Yanfeng Wang
Plus par Yanfeng Wang

《成语大词典》包含超过50000成语词条,每个词条都有拼音、释义、典故出处以及举例说明等,全面且权威。 <br>《成语大词典》提供快速搜索的功能,并独家支持首字母拼音检索,只需要输入成语中每个汉字拼音的首字母即可检索,非常便捷。<br>《成语大词典》提供收藏功能。<br>《成语大词典》完全离线运行,无需联网。<br>《成语大词典》是学习汉语的必备工具,对于语言研究者也有极大的帮助。Installation

home and earth history - learn English listening-
Home tells you the diversity of life on Earth and how humanity is threatening the ecological balance of the planet. <br><br>Home would help us change the way how to live our life, you must have it.Installation

人鬼情未了 - 听小说故事学英语-
《人鬼情未了》的每个句子都有标准的真人发音, 英汉对照. 每个英文单词都有详细的解释, 音标, 发音以及例句用法等, 在阅读的时候只需轻轻一按, 即可查阅. <br><br>《人鬼情未了》有多种播放模式: 单句, 单句循环, 全文, 全文循环, 全书循环, 支持后台播放, 可切换英汉对照模式与纯英文模式. 新增语速调节功能, 三种语速, 任意调节.Installation

随身魔术大全免费版HD 派对沙龙聚会玩魔术学习软件-

Opera Classic Music Collection Pro HD - Composer Mozart Dvorak Mixer Bateria Beethoven Phantom DJ rapid player-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge<br>You can see the portraits of great composers and read about them while listening to the best Operas ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√APP FEATURES<bInstallation

世界各地特色小吃制作方法大全免费版HD 教你亲手做别致的私房菜吃货必备味库-

Guitar Music Offline Free HD - Listen to release pressure and heart-
These Guitar Music can help you release pressure and heart.<br>All are free, just enjoy them.Installation

奥巴马演讲精选 - 地道美式发音学纯正美语-
美国总统奥巴马是个天生的演讲家,有着“令政客妒嫉的嗓音”,加上其个人魅力无穷,调动现场气氛能力一流,演讲中带着某种直指人心的魔力,每每能使得群情激昂。奥巴马的演说富有节奏感,味道十足、语气恰到好处,几乎带有一种催眠和传教的功能。即使当他面对成千上万人演讲,也能让每个人都觉得奥巴马就是对他一个人在说。 <br><br>《奥巴马演讲精选》的每个句子都有标准的真人读音, 英汉对照, 即点即读. 文中每个英文单词都有详细的解释, 音标, 发音以及例句用法, 在阅读的时候只需在任意单词上长按超过一秒钟, 即可查阅, 即点即译, 真正做到哪里不懂点哪里. <br><br>《奥巴马演讲精选》有多种播放模式:Installation

violin music collection HD - classical music radio-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge<br>You can see the portraits of 21 great composers and read about them while listening to the best Violin music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√APP FInstallation

人体穴位图解按摩大全免费版HD 家庭自我保健中医经络养生与健康专家-

成语大全词典专业版HD 词条最全面的辞典-


粥的做法大全免费版HD 下厨房教你制作营养健康美味保健养生粥食谱-

top 10 symphony pro collection - classical music-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge√√<br>You can see the portraits of 9 great composers and read about them while listening to Top 10 Symphonies ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√APP FEATInstallation


Christmas music collection-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge√√<br>You can see the portraits of 18 great composers and read about them while listening to the best Christmas music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√Installation

classical music player - master collection-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge<br>You can see the portraits of 47 great composers and read about them while listening to the 99 best classical music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√Installation

新编赞美诗442首由基督教新编赞美诗400首+42首短歌组成, 完全免费, 配有同步字幕. <br>第001首《圣哉三一歌》<br>第002首《三一来临歌》<br>第003首《万世之宗歌》<br>第004首《赞我天父歌》<br>第005首《亚伯拉罕的主歌》<br>第006首《赞美三一歌》<br>第007首《夜尽光天歌》<br>第008首《众圣颂扬歌》<br>第009首《颂主恩光歌》<br>第010首《齐来谢主歌》<br>第011首《荣归天父歌》<br>第012首《颂主化功歌》<br>第013首《真美歌》<br>第014首《太阳颂》<br>第015首《称谢歌》<br>第016首《慈父上帝歌》<bInstallation


Yoga Music & Relaxing Sounds Free HD - Loosen up your body and mind-
It’s completely free!<br>Yoga music is a vital component for good health - lowering blood pressure, increasing cognitive function, decreasing pain and recovery time.Installation

cello classical tuner dj music - great mixer clips-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge√√<br>You can see the portraits of 25 great composers and read about them while listening to the best Cello music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√APP Installation


piano music player - classical masterpieces free-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge√√<br>You can see the portraits of 20 great composers and read about them while listening to the 99 best piano music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√AInstallation


风月俏佳人 - 听小说故事学英语-
《风月俏佳人》的每个句子都有标准的真人发音, 英汉对照. 每个英文单词都有详细的解释, 音标, 发音以及例句用法等, 在阅读的时候只需轻轻一按, 即可查阅. <br><br>《风月俏佳人》有多种播放模式: 单句, 单句循环, 全文, 全文循环, 全书循环, 支持后台播放, 可切换英汉对照模式与纯英文模式. 新增语速调节功能, 三种语速, 任意调节.Installation

乱世佳人 - 英汉对照世界文学名著-
Gone with the Wind is a novel written by Margaret Mitchell, first published in 1936. The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia, and Atlanta during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. It depicts the experiences of Scarlett O'Hara, the spoiled daughter of a well-to-do plantation owner, who muInstallation

● 新概念英语最强点读版,即点即读!<br>● 配备强大的点读字典,即按即查!<br>● 具有超强的单词记忆功能,即学即会!<br>● 新概念英语,是享誉全球的最为地道的经典英语教材!<br>● 新概念英语,是专为中国的英语学习人士设计的英语教材!<br>● 爱学习的你绝对不要错过!Installation

中华文化源远流长,博大精深。古代音乐始于上古皇帝时期,以骨哨、陶埙为乐器。传至今日形成众多乐器,也有很多名曲。中国古代十大名曲: (每首曲子附有详细介绍,APP里面点箭头查看)<br>01 高山流水 古筝 <br>02 广陵散 古琴 <br>03 平沙落雁 古琴 <br>04 渔樵问答 古琴 <br>05 夕阳箫鼓 琵琶 <br>06 汉宫秋月 古筝 <br>07 梅花三弄 古琴 <br>08 胡笳十八拍 管子 <br>09 十面埋伏 琵琶 <br>10 阳春白雪 琵琶Installation

饮茶品茶音乐HD 茶艺欣赏中国传统文化-

罗马假日HD 有声同步中英文双语小说名著-
《罗马假日》的每个句子都有标准的真人发音, 英汉对照. 每个英文单词都有详细的解释, 音标, 发音以及例句用法等, 在阅读的时候只需轻轻一按, 即可查阅. <br><br>《罗马假日》有多种播放模式: 单句, 单句循环, 全文, 全文循环, 全书循环, 支持后台播放, 可切换英汉对照模式与纯英文模式. 新增语速调节功能, 三种语速, 任意调节.Installation

symphony top10 classical music-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge√√<br>You can see the portraits of 9 great composers and read about them while listening to Top 10 Symphonies ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√APP FEATInstallation

christmas music songs - fm radio list player-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge√√<br>You can see the portraits of 18 great composers and read about them while listening to the best Christmas music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√√Installation

classical music offline player-
√√Amazing Music Player with Knowledge<br>You can see the portraits of 47 great composers and read about them while listening to the 99 best classical music ever composed in human history.<br>This App will relax, recharge, enlighten, brighten your mind. <br>Have a try, for you and your kids!<br><br>√Installation

sleep melodies relax music app-
This free app will help you quickly enter deep sleep.<br>The right kind of music can soothe us into a perfect state of relaxation.Installation


Love Music Player for Drink Dry Red Wine Free HD - Listen to Make Romantic-
These music is for Romance, for love, especially while dry red wine is ready. You can listen, you can feel, you can think, you can touch...Installation

雅思口语900句 - 听力词汇考试机经-
IELTS is a comprehensive test of your English proficiency. IELTS measures your ability to communicate using all four language skills: Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking. These language skills are increasingly demanded by international employers, education institutions and professional associatInstallation

追随上帝的踪迹,现在开启你的圣经之旅。 <br><br>APP将帮助您有效的阅读和学习圣经:<br><br>1. 声音字幕同步,边听边读。<br>2. 点读功能,全文定位点读,点哪里,播哪里。<br>3. 多种播放方式,单句循环,单句,整章循环,整章,全书循环。<br>4. 收藏功能,将您喜爱的章节放入收藏列表,方便查阅。<br>5. 具有进度管理功能,记录您阅读圣经的每一个足迹。Installation

holy bible niv daily study app-
Now start reading Holy Bible, following the journey of God.<br><br>This app can record every chapter you have read.<br>This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are generated from Bible. You could be aware how familiar to God.<br><br>Installation

经典童话故事精选集HD 儿童启蒙教育有声读物-
精选最经典的童话故事, 给孩子听就要听最好的!Installation

Holy Bible Old Testament Audio Book Free HD-
Now start reading Holy Bible Old Testament, following the journey of God. <br><br>This app can record every chapter you have read. <br>This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are generated from Bible. You could be aware how familiarInstallation

holy bible new testament-
Now start reading Holy Bible New Testament, following the journey of Jesus Christ. <br><br>This app can record every chapter you have read. <br>This app can test every scripture of Bible, really cool feature unique in Appstore, random choice questions are generated from Bible. You could be aware howInstallation

美国往事 - 听小说故事学英语-
《美国往事》的每个句子都有标准的真人发音, 英汉对照. 每个英文单词都有详细的解释, 音标, 发音以及例句用法等, 在阅读的时候只需轻轻一按, 即可查阅. <br><br>《美国往事》有多种播放模式: 单句, 单句循环, 全文, 全文循环, 全书循环, 支持后台播放, 可切换英汉对照模式与纯英文模式. 新增语速调节功能, 三种语速, 任意调节.Installation
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