Ann Rose Thomas
द्वारा अधिक Ann Rose Thomas
Ayurveda - Tages Tipp
Ayurveda - Tages Tipp-
Ayurveda hilft uns, ein Gleichgewicht im menschlichen Körper zu halten durch der richtigen Art und Weise.<br><br>Vorteile von Ayurveda<br>* Es gibt keine Nebenwirkungen <br>* Beseitigt psychischen Druck und Stress<br>* Hilft uns das Wissen des Lebens zu bekommen<br>* Tief verwurzelte Krankheiten las
संस्थापित करें
Ayurveda 21 - Weight Loss in 21 Days
Ayurveda 21 - Weight Loss in 21 Days-
Ayurveda 21 - Weight Loss in 21 Days app will help and guide you to maintain, manage and reduce weight in most natural and Ayurvedic way. <br><br>This is the first Ayurveda guided weight loss app in iTunes.<br><br>The app contains step by step instructions for 21 days to reduce and to learn the life
संस्थापित करें
Dr. Vasundhara's Women's Yoga - For Healthy Lifestyle, Fitness and Weight Loss
Dr. Vasundhara's Women's Yoga - For Healthy Lifestyle, Fitness and Weight Loss-
Dr Vasundhara is running Jeevanam, a Naturopathy Yoga and Wellness Clinic in Trivandrum, India for last 15 Years.<br><br><br>Dr Vasundhara's Lifestyle Yoga App is a compilation of <br>different asanas and diet for improving the well being and health of women.<br><br><br>This app can help you in con
संस्थापित करें
Mountain Tunes - Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy and Meditation
Mountain Tunes - Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy and Meditation-
Sound Healing from very ancient era is an effective proven method to reduce stress. Music from the Tibetan bowls generate a type of energy medicine that creates the sacred space with which people can heal from stress disorders, pain and depression.<br><br>Ancient instruments including Tibetan singin
संस्थापित करें
Ayurveda Remedies and Prevention
Ayurveda Remedies and Prevention-
By the time human being reaches to the age around 30, many diseases starts to indulge in one's life.This is mainly due to the unwanted metabolic substances &amp; toxins accumulated from various activities like eating etc.<br><br>Ayurveda helps us to maintain an equilibrium in human body by teaching
संस्थापित करें