碧成 黄
その他by 碧成 黄
PomoLite - Focus Timer Keeper
PomoLite - Focus Timer Keeper5.0
PomoLite is a Pomodoro timer that seamlessly integrates the popular "Pomodoro Technique" with a focus on designed scenes. Unlike most Pomodoro tools that use tags to set the focus environment, PomoLite employs scenes. We believe scenes provide a clearer context for your focus sessions, while tags s
Walden - Calendar/ToDo/Notes
Walden - Calendar/ToDo/Notes4.9
Walden is an App focused on personal management, carefully designed to bring users only a quality experience, hope you like it. Function Introduction To-Do List Integrate the four quadrants of work, according to the priority of the task rational scheduling. Support repeat schedule and reminders. P
简记单词 - 艾宾浩斯记忆法
简记单词 - 艾宾浩斯记忆法4.6
【功能特色】 ※ 完全根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律打造,用科学的方法帮助用户巩固单词记忆 ※ 内置丰富词库,满足不同学习需要,包含:四六级单词、雅思单词、托福单词、GRE单词、专四单词、专八单词、考研单词、中考单词、高考单词、SAT词汇、GMAT词汇,后续会不断扩充 ※ 可创建自定义单词本,支持批量导入单词 ※ 灵活制定复习计划,可自行选择词库,单词数量,一切就绪后,【简记】会聪明地帮你自动生成一份复习计划表,你所需要做的就是按照计划表执行即可 ※ 计划表支持列表模式和卡片模式 ※ 内置单词发音和系统自带词典查询 ※ 可将复习计划导出为 PDF 文档,方便打印和特殊场景复习单词
bProgress - Manage Daily Tasks
bProgress - Manage Daily Tasks4.5
bProgress is a productivity tool that combines progress management with schedule planning, bringing comfortable experience for users ※ Introduction - Create your goals, quantify them in numbers, percentages, and progress bars, and support archiving (recovery) your goals - Working calendar, can se
RacketMate - Tennis & PingPong
RacketMate - Tennis & PingPong3.3
As table tennis enthusiasts, we gave birth to the idea of developing a table tennis sports analysis software for Apple Watch watch two years ago, but we were limited by various reasons and delayed in advancing the project. But today, two years later, we are ready to finally meet you after months of
觅时 - 时间记录规划管理助手
觅时 - 时间记录规划管理助手-
觅时不是 TODO,也不是任务管理,而是一款专注于时间管理的应用,它的所有功能都基于「时间」而进行开发,我们希望用户通过这个应用可以迅速的记录下自己时间的去向,从何对自己的时间规划有一个清晰的认识。<br><br>它适合任何类型的用户,比如学生、白领等,而我作为一名自由职业者,这也是给自己开发的一款工具,我希望通过它能够统计自己在做项目消耗的工时。<br><br>#自由职业者#可以用觅时记录项目的时间,尤其是按小时收费的项目,觅时也贴心的在项目的色块标记中显示该项目所消耗的总时间。<br><br>#学生#可以用觅时记录自己的课业复习、写作业、练习等所消耗的时间<br><br>#普通白领工作者#
bBoard - Fast Input Keyboard
bBoard - Fast Input Keyboard-
#Introduction bBoard is an efficient application that focuses on quickly sharing and sending frequently used materials. It has a built-in special custom keyboard. Users can quickly share content through this keyboard, which greatly saves users time. #Features * Supports multiple content formats The