Peter Bohl
Più di Peter Bohl
Mobility Finder (pro)
Mobility Finder (pro)5.0
The "Mobility Finder" helps you worldwide find "Points of Interest" (POI) on mobility! No matter where you are on our planet, the app will show you all the facilities / locations for your mobility. Choose your interests quickly and easily: - E charging - Stops of public transportation - Car rental
Red–green color blindness
Red–green color blindness5.0
The app "Red–green color blindness" helps you to identify and separate red and green colors. Classic situations like diagrams, loading displays or tables with red and green digits are no longer a problem. The area you want to check should be within the black crosshairs. Afterwards the app shows you
Compass - Professional
Compass - Professional4.7
With “Compass Pro” you can orientate yourself optimally at your location. You can see the direction of the compass and match it with the satellite image or the map on the compass. That you know exactly where you are you get the street address, the exact GPS coordinates and the current height above s
Satellite Finder (Pro)
Satellite Finder (Pro)4.5
The app helps you to align your satellite antenna. Based on your location and the selected satellite the app shows you in which horizontal and vertical direction you have to align your antenna. As an additional function you can check with the app if obstacles are interfering with the reception. In t
Satellite channels
Satellite channels4.5
A complete catalogue of all worldwide television satellites and a complete catalogue of all worldwide television and radio stations. The app provides all the information you need to set up a TV or radio station on your satellite receiver. You can filter and search by location, satellite, language o
Text Encrypter (Pro)
Text Encrypter (Pro)4.4
Encrypting texts is similar to enclosing a text into a safe. To enclose the text in the safe, a secret key is used for enclosing the Text into the safe. If you want to encrypt a text, first enter a secret key . The key can be any string. Then enter the text to be encrypted in the input field in the
Password generator.#
Password generator.#4.1
The app generates absolutely secure passwords. The generated passwords are generated on the basis of a 256-bit encryption mechanism. Enter a keyword for your password and the app will generate an absolutely secure password along with the master password. Once you've copied the password for reuse, th
QR Code (Pro)
QR Code (Pro)2.6
With this app you can scan and evaluate QR codes from the images in your Photolibrary even when there are more than one QR Code in you image. Simply select an image from your photo library and send it to the QR scanner (pro) using the "share" function
Calculum Pro - Matrixcalculator for Linear Algebra
Calculum Pro - Matrixcalculator for Linear Algebra1.0
Calculum is the perfect support for mathematical tasks with matrices and vectors. Calculum has no limitation on the matrix and vector dimensions. You want to solve a linear equation system? With a wipe you have created the equation system and filled with values! Do you need to add, subtract, or mult
Password Creator.#
Password Creator.#-
The app generates absolutely secure passwords. The generated passwords are generated on the basis of a 256-bit encryption mechanism. Enter an alias for your password and the app will generate an absolutely secure password along with the master password. Once you've copied the password for reuse, the