International Labour Office Apps
Più di International Labour Office Apps
Surfing the labour market
Surfing the labour market-
This app aims to help young people to learn more about themselves, find work and pursue careers that are satisfying, fulfilling and aligned to their skills and abilities. <br><br>Job search is a process that may be full of uncertainties and frustration. However, it does not need to be like this. In
ILO COVID-19 Checklist
ILO COVID-19 Checklist-
This COVID-19 checkpoints app allows you to create interactive checklists to use in health facility workplaces. There are 45 Checkpoints in total, divided into 4 categories. The checklist is a practical, participative tool for eliciting and guiding effective measures to protect the health and safety
OIT/Cinterfor Eventos
OIT/Cinterfor Eventos-
Aplicación móvil para la 44ª Reunión de la Comisión Técnica de OIT/Cinterfor y Cumbre Internacional: Formación profesional para el desarrollo sostenible. Ofrece acceso a la Agenda, información general del evento, documentación, conferencistas, participantes, canales de comunicación y contacto, vincu
Surf the Labour Market
Surf the Labour Market-
This app aims to help young people to learn more about themselves, find work and pursue careers that are satisfying, fulfilling and aligned to their skills and abilities. <br><br>Job search is a process that may be full of uncertainties and frustration. However, it does not need to be like this. In
Eliminating and Preventing Child Labour: Checkpoints
Eliminating and Preventing Child Labour: Checkpoints-
Eliminating and Preventing Child Labour - Checkpoints allows business managers and auditors to create interactive checklists that will help them ensure a child labour-free operation. There are 18 checkpoints in total. Each checkpoint provides best-practice recommendations for taking action.<br><br>W
Eliminating and Preventing Forced Labour: Checkpoints
Eliminating and Preventing Forced Labour: Checkpoints-
Eliminating and Preventing Forced Labour - Checkpoints allows business managers and auditors to create interactive checklists that will help them ensure a forced labour-free operation. There are 38 checkpoints in total. Each checkpoint provides best-practice recommendations for taking action.<br><br
ILO Events App
ILO Events App-
Mobile Event App for ILO Governing Body, Official Meetings and International Labour Conference (ILC) featuring access to the Programme of Meetings and events, information and documentation.<br><br>About the International Labour Organization (ILO):<br>The ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nat