嘉奇 赵
द्वारा अधिक 嘉奇 赵
Voice To Text-audio to text
Voice To Text-audio to text4.4
Support real-time voice translation&real-time voice to text conversion; Real time voice translation function, supporting multiple languages, can directly translate voice into corresponding languages, record travel and meetings, and convert real-time translation in real time. We provide users with th
संस्थापित करें
Photo Converter-jpg,png,heic
Photo Converter-jpg,png,heic4.3
Image Format Conversion: Offers a variety of features for converting image formats, allowing users to customize format conversions according to their needs. Video Format Conversion: Provides multiple options for converting video formats. Image Compression: Supports proportional compression, custom
संस्थापित करें
丰富的扣图功能: 通用抠图:扣家具、水杯、衣服?万物皆可扣图,通用万能扣图帮您解决; 人像扣图:利用先进的AI识别技术,实现精准的人像扣图效果,支持无背景导出; 头像扣图:扣头像,趣味扣图支持吴背景保存。 证件照制作:线上证件照制作工具。 我们提供的购买有: 连续包季:58元/季度 28元/月会员 98元/年会员 198元/终身会员 连续包季会员,用户购买后自动续费,如需取消,可在每个续期日前24小时,在设置- appID-订阅中进行取消 隐私政策:
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