Pulsely Consulting
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繁簡網頁轉換神器 by Fleur Hong Kong Florist5.0
【繁簡網頁轉換神器】是由 Fleur Hong Kong Florist 花香港花店開發之中文繁簡轉換工具。
【繁簡網頁轉換神器】可以在 Safari 瀏覽器直接進行繁簡轉換,而無需進行程序切換。

Cosmo Desktop5.0
Cosmo Desktop serves the latest NASA astronomy pictures http://apod.nasa.gov/ to your iOS device in a few clicks.
You can let you slide and flip through all the pictures in a user-friendly manner.
If you would like to use the pictures to be your iOS wallpaper, just export the pictures to your iOSPasang

CJ Lookup 倉頡找字快4.7
CJ Lookup helps you finding the correct Cangjie input sequences of a string of Chinese characters.
All you have to do is to "draw" Chinese characters on the search box, and the Cangjie codes should appear instantly!
You can also "speak" on Apple Watch, iPhone 4, 5, 6 and iPad if you feel like lazyPasang

CW Keyboard from Fleur Hong Kong4.6
CW Keyboard from Fleur Hong Kong let you type with Morse Code in iOS.
Click the "Morse Code" tap below for the Morse Code reference. Once you get familiar with the source code, you can be a proficient morse code sender in no time.
This app is great for those new amateur radio operators looking toPasang

Solar Sphere4.0
The Solar Sphere provides current value of Kp-index derived from the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center using data from multiple ground-based magnetometers.
Also, current solar images are available in 4 different high resolution formats.
The Kp-index quantifies solar disturbances in the horizonPasang

PulseSat Satellite Tracker4.0
PulseSat tracks satellite positions in real-time. You can track over 5000 satellites with precise positions calculated instantaneously.
Due to the explosive growth of satellites as well as debris, it is no longer feasible for this app to offer offline sync of satellite data.Pasang

PulseModem A3.5
"PulseModem A" is an APRS client, that reads and reports APRS location and messages.
APRS is a digital communications protocol that can exchanges information among large number of stations both local and global.
You as a licensed Amateur Radio operators can send and receive APRS location and messaPasang

Source Edit2.6
Source Edit let you to view and edit the source code of any HTML pages, directly in Safari.
You just need to activate the Source Edit Safari in the "Activities" of Safari, and you can edit and view any HTML pages in 1 click literally.Pasang

"Decodely" let you decode Barcode and QRCode quickly.
Just point your iPhone or iPad camera towards the code, and bam, the code is there.
Decodely supports the following code formats:
- EAN-13/UPC-A
- EAN-8
- Code 128
- Code 39
- Interleaved 2 of 5 and, of course
- QR Code, Aztec and PDFPasang

EIRP Calculator-
EIRP calculator let you calculate the effective transmission power with a given combination of radio transmitter and antenna.
Equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) or, alternatively, effective isotropically radiated power is the amount of power that a theoretical isotropic antenna (which ePasang

The Syncation app uses the real time GPS position from your iPhone or iPad to plot your locations. You can log your positions with your iPhone and iPad with cellular connections. Locations can then be saved to your iCloud Drive, which can then be opened on the Syncation app on macOS.Pasang

CJ Lookup 倉頡找字快-
CJ Lookup helps you finding the correct Cangjie input sequences of a string of Chinese characters.
All you have to do is to copy-and-paste some Chinese text to the search box, and the Cangjie codes should appear instantly!
CJ Lookup for iOS is also available at

Cosmo Desktop-
Cosmo Desktop is a beautiful Mac application that serves the latest NASA astronomy pictures http://apod.nasa.gov/ to your desktop.
You can set your Mac desktop to the beautiful Astronomy picture right to your Mac in a few clicks.
All astronomy pictures are courtesy of the NASA Astronomy Pictures oPasang

Pulsely Uptime Sync-
Uptime Sync is a website uptime checker with iCloud support. You can monitor the uptime status of multiple websites with the data synchronized to multiple Mac, iOS and iPadOS devices.
The Uptime Sync uses Apple's iCloud to store all the app's data, keeping everything updated across multiple devicesPasang

Motion Replayer by Pulsely-
Introducing Motion Replayer: the revolutionary new mobile app that allows you to record and replay your car, ship, walking or running positions using iCloud sync.
With Motion Replayer, you can easily track your movements and monitor your progress over time. Whether you're a professional athlete or Pasang

PulsePOS Barcode Reader-
PulsePOS Barcode Reader let you decode Barcode and QRCode quickly, and send to other PulsePOS enabled devices.
Just point your iPhone or iPad camera towards the code, and bam, the code is there.
Decodely supports the following code formats:
- EAN-13/UPC-A
- EAN-8
- Code 128
- Code 3Pasang

PulsePOS Barcode Receiver-
"PulsePOS Barcode Receiver" allows you to receive barcode over Wifi, from the "PulsePOS Barcode USB Reader" available at the Mac AppStore.
You can copy and paste the barcode to the shared clipboard by clicking the captured barcode.Pasang

Hopkins Education (HK) Portal-
Elevate your career with our Doctoral, Master's & Bachelor's Degrees.
Hopkins Training & Education Group provides quality higher education for adults, covering a wide-range of subjects.
Overcoming barriers, our affordable degree programs ensure that financial constraints never hinder your path to sPasang

PulseQSO is a logbook for Amateur Radio stations to log their QSO correspondences and contact information.
The PulseQSO uses Apple's iCloud to store all the app's data, keeping everything updated across multiple devices.
ll data is securely stored only on the device user's iCloud account. No data Pasang
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