app de matemáticas favorita.Installation

Cube Root Calculator-
This app is uniquely built to add cube roots, subtract cube roots, multiply cube roots, and divide cube roots. Each math problem will give you the answer in two forms: the simplest radical form and the decimal form.
Of course, the app can also calculate the cube root of any number. As a bonus, we hInstallation

Simplificar fracciones-
La IOS Simplificar fracciones app fue creado en respuesta a las visitantes del sitio popular https://fraccion.org.
Esta app no solo puede simplificar fracciones, pero también puede simplificar números mixtos (fracciones mixtas). Puede calcular y simplificar fracciones propias y impropias.

Calculadora descuento-
La app calculadora descuento fue creada en respuesta a los visitantes del sitio popular porcentaje.org. Estos visitantes solicitaban una calculadora que no requiera el uso del internet porque al ir de compras, no siempre funciona el internet.
La calculadora descuento es una aplicación independienteInstallation

Arithmetic Calculators-
Arithmetic is the study of the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are used in all other areas of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, and calculus.
The Arithmetic Calculators App shows you how to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, Installation

Find all the Factors-
This App was created in response to requests by visitors to the popular https://factorization.info website. The goal was to make the app intuitive, clutter free, fast to operate, and easy to use.
This app does more than just give you the factors of any number you submit. It also gives you the optioInstallation

Square Root Calculator-
The iOS Square Root Calculator App will solve all of your square root math problems!
This app is uniquely built to add square roots, subtract square roots, multiply square roots, and divide square roots. Each math problem will give you the answer in two forms: the simplest radical form and the decInstallation

Amortization Calculator-
The Amortization Calculator app is a must-have for people with a mortgage, auto loan, student loan, or any other loan that requires monthly payments.
The Amortization Calculator starts by calculating your monthly payment based on the loan amount, interest rate, and length of your loan.
Then it creInstallation

Metric Converters-
This is the Converter Maniacs Mobile Metric Converter. It can convert between twenty different metric prefixes: Yotta, Zetta, Exa, Peta, Tera, Giga, Mega, Kilo, Hecto, Deka, Deci, Centi, Milli, Micro, Nano, Pico, Femto, Atto, Zepto, and Yocto.
Not only can it convert between all of those prefixes, Installation

Days until my due date?-
Are you asking yourself, "How many days until my baby is due?" This app will calculate exactly how many days, hours, minutes, and seconds until your baby's due date.
This app will also calculate when you got pregnant, based on your due date. And if that is not enough, if you don't know your due datInstallation

Cinta métrica-
Esta app no sólo muestra una cinta métrica de su longitud entera, sino también usted puede introducir cualquier medición de centímetros, milímetros, o pulgadas, y podemos localizar exactamente dónde está la medición en la cinta métrica.
"Cinta Métrica" es un app independiente que no requiere interInstallation

cm to inches-
The cm to inches app was created in response to requests by visitors to our popular https://fractioncalculators.com website. Our visitors wanted a standalone cm to inches converter that does not require Internet.
This is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill cm to inches converter. This app does two tInstallation

Simplify Square Root-
The iOS Simplify Square Root App can not only simplify square roots, but it can also perform other tasks related to simplifying and calculating square roots.
In addition to converting any square root into its simplest radical form, the app also includes a Square Root Calculator, a Greatest PerfectInstallation

Fraction Calculator-
The Fraction Calculator App will solve all of your fraction math problems! This app has a lot more to offer than the standard fraction calculators you see out there. We took all of the knowledge and feedback from our popular https://thefractioncalculator.com web application to create the best downloInstallation

Percentage Calculator (%)-
The Percentage Calculator App will solve all of your percentage math problems! This app has a lot more to offer than the standard percentage calculators you see out there. We took all of the knowledge and feedback from our popular https://thepercentagecalculator.net web application to create the besInstallation
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