建瑛 贾
Lebih dari 建瑛 贾
史上最豪华最霸气的打字练习,真的不枯燥,就是有点上瘾。 在汹涌的波涛中,我,舰队司令,缓缓的走到旗舰指挥室窗前,抬头眺望一下远方天空中缓缓移动的那一群小黑点,默默的掏出键盘。。。 几分钟以后,键盘还留有几分烫手的余温,碧空如洗,干净得一片云彩都没有,海面上只有几圈泡沫渐渐消失。 特点: • 5V5实时二战海战设定,既动脑又动手,既娱乐又练习 • 系统原生输入法键盘打字,真实不含糊 • 100多个关卡,每关又有多个挑战,包你练成高手 • 可选择显示或隐藏拼音提示,可有针对性的练习键速和拼音熟练性 • 打字练习数据统计。看看数据就知道,熟能生巧不是假话 • 无处不在的排行榜,有比赛才更有趣
Amazing Balla smash balls into cups with different game modes
Amazing Balla smash balls into cups with different game modes5.0
SIX different levels, SIX difference experiences. Amazing Balla will always bring tons of fun for you! The core gameplay is very simple. What you should do is to tap at the right time when the cups is at right position and release the balls. Try your best to make the balls fall into the cup. If a c
Rock Bounce jump on various types of glowing platforms
Rock Bounce jump on various types of glowing platforms5.0
The ultimate jump game with great fun. Join this glowing world and collect stars to unlock more cooooool avatars! Game is controlled with accelerometer. Just tilt your phone left and right, the little ball will follow. Be careful, don't fall off, otherwise you lose. And watch out those platform wi
Pix Racer: fury pixel car drift racing game
Pix Racer: fury pixel car drift racing game5.0
Endless racing game is waiting for you! Join this game and be careful of addiction. Control your pixel racer just by dragging left and right. Too simple? Show me how far you can reach and how much score you can get. Tiny package for downloading in seconds. Don't hesitate to have a try! Featur
Pixel Tiles play free old school video game online
Pixel Tiles play free old school video game online5.0
Tap! Touch! Hit! Step! Smash on the pixel tiles. It is the way this game goes on. Every action is a shock. Hold your breath and make a long rush in such a retro style tile world. Besides the simple action, you can collect scores and power up along the way. Let's see what you can do. Features: * R
这是98版五笔的专用练习软件,如果您找的是86版五笔练习,请看我们的另一个作品。 打字速度是一种个人形象。打字快,在网络交流中就能给人留下敏捷聪明的好印象。相反的,如果打字慢,不仅会让人觉得笨拙迟缓,甚至会被认为是不尊重敷衍。 另外,打字快还大大提高效率。我们每天都要通过网络与他人有很多交流,不论是谈事情还是闲聊,其中很多都是用文字交流的。说同样的一件事,用五笔打得快的,几下就打出来了。如果打字很慢,一句话要打好久,别人都交流完了,自己才把意思表达出来。长此以往,在交流上花的时间真的很可观。 打字快还会让您更乐于交流,同时也就有了更多的机会。对于打字快的人,打字本身就是一种乐趣,是驾轻就
这不仅仅是一个打字练习软件。 本应用基于传统打字练习的经验,巧妙的把打字练习的记忆效果用于英语单词记忆。实现了练打字背单词一举两得。枯燥的单词记忆转化为有趣的动手实践,轻松愉快就能准确的记住单词拼写。 功能特点 * 打字测速 * 纯打字练习 * 学习模式,用于初学初练 * 拼写模式,看中文打单词 * 听写模式,听读音打单词 * 段落练习,打整段文章,内置10篇,可自定义内容。 * 打字过程中语音朗读单词 * 练习素材包含中小学英语教材同步词表,大学英语四六级词表。 * 练习后自动统计速度和正确率 * 支持横屏竖屏 * 支持外接键盘 祝您打字越打越快,单词越记越多! 隐私政策 http
填字解谜与成语接龙的完美结合。 淡雅古典的界面设计。 谜题中的每一个词都有读音和详细解释。 多达3000道成语接龙谜题,分三个难度等级,难度逐渐增加。 另有300道古诗飞花令谜题,涵盖唐诗三百首和历代著名诗句。 遇到难题也不怕,还有提示帮你忙。 随时分享到社交网络,用成语考一考你的朋友们。 内建问题反馈功能,我们一直在聆听您的意见建议。
Screaming chicken weird sound
Screaming chicken weird sound4.6
Crazy screaming rubber chicken toy in your phone! • Build your chicken army in seconds just like the duck army in the viral video • Shrilling Chicken bomb timer • Press longer scream longer just like the real rubber chicken • Various screaming chicken sounds samples, numerous combination and endles
Minesweeper P big classic game
Minesweeper P big classic game4.6
Deluxe and full version of classic minesweeper game is here for iPhone and iPad. P stands for plus. Minesweeper P provides 4 different pretty themes, 12 difficulty levels and a huge custom level. May I call it full and deluxe? And it's free to download! Features: * Classic mine sweeper rule * Ga
王小胖是一个普通青年,走出校园以后,事业一直没有太大的发展,交过房租以后就身无分文了,更不要提买房买车了。然而,王小胖是一个有理想的人,他的心里装着一个很大的梦想。他相信通过勤奋努力和精明经营,自己会成功的。你能帮助他实现梦想吗? 赚钱的办法很多。打工是一种最简单最快的办法,但是打工发不了大财。做生意是一个好办法,但是关键要把握住市场机会。抓住机会就能快速的赚到很多钱。但是市场有起有落,一定要小心风险。 城市里有很多机会,有了一些积累以后,就可以出去探索。在城市里会发现更多更好的赚钱机会。 快开始你的财富之旅吧!真的能提高财商哦!
这是五笔的专用练习软件,适用于五笔86版和五笔98版,您可以通过应用内设置自由选择。 打字速度是一种个人形象。打字快,在网络交流中就能给人留下敏捷聪明的好印象。相反的,如果打字慢,不仅会让人觉得笨拙迟缓,甚至会被认为是不尊重敷衍。 另外,打字快还大大提高效率。我们每天都要通过网络与他人有很多交流,不论是谈事情还是闲聊,其中很多都是用文字交流的。说同样的一件事,用五笔打得快的,几下就打出来了。如果打字很慢,一句话要打好久,别人都交流完了,自己才把意思表达出来。长此以往,在交流上花的时间真的很可观。 打字快还会让您更乐于交流,同时也就有了更多的机会。对于打字快的人,打字本身就是一种乐趣,是驾
精挑细选的成语词库。改进的填字模式。一边解谜题一边学成语,趣味多多,知识多多。不知不觉中,你就成了成语大师。 每一个成语都有读音和详细解释。 多达300题,难度逐渐增加。 遇到难题也不怕,还有提示帮助你。 随时分享到社交网络,与朋友们分享有趣的成语谜题。 内建问题反馈,有意见别犹豫。我们一直在倾听您的声音。
继成语消除大闯关之后的又一力作! 连连看与成语闯关的完美结合!创造性的玩法,有趣又益智,让你爱不释手! 选中词义相反的成语就能消除,操作顺滑爽快,根本停不下来。 100个由易到难的关卡,挑战你的成语词汇量。 每个成语都有详细解释,帮助你学习新成语。 遇到不难题也不要紧,还有提示帮助你。 登录排列榜与好友比拼最高关卡。
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Pinyin Typing Practice
Pinyin Typing Practice4.5
Pinyin is the most popular input method among Chinese speakers. It serves not only as a tool for learning Chinese but also a necessity for daily communication. Pinyin typing is important if you want to make friends or do business with Chinese speakers. This app will help you to improve pinyin profi
Bounce Dac Saga jumps in retro 8bit style and old school fashion
Bounce Dac Saga jumps in retro 8bit style and old school fashion4.5
Our little foodie is trapped in a deep well again. Please help him escape! The good news is that little foodie masters a new skill. He can jump up immediately once he landing on a platform. This will help him jump faster and higher. Wait, there is also a bad news. Little foodie has less HP now and
连连看与成语闯关的完美结合!创造性的玩法,有趣又益智,让你爱不释手! 选中词义相近的成语就能消除,操作顺滑爽快,根本停不下来。 100个由易到难的关卡,挑战你的成语词汇量。 每个成语都有详细解释,帮助你学习新成语。 遇到不难题也不要紧,还有提示帮助你。 登录排列榜与好友比拼最高关卡。
Analog Clock & Timer
Analog Clock & Timer4.4
Many years later, as you faced the latest smart phone, you were to remember that distant afternoon when you stared at the clock in a daze. Do you remember the small alarm clock on the bedside years ago? Do you remember the ticking sound of your favorite mechanical watch? In this rush and noisy era
ZZ Reverse sprinter club arcade rock game for iPhone
ZZ Reverse sprinter club arcade rock game for iPhone4.4
This time, our ball changes its running direction and starts a new zigzag journey. The game control is still very easy to start. Taping the screen to change moving direction. Don't fall off the path and stay in the path as long as you can. Note: the speed will increase as you go farther. The farthe
Rock Beats Rush - Guitar Star
Rock Beats Rush - Guitar Star4.4
A small fire ball rushes in a zigzag glowing maze. Strong beats come from the dark. Are you ready? Let's follow the rhythm! The game control is natural. Change movement direction of the fire ball with just one tap. Be careful, don't run into the wall. Listen to the music carefully, which will help
Rock Shot hit dots following hard rock rhythm and music
Rock Shot hit dots following hard rock rhythm and music4.4
Cool rock music, energetic rhythm. Hurry up! Shoot with the beats! Tap to shoot. Don't miss any target or you lose. That's all. Follow the rhythm! Super cool! Super fun! Just can't stop! music by
Amazing Locks open as many locks as you can
Amazing Locks open as many locks as you can4.3
Here are countless locks waiting for you. You can open them just by tapping. Too simple? Not really. Try and see how many you can open. Each lock has a slide block and a dot. You must tap when the block and dot meet. And as you open more locks, new locks require more taps to open. It will become ch
Mr Egg jumps up and down in an endless way to his home
Mr Egg jumps up and down in an endless way to his home4.3
Mr Egg fell out of his home and landed on a grass land. He miss his brothers and his home. So, he begins to jump up and tries to go back home. There are plenty of challenges on his way home. But Mr Egg fears no challenges. Do you want help him get back home? music by
Dac Rush in kickerinho path of deus ex
Dac Rush in kickerinho path of deus ex4.3
A small foodie sprite, an endless path and a bunch of dots and power ups. It is Dac Rush, a fast paced casual game at all time. You have to control the sprite's position accurately and agilely as it goes fast. Power ups can be collected along the way. And it will help you go further. Are you confide
Rock Hero Drop in glowing light shaft scrolling at speed
Rock Hero Drop in glowing light shaft scrolling at speed4.3
This is a glowing world. Accompanied with cool rock music, the addictive game is beginning! Move the ball to step on platforms. You lose if the ball fall off. And the ball has some hit points. Watch out the spikes on top. Control with the accelerometer. Tilting left and right of your phone to mov
10K Timer - Focus Time Tracker
10K Timer - Focus Time Tracker4.3
To make any significant achievements, you have to invest quite a bit time in it. This app will help you track the time you put into your important tasks. No need to record time manually. Simply start the timer, stay focused and your time will be recorded and accumulated. This app features * Multi-
Cups & Balls cool ball game online
Cups & Balls cool ball game online4.2
This addicting game will relax your nerve. Stay focus and calm. The gameplay is very simple and intuitive. Tap the screen the balls fall and catch the balls with the cups. Timing is very important. You will the cup if it fails to catch any ball. Besides the basics, there are some special balls. Th
Dac Jump smoothly in a simple dark and blue world deluxe
Dac Jump smoothly in a simple dark and blue world deluxe4.2
A small foodie is trapped in closed world. It tries to climb and escape endlessly. Will you help it to get out? Touch to the screen to charge power and release to jump. The more power you charge, the higher you will get. Be careful, if you charge overflow, the power charge start over. Timing is im
作为一个中国人,我们总是对古诗词有一种崇敬。从刚刚学会说话我们就学了各种各样的古诗,从静夜思到登鹳雀楼不一而足。学古诗简直是学习中国话的一个必不可少的部分。即使还不能理解其中的深意,我们还是可以熟练的背出几首。 但是,相比于我们背诵过的,我们理解的太少。这些传唱千年的作品为什么能够流传到今天?它们可不是靠成为考试的考点才流传。古人有着与今人一样的喜怒哀乐,古人也一样会有悲欢离合。古人也会在长安城的客店里思念故乡,一如今日的北漂在皇城根的出租屋里回想少年时光。古人在与知交故旧相会时放歌纵酒,一如今天的朋友聚会时一起唱歌一起high。古人会唱起怀才不遇的悲歌,一如今天的普通人在现实中埋藏了儿时的
Dac Ziggy Dash in a dark retro style 8bit pixel art world
Dac Ziggy Dash in a dark retro style 8bit pixel art world4.1
A little foodie is running in a zigzag road abruptly. He eats endlessly and greedily. The more he eats, the higher score you get. Let the little foodie eat more and more! The game control is easy to learn. Touch to start, then the little foodie will run automatically. What you need to control is ch
Star Expedition your space ship gravity orbit simulator game
Star Expedition your space ship gravity orbit simulator game4.1
Do you know how the Voyager 1 is controlled? Have a try on Star Expedition! In this game, you will control a spaceship to explore the space. You will meet various planets, asteroids and so forth. In order to finish the missions, you must leverage the gravitational pull of the other large celestial b
RPS Challenge rock paper scissors war against artificial intelligence
RPS Challenge rock paper scissors war against artificial intelligence4.0
Have you played rock paper scissors? It is not just a kid's game. In 2005, Christie's won a million-dollar business with RPS! Do you want improve your skill and win more? This game will help you! Maybe someone has told you RPS is pure random. NO! That is wrong. RPS is actually a strategy game. Th
Vario Zig Zaga
Vario Zig Zaga4.0
A red zigzag road, a black shiny ball. Ready? GO! The road is full of sharp turns. And moreover, new challenge is ahead. The red road is made of many small squares with different sizes. If you meet a large one, you are lucky. However, you should watch out if you step on the smaller ones. Playing
FA Zig - fun pocket zag racing action game for girl & boy teens online
FA Zig - fun pocket zag racing action game for girl & boy teens online3.8
On a floating track, there is a small ball racing in zigzags. Every turn is a sharp turn. Please buckle up, let's move. Tap anywhere on the screen and the ball will change direction. What you should care most is timing. Don't let the ball run out of track and stay in line as long as you can. It loo
Pure Beats minimalistic and elegant drum machine
Pure Beats minimalistic and elegant drum machine3.8
Fed up with flashy drum machines? Want something different in this genre? Try this game. It will give you a completely new experience! Just tap. Multiple color and multiple drum sfx. How many beats can you keep up with?
Rock Laser War avoid glowing fire bullets and survive longer
Rock Laser War avoid glowing fire bullets and survive longer3.7
ALARM! High energy warning!! Clumsy people keep away!! Move the little fire ball with touch or accelerometer. Dodge the laser bullets from all around. Watch out! The bullet can be very fast. There are different kinds of bullets. Some fly really fast. Some aim your ball accurately. Some float slowl
Dodge Special Training avoid a flying bullet flood in deep space
Dodge Special Training avoid a flying bullet flood in deep space3.6
WARNING: This game is addictive and extremely hard. Most of you won't pass 20 seconds. Believe or not. Don't ask why such a stupid hard game can be a hit. Just can't stop playing once you start. CAN'T STOP!!! There are two control modes. You can choose the one fits you best. The sensitivity can a
Eat and run in psycho path of godfire 2k11
Eat and run in psycho path of godfire 2k113.6
Drag to control your player move left and right. Eat as many dots as possible while stay in the neon line. It is simple, but delicate and addicting. Try this. It won't disappoint you. Features: * Colorful neon style * Collect dots in game * 3 power up can be collected: speed up, magnet
Best Sheep jumps on ladder of platforms with crazy faith
Best Sheep jumps on ladder of platforms with crazy faith3.6
There is a sheep who is really good at jumping. And he wants to get higher and higher fearlessly. Plenty of wonders and dangers are in front of him. But he still keep jumping and is never afraid of falling down. Will you try to help him get a new height? music by
Amazing Zig sprint challenge adventure with skill and courage
Amazing Zig sprint challenge adventure with skill and courage3.6
A track, a ball, an amazing ziggy journey full of fun and challenge. Simple and fun. I bet you can't stop after playing hundreds of times. Be cautious of addiction. Tapping the screen to change the ball's direction. And don't get off the track, otherwise you lose. That's all of the rule. But there
Zig Turn Race fun online ziggy game for girl and guy teens
Zig Turn Race fun online ziggy game for girl and guy teens3.4
This is a race on a road full of Z-turns. Just tap the screen to turn. Try your best to stay on the white road. Avoid going out into the dark, otherwise this game is over. There is a kind of special tiles on the road. Something amazing will happen if you run through it. Want to know what it is?
Deluxe Zig Zaga hero to z path of ball&dot for game player online
Deluxe Zig Zaga hero to z path of ball&dot for game player online3.4
Deluxe Zig Zaga is coming with and loads of unlockables! Lots of avatars, tracks and backgrounds are waiting for you! Super challenging! Super addicting! Super fun! It is easy to start. Taping the screen to change the ball's direction. Take care and stay in the track as long as possible. Once the
Emoji Maze fun labyrinth game for teens and adults
Emoji Maze fun labyrinth game for teens and adults3.0
Classic 2d maze game with lots of new features! Your little emoji man is facing various challenges in the maze. Help him escape from the darkness! Features: • Various maze challenges: doors, keys, gems, ghosts... • Various maze textures • Large maze • Intuitive control • 60 carefully designed lev
Rock Balls pour down into glowing cups with rock rhythm
Rock Balls pour down into glowing cups with rock rhythm3.0
Follow the beats, tap the screen and balls come down. Addictive classic gameplay. Learn in seconds, enjoy for days. Pay attention to the background music, which will help you get the right time. Tap to open the door and catch the balls with glasses. You will lose the glass if it fails to catch a
Rock Hero Jump in glow sparkling amazing fantasy space
Rock Hero Jump in glow sparkling amazing fantasy space3.0
Rock Hero Jump is here! This time, Rock Hero faces a new challenge. Instead of running, he has to jump now, jump in a glowing neon world. The game play is a little different. In order to jump, Rock Hero has to charge power first. He starts charging when you touch the screen. And when you release,
Catch the Beats an arcade virtual drum with djembe spirit
Catch the Beats an arcade virtual drum with djembe spirit2.0
This is a simple drum machine. It's surprisingly fun. Try it! Tap the bands to hit the drums. Follow rhythms by catching the sliding dots. Three drum sound effects. 100 levels from easy to hard. Arcade mode provides more challenges. Two themes to choose: Light and Dark.