Chaotan Li
その他by Chaotan Li
Pet Mania - Match 3 Game
Pet Mania - Match 3 Game-
The BEST PET matching game ever!! Switch and match pets to challenge hundreds of levels!! <br><br>- Easy and fun to play, but hard to be master! <br>- Hundreds of funny levels, each one is unique! <br>- Amazing music and sound effects! <br>- Colorful and vivid graphics! <br>- FREE updates with new p
Candy Heroes
Candy Heroes-
The BEST CANDY matching game ever!! Switch and match candy to challenge hundreds of levels!! <br><br>- Easy and fun to play, but hard to be master! <br>- Hundreds of funny levels, each one is unique! <br>- Amazing music and sound effects! <br>- Colorful and vivid graphics! <br>- FREE updates with ne
Cookie Splash - The Pop Match-ing Game. Free!
Cookie Splash - The Pop Match-ing Game. Free!-
The BEST COOKIE matching game ever!! Switch and match cookie to challenge hundreds of levels!! <br><br>- Easy and fun to play, but hard to be master! <br>- Hundreds of funny levels, each one is unique! <br>- Amazing music and sound effects! <br>- Colorful and vivid graphics! <br>- FREE updates with
Forest Heroes
Forest Heroes-
The BEST PET connect game ever!! Connect and match pets to challenge hundreds of levels!! <br><br>- Easy and fun to play, but hard to be master! <br>- Hundreds of funny levels, each one is unique! <br>- Amazing music and sound effects! <br>- Colorful and vivid graphics! <br>- FREE updates with new p
超过100万用户的共同选择!史上最全的菜谱大全!<br>为您提供家常、美食、西餐菜谱,以及川菜、粤菜、湘菜、江西菜、闽菜、浙菜、苏菜、徽菜等国内各大菜系的菜谱!<br>**特别提示:本菜谱菜式太多,超过5万种,图片都做进软件的话,将超过10GB,因此我们将图片放在服务器,您打开软件时从服 务器下载图片,如果您的手机没有连上网络,将只能看见做法介绍,看不见图片。<br><br>一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一<br>主要特色:<br>- 超过50,000条各地、各种功能性美食菜谱;<br>- 永久免费升级,更新菜谱;<br>- 可以实时一键搜索相关美食做法视频,让您做菜更
Fruit Story!
Fruit Story!-
The BEST Farm Fruit matching game ever!! Switch and match fruits to challenge hundreds of levels!! <br><br>- Easy and fun to play, but hard to be master! <br>- Hundreds of funny levels, each one is unique! <br>- Amazing music and sound effects! <br>- Colorful and vivid graphics! <br>- FREE updates w
Fruit Blast™ - Free Fun link match mania game
Fruit Blast™ - Free Fun link match mania game-
The BEST Fruit matching game ever!! Connect and match candy to challenge hundreds of levels!!<br><br>- Easy and fun to play, but hard to be master! <br>- Hundreds of funny levels, each one is unique! <br>- Amazing music and sound effects! <br>- Colorful and vivid graphics! <br>- FREE updates with ne
DelayCam - Self Photography Pic Effects Editor Pictures/Photos Cool Creator Apps for Pinterest,Facebook,Skype,Yahoo Messenger&Omegle
DelayCam - Self Photography Pic Effects Editor Pictures/Photos Cool Creator Apps for Pinterest,Facebook,Skype,Yahoo Messenger&Omegle-
DelayCam est le moyen le plus facile de prendre des photos avec un retardateur.<br><br>******** CARACTERISTIQUES ****************<br>- Des commandes simples et efficaces<br>- Délai de temporisation réglable (5, 10 et 15 ou 30 secondes)<br>- Mode flash sélectionnables (Auto, On ou Off)<br>- Soutenir
胎教故事280篇有声版 - 随身宝典系列,也用作儿童睡前童话小故事,最新最科学的经典现代有声阅读精选,和音乐一样助宝宝更聪明健康,让你怀孕期更轻松
胎教故事280篇有声版 - 随身宝典系列,也用作儿童睡前童话小故事,最新最科学的经典现代有声阅读精选,和音乐一样助宝宝更聪明健康,让你怀孕期更轻松-
Birdie Wings 3 - A game use tiny bubble gp2 slingshot to shoot bad thief flyro flying birds like sky penguin free,Perfect pics,Racing score with riptide tourist,wipeout them & lot of laugh&funny
Birdie Wings 3 - A game use tiny bubble gp2 slingshot to shoot bad thief flyro flying birds like sky penguin free,Perfect pics,Racing score with riptide tourist,wipeout them & lot of laugh&funny-
Annoying bird?Now, you can use the slingshot to shoot it down. <br><br>Play with friends or family! <br>Easy to play, challenging to master! <br>Beautiful graphics and effects! <br><br>login the gamecenter to get a global rank.
你演我猜 - 家庭朋友聚会好游戏
你演我猜 - 家庭朋友聚会好游戏-
看过幸运52么?看过年代秀么?想亲自玩几把么?使用这个软件吧亲,绝对的聚会利器,风靡全球的party游戏,随时随地都能和你的朋友们或家人一起玩游戏! <br><br>一对夫妻,猜食品名称,老婆比划老公猜。屏幕上跳出“馒头“一词。 <br>老婆描述:“圆圆的,白白的,能吃的!” <br>老公:“…………” <br>老婆继续描述:“就是白白的,软软的,你昨晚上还吃来着!” <br>老公看来是急坏了,脱口而出:“咪咪!” <br><br>是不是很有意思,这样的经典对白,你也可以有哦。 <br><br>玩法:<br>游戏玩法简单却非常有意思。<br>1. 选择一个卡片并且点"play";<br>2.
BrandQuiz : Despicable Logo Guess the Brand Quiz With Me Friends
BrandQuiz : Despicable Logo Guess the Brand Quiz With Me Friends-
Can you guess the brand? Every level is a brand logo. See if you can guess them all! <br>Can you beat all 500+ brain-tickling?<br><br>No signup. No registration.
Guide for Papa Pear Saga
Guide for Papa Pear Saga-
Tricks, Strategies, Guides, Tips For Papa Pear Saga! <br><br>This app is designed to bring you the latest Tips and Strategies to help advance in Papa Pear Saga! <br><br>WHAT'S INCLUDED <br><br>- Notes <br>- General Tips <br>- Game Guide, Walkthroughs &amp; MORE! <br>- Best Strategies <br>- Full vide
Guide for Farm Heroes Saga
Guide for Farm Heroes Saga-
Tricks, Strategies, Guides, Tips For Facebook Game Farm Heroes Saga! <br><br>This app is designed to bring you the latest Tips, and Strategies to help advance in Farm Heroes Saga! <br><br>WHAT'S INCLUDED <br><br>- General Tips <br>- Game Guide, Walkthroughs &amp; MORE! <br>- Best Strategies <br>- Fu
Let's Guess the Riddles - What a funny little phrase word game of riddle that popular for year, Challenge me!
Let's Guess the Riddles - What a funny little phrase word game of riddle that popular for year, Challenge me!-
Can you guess the word? Every level is a new riddle and clue. See if you can guess them all! <br><br>Can you beat all 800+ brain-tickling rebus puzzles in Riddles? <br><br>No signup. No registration. Play the #1 Riddle game for FREE :-)