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已阅 - 极简的阅读记录、电影记录、追剧日历
已阅 - 极简的阅读记录、电影记录、追剧日历4.8
- 【PriceTag】公众号首页精选,”已阅对常用功能进行了大量简化,没有多余打扰的清新界面也绝会是成为你选择的理由之一“ - 【Z美应用】公众号首页精选 - 【少数派】首页 Matrix 精选 - 多个小红书博主种草 【写在前面】 读书、观影与追剧,有时是灵魂的良药 现在,只要一个『已阅』,就能同时管理你的阅读、观影和追剧记录 愿『已阅』,也能成为你的小角落 【用户评论】 惊喜死我了啊!之前每年都是年末自己拼海报!今年终于不用了!还能分类自选书影剧!我更爱了啊啊啊!(因为我正好都是分着做的之前)太完美了!太完美了!太完美了!(赞叹三连)你真是我最爱的开发者,没有第二!!! ——
Metal Detector - Metal Sniffer
Metal Detector - Metal Sniffer3.0
Metal Detector is a portable metal detector. By detecting nearby electromagnetic fields using the phone's built-in magnetometer/compass, you can locate nearby metal and magnets. You can also use it to find metallic studs and wiring behind walls. Depending on your phone, you can use it to detect meta
DT Recorder - Find Out If You Snore or Talk in Your Sleep
DT Recorder - Find Out If You Snore or Talk in Your Sleep2.9
The best app to find out if you talk in your sleep or snore at night. Do you talk in your sleep? Are you sure? Now you can find out! Have you ever wondered what happens while you’re asleep? Are you talking in your sleep? Is your partner snoring? Does the dog bark? Wonder no more. This app can answ
Best SLR camera - Custom Exposure & Controls
Best SLR camera - Custom Exposure & Controls2.6
If you're a photographer tired of trying to tap your way to the exposure you want, then this is the app for you. Full independent control of - Shutter Speed - ISO - White Balance - Focus - Exposure Compensation * Focus Control the lens position of your camera, focus from macro to infinity. * ISO
QR Code Reader - QR Scanner
QR Code Reader - QR Scanner2.6
QR Code Reader is a scan QRcode application, it is both barcode scanner, QR code scanner, QR code generator. QR & Barcode Scanner / QR code reader is extremely easy to use; simply point to QR or barcode you want to scan and app will automatically detect and scan it. No need to press any buttons, ta
Cartoon Camera Free !
Cartoon Camera Free !2.3
Turns your world into a live cartoon! Create cartoon effect like photography with your camera. The application provides real time camera preview and the ability to capture cartoon images. Features: - Real-time cartoon effect - Save images quickly by a single touch of a button - Supports camera f
Sound Meter - Decibel Meter
Sound Meter - Decibel Meter2.2
This is powerful and smart sound level meter app. Sound level meter app to measure noise volume in decibels. This App have useful features and high quality graphics. Its best sound level meter app for ios device. App features: - Fast dB response - Gauge for indicate values - Show the current noise
Sound Meter - Noise Detector
Sound Meter - Noise Detector2.0
Sound Level Meter app is shows a decibel values by measure the environmental noise, displays measured dB values in various forms. You can experience tidy graphic design with high frame by this smart sound meter app. Features: - Indicates decibel by gauge - Display the current noise reference - Dis
Front & Back Camera - Take A Shot With Front And Back Camera At The Same Time!
Front & Back Camera - Take A Shot With Front And Back Camera At The Same Time!1.6
Take a picture with the front and the back camera at the same time! Wouldn't it be great to be able to have a double perspective in your pictures: front camera and back camera? With this app you can do exactly that. Plus we give you 6 live effects! ('fish eye','Tilt Shift', 'B&W', 'Cartoon', 'Ske
Self Timer Camera !
Self Timer Camera !1.5
---- Never Miss any Awesome Snapshot Again ----- Are you tired of asking someone you don't know to take photos for you? With this app, you can take pictures without holding the camera. It can be used when taking photos of a group or scene, a travel self-portrait or close-up shots. *FEATURES* -
FishEye Camera & Photo Doodle
FishEye Camera & Photo Doodle1.0
-- FishEye Camera — Turn your iPhone/iPod into a genuine Fisheye camera! Fisheye Lens is a new reference application for iDevice. Add fully original and striking effects to your photos and give them style. -- Photo Doodle -- Draw on any of the pictures and share it with your friends, family by e
Googly Eye Camera
Googly Eye Camera1.0
Googly Eyes Camera automatically recognizes the eyes and adds them to your photo. Features: - Universal version, also works on iPad. - Share your edited images on Facebook,Twitter or email. - Save original size image. - Auto adjust Hue,Saturation,Brightness of photo - No Watermark - front and bac
Lomo Camera & More
Lomo Camera & More1.0
Have you ever heard of LOMO LC-A series camera? It is a product manufactured by The Leningrad Union of Optics and Mechanics in Soviet Union in early 1980s. It is an instamatic camera made for meeting with the public needs. LOMO is always pursuit of natural and improvisational esthetics, which is a
腕表行业内最简单直接的用户交流方式从此诞生啦! 最全面的腕表行业众生相,是普通腕表消费者塑造的! 看你想看的,了解你想了解的,腕尚帮你一一实现,而且不会有人侵犯你的隐私! 每个腕表消费者的内心都是土豪+艺术家,来腕尚!你就是真的!
忘记密码,打开「喵喵密码」,瞄瞄即可~ 如果你也经常忘记一些不常用的密码 如果你也怕把密码存在第三方 App 不够安全 如果你常用的密码就那么几个,其实只需一个小小提示就能记起来 如果你也觉得把密码的创建和记录都完全交给第三方软件不够安心(天呀!连你自己都不知道密码是什么) 那么,「喵喵密码」可能是你最合适的选择 「不记录真实密码」 - 只记录密码提示,从根源上杜绝了泄漏密码的可能性 - 因为不记录真实密码,所以不需要打开 App 时解锁、查看密码时解锁各种繁琐操作! 「瞄一瞄即可」 - 忘记密码,打开「喵喵密码」,瞄瞄即可~ 「安全」 - 所有信息只存储在本地,永远不会上传到
WiFi FTP Free (WiFi File Transfer)
WiFi FTP Free (WiFi File Transfer)-
You can now copy multiple files, folders, or entire hard drives to your Phone and access this information anywhere. Leave your USB keys behind, your Phone can do all that and MORE! WiFi FTP lets you: - COPY Files - VIEW Files - BACKUP Files All you need to do is: 1. start WiFi FTP on your Phone.