NCH Software
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WavePad音频编辑器支持多种格式,包括vox,gsm等! 无论您是专业人士还是家庭发烧友,WavePad都具有编辑音频文件所需的所有工具。 典型的应用包括铃声,旁白,微调声音位等等!

WavePad – Éditeur audio5.0
WavePad est un éditeur audio et musique professionnel aux fonctionnalités complètes. Avec WavePad, vous pouvez modifier et enregistrer de la musique, des voix et autres enregistrements audio. Vous pouvez modifier les fichiers audio avec des outils comme couper, copier, coller. Vous pouvez aussi ajouインストール

WavePadはまた、mp3やwavのほか、vox、gsm、wma、real audio、au、aif、flac、ogg など多様なフォーマットの音声ファイルに対応しています。
• wavやaiffなど幅広い音声フォーマットに対応
• 音声の切り取インストール

Express Invoice Invoicing4.9
Express Invoice Free is an easy invoicing and billing app for business people on the go to easily create and track invoices, quotes and sales orders.
Generate professional quotes, orders and invoices that can be printed, emailed or faxed directly from inside Express Invoice. Send out client statemeインストール

PhotoStage Pro4.7
Create amazing slideshows from your photos and video clips. Enhance, crop, flip and rotate photos. Apply stunning effects and transitions such as cross-fade, zoom, panning and much more to give your slideshow a more professional look. Add music, or record narration to create a soundtrack for your slインストール

Express Dictate Dictation App4.7
Express Dictate is a voice recorder for iPhone. You dictate directly on your device using the controls. When done, tap send and the dictation will be compressed and sent to your typist by email automatically.
For ease of use, operation of the record and playback features is designed to closely mimiインストール

Express Invoice Pro 20224.7
Express Invoice Professional 2022 is an easy invoicing and billing app for business people on the go to easily create and track invoices, quotes and sales orders.
Express Invoice Professional 2022 will no longer be updated and should be expected to work as is with no further changes.インストール

RecordPad Sound Recorder4.7
RecordPad Sound Recorder for iOS is a simple and easy to use digital audio recorder.
With RecordPad you can record voice and other audio to your iPhone or other IOS device. RecordPad Sound Recorder can save or send recordings to an email address or FTP server. This digital sound recorder is ideal fインストール

Express Dictate Professional4.7
Express Dictate is a voice recording app for iOS. You dictate directly on your device using the controls. When done, tap send and the dictation will be compressed and sent to your typist by email automatically.
For ease of use, operation of the record and playback features is designed to closely miインストール

WavePad Music and Audio Editor4.6
WavePad Music and Audio Editor is a full-featured professional audio and music editor. With WavePad you can edit and record music, voice, and other audio recordings. You can edit audio files with tools like cut, copy, paste. You can also add audio effects including echo, amplify, and noise reductionインストール

WavePad Máster 20224.5
WavePad - edición máster 2022 es un editor de sonido profesional. Grabe voz o música, y luego edite su archivo.
La edición máster 2022 de WavePad no se actualizará y debería esperar que funcione tal cual, sin cambios adicionales.インストール

Express Mix Multitrack Mixer4.5
Express Mix Multitrack Mixer is the US version of MixPad Music Mixer.
Express Mix Multitrack Music Mixer is a sound recording and mixing studio for on the go.
With Express Mix, you can access all of the power of a professional recording and mixing equipment! Create your own music with this easy toインストール

WavePad, editor de audio4.5
WavePad, editor de audio y música es un editor de audio y música profesional con todas las funciones. Con WavePad puedes editar y grabar música, voz y otras grabaciones de audio. Puedes editar archivos de audio con herramientas como cortar, copiar y pegar. También puedes agregar efectos de audio, inインストール

WavePad Master's Edition 20204.5
WavePad Master’s Edition 2020 is a professional sound editor. Record voice or music, then edit your file.
WavePad Master’s Edition 2020 will no longer be updated and should be expected to work as is with no further changes.インストール

WavePad Editor- Musica e Audio4.4
WavePad editor di audio e musica è un editor professionale completo. Con WavePad è possibile modificare e registrare musica, voce e altre registrazioni audio, modificare i file audio con strumenti come taglia, copia, incolla e addirittura aggiungere effetti audio tra cui eco, amplificazione e riduziインストール

WavePad Master's Edition4.4
A professional sound editor for recording, editing, adding effects, and sending audio, WavePad allows you to record voice or music, then edit the recording and add effects to achieve high quality audio recordings. Work within audio waveforms to make selections for quick editing, such as inserting rインストール

VideoPad Masters4.3
Create amazing videos in minutes with VideoPad Master's Edition for iOS. Import or record videos from your tablet and then get straight to editing. Fine tune the brightness, color and add other visual effects. Trim videos down to size, rotate clips recorded at different orientations, zoom in on the インストール

PhotoStage Slideshow Maker4.2
Create amazing slideshow from your photos and video clips. Enhance, crop, flip and rotate photos. Apply stunning effects and transitions such as cross-fade, zoom, panning and much more to give a more professional look. Add music, or record narration to create a soundtrack for you slideshow further eインストール

TempoPerfect is free metronome software for keeping a clear and precise beat. Metronomes are essential for keeping time, improving practice sessions, and for developing a consistent rhythmic feel. With TempoPerfect musicians can accurately set the correct beats per minute (BPM) for any simple or comインストール

ToneGen Audio Tone Generator4.0
ToneGen Free Audio Tone Generator
ToneGen is an easy-to-use program that can be used as a sine wave generator, sound frequency generator or signal generator that can create audio test tones, sweeps or noise waveforms.
ToneGen Features:
• Generate sine wave, square wave, triangular waveform, saw tインストール

Express Mix Master's Edition4.0
Express Mix is a professional multi-track recording and mixing software. You can access all the power of professional recording and mixing equipment through a single platform that streamlines the process and makes mixing a breeze.
Express Mix Master's Edition Features:
• Mix an unlimited number oインストール

VideoPad - Video Editor3.7
VideoPad Video Editor is a full-feature video editor anyone can use. VideoPad is designed to intuitive for a friendly user experience. Using VideoPad, you can create professional quality videos in minutes!
Complete Video Optimization:
*Fine-tune color and other visual effects
*Slow down, speed up oインストール

Express Mix Masters 20223.0
Express Mix Master's Edition 2022 is a professional multi-track recording and mixing software.
Express Mix Master's Edition 2022 will no longer be updated and should be expected to work as is with no further changes.インストール

PitchPerfect Guitar Tuner2.8
PitchPerfect is an easy-to-use instrument tuning application. Simply play the string you want to tune to see if you are sharp, flat, or in perfect pitch. Use PitchPerfect's preset tunings, or tune to any note you want.
While PitchPerfect is great for guitar players, it also includes tunings for barインストール

MixPad Masters-
MixPad Master's Edition for Mac OS X
MixPad Master's Edition for OS X is an intuitive and easy-to-use professional multi-track recording and mixing application. Simply, add music and audio or record your own tracks, instruments, beats, and vocals. Record either an individual track or enjoy the flexインストール

Express Burn Disc Burner-
Express Burn Free Disc Burning Software
Express Burn Free for Mac is an ultra-fast freeware burner to help you save time. Burn audio, video, or data files to CD, or DVD. Express Burn Free includes a user-friendly interface with handy drag and drop features. Listed below are some of the CD and DVD インストール

VideoPad Video Editor-
Offering professional quality, VideoPad Video Editor is the perfect video editor and recorder to make movies that will impress your family, friends, and colleagues. With its intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily start editing your project by using the drag and drop features to pull your auインストール

VideoPad Master's Edition-
Create amazing videos in minutes with VideoPad Master's Edition for iOS. Import or record videos from your tablet and then get straight to editing. Fine tune the brightness, color and add other visual effects. Trim videos down to size, rotate clips recorded at different orientations, zoom in on the インストール

MixPad Multitrack Recorder-
MixPad Multitrack Recording Software Free
MixPad Multitrack Free Recording Studio Software is a professional multi-track recording and mixing software. You can have the power of a professional recording and mixing studio on your Mac. MixPad Free for OS X makes the mixing process fun and intuitive wインストール

PhotoStage Professional-
PhotoStage Professional
Whether a home project or a business presentation, PhotoStage Professional allows you to create a dynamic slideshow from your photos and video clips in a quick and easy way with an intuitive interface guiding you through the process. Enjoy the many ways to customize your phインストール

Switch Audio File Converter-
Switch Audio File Converter for Mac OS X
Switch is one of the most stable and comprehensive multi format audio file converters available for Mac OS X and is very easy to use. Convert over 40 audio file formats. Music tags preserved for supporting formats. You can Import and convert a playlist, extrインストール

Express Burn Plus-
Express Burn Disc Burning Software for Mac OS X.
Use Express Burn to burn audio, video, and data to CD's, or DVD'sdiscs. Express Burn is ultra-fast to help save time when burning discs. Use the handy drag and drop function to easily add files into the interface.
When burning audio with Express Buインストール

MixPadマスター版 2023-
MixPadはパソコンで高度な音楽作成ができるパワフルな多重録音・音楽ミックスソフトです。ハイクオリティな多重録音とミキシング作業がストレスフリーで素早くできるパワフルなツールを全てお使いいただけます。 <br><br>音声ミックスソフトの主な機能:<br>• 音楽やボイスなどミックスできるトラック数は無制限<br>• 複数のと楽への同時録音が可能<br>• どんなファイルも素早く読み込み:対応ファイル数は業界ナンバー1<br>• イコライザ、圧縮、リバーブなど豊富なエフェクトを搭載<br>• 著作権フリーの効果音や音楽をダウンロードできる音声ライブラリ搭載<br>• 6kHz~96kHzのサインストール

WavePad Audio Editor-
WavePad Audio & Music Editor is an audio recording and editing app for Mac OSX. It is perfect for any audio project in the sound studio or at home. Easily record and edit music, voice and other audio recordings. Cut, copy and paste audio clips, add effects like echo, amplification and noise reductioインストール

WavePad大师版 2022-
WavePad 大师版2022 是一款专业的音频编辑软件。录制声音或音乐,然后编辑您的文件。
WavePad 大师版2022未来不会进行大型更新,所以不用担心会有大的变动。インストール

WavePad Masters Deutsch 2022-
WavePad Masters Deutsch 2022 ist ein professioneller Soundeditor. Nehmen Sie Sprache oder Musik auf und bearbeiten Sie Ihre Datei.
Die WavePad Masters Deutsch 2022 wird nicht mehr aktualisiert und sollte ohne weitere Änderungen unverändert funktionieren.インストール

WavePad Professionnel 2022-
WavePad Professionnel 2022 est un éditeur de son professionnel. Enregistrez voix ou musique puis modifiez votre fichier.
WavePad Professionnel 2022 ne sera plus mis à jour et devrait continuer de fonctionner tel quel sans autre modifications.インストール

WavePad Professionale 2022-
WavePad Professionale 2022 è un editor audio professionale. Registra voce o musica, quindi modifica il file.
WavePad Professionale 2022 non verrà più aggiornato e dovrebbe funzionare senza ulteriori modifiche.インストール

WavePadマスター版 2022-

WavePad 마스터 판 2022-
WavePad 마스터판 2022는 전문적인 사운드 편집기 입니다. 음성 또는 음악을 녹음하고 난 후, 여러분의 파일을 편집하세요.
WavePad 마스터판 2022는 더 이상 업데이트되지 않을 것이며 다른 변경 사항 없이 지금 처럼 작동될 것입니다.インストール

Pixillion Image Converter-
Pixillion Free Image Converter
Pixillion Image Converter for Mac OS X is a quick and easy way to convert all your images quickly. Simply drag and drop your files into Pixillion, select your output folder and format, and click convert! Either individually select files you would like to convert or インストール

Express Invoice Plus-
Express Invoice Invoicing Software is the easiest and most complete invoicing system for Mac OS X. Easily track and manage your billing with this easy to use software. Express Invoice lets you create invoices that you can print, e-mail, or fax directly to clients for faster payments. Keep track of pインストール

PhotoStage Slideshow Producer-
PhotoStage Slideshow Producer Free
PhotoStage Slideshow Producer Free creates amazing slideshows from your video and photo clips easily and quickly.
Make your dynamic slideshows with the intuitive interface guiding you through the process. Simply drag and drop your files in the order you would lインストール

Express Accounts Plus-
Express Accounts Accounting Software for Mac OS X is professional business accounting software. This software is perfect for small businesses needing to document and report data. This data includes cash flow, sales, receipts, payments and purchases.
Express Accounts Features:
- Track sales and accoインストール

WavePad - マスター版-

RecordPad Plus-
RecordPad Sound Recorder Plus <br><br>RecordPad Sound Recorder Plus for iOS is a simple and easy to use digital audio recorder. With RecordPad, you can record voice and other audio to your iPhone or other iOS devices. RecordPad Plus can save or send recordings to an email address or FTP server. <br>インストール

Express Invoice DE Paid-
Express Invoice Pro ist eine einfache Fakturierungs- und Abrechnungs-App für Geschäftsleute, die unterwegs Rechnungen, Angebote und Kundenaufträge einfach erstellen und verfolgen möchten.<br><br>Generieren Sie professionelle Angebote, Bestellungen und Rechnungen, die direkt von Express Invoice gedruインストール

Express Invoice Français 2023-
Express Invoice Français 2023 ne sera plus mis à jour et devrait continuer de fonctionner tel quel sans autre modifications.インストール

Express Invoice IT Paid-
Express Invoice Professional è un'app di fatturazione per persone d'affari in viaggio per creare e tracciare facilmente fatture, preventivi e ordini di vendita.<br><br>Genera preventivi, ordini e fatture professionali che possono essere stampati, inviati tramite e-mail o fax direttamente dall'internインストール
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