Ali Umer
Więcej przez Ali Umer

Learn Persian Language Phrases5.0
◆Learn Persian language with the most useful Persian phrases and words.
◆You can learn Persian Farsi language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Persian words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Iran.
◆There Zainstaluj

Periodic Table 2022(Chemistry)5.0
Periodic Table 2022(Chemistry) will help you in reference any discovered element on the periodic table.
The complete Periodic Table at your fingertips and without any internet connection. Information provided for each periodic table element includes the following:
+ Symbol, name, and number

French English Dictionary!5.0
French English Dictionary and French English Translator contains 9000+ daily common speaking French to English words. It will bring you an excellent and great learning experience. You can search words in English language and then you will find that word in French language as well as in English learnZainstaluj

Turkish English Dictionary!5.0
Embark on a seamless journey of language exploration with our comprehensive Turkish-English Dictionary & Translator. Designed for learners, travelers, and language enthusiasts alike, this app bridges linguistic gaps, offering a rich database of over 9,000 commonly spoken words and expressions. ExperZainstaluj

Learn Norwegian From English5.0
Learn Norwegian From English Alphabetically and also with English Norwegian Dictionary. The application provides a selection of words in English As well As Norwegian Language completely free.
Learn Norwegian From English Contains Lots of Words From Basic to Advance Level For Learning Norwegian SkilZainstaluj

Math Builder: Quiz & Pdf Maker5.0
Mathematics Builder app helps in quiz practice as well as pdf builder. You can select your own desired operators from the menu to make a quiz for you to improve your math skills. You can make your own desired math test and make pdf using printer properties available in the app.
Why Math Builder: QuZainstaluj

Norwegian Learning: Beginners5.0
◆Learn Norwegian language with the most useful Norwegian phrases and words.
◆You can learn Norwegian language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Norwegian words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Norway.

Learn Japanese! Daily Phrases5.0
The application provides a selection of words in Japanese completely free.
You learn Japanese from the zero, from the basics to more advanced words.
+ Learn Japanese in a fun and fast way
+ Tests: Practice writing, reading and listening tests.
+ Translator: All words have translZainstaluj

Learn German Words & Phrases4.9
◆Learn German language with the most useful German phrases and words.
◆You can learn German language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of German words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Germany.
◆There are mosZainstaluj

Learn Danish From English4.9
Learn Danish From English Alphabetically and also with English Danish Dictionary. The application provides a selection of words in English As well As Danish Language completely free.
Learn Danish From English Contains Lots of Words From Basic to Advance Level For Learning Danish Skills. Danish VocaZainstaluj

Turkish Learning!4.8
◆Learn Turkish language with the most useful Turkish phrases and words.
◆You can learn Turkish language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Turkish words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Turkey.
◆There are Zainstaluj

Croatian Learning For Beginner4.8
◆Learn Croatian language with the most useful Croatian phrases and words.
◆You can learn Croatian language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Croatian words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Croatia.

Learn French Vocabulary!4.8
Learn French From English Alphabetically and also with English French Dictionary. The application provides a selection of words in English As well As French Language completely free.
Learn French Vocabulary English Contains Lots of Words From Basic to Advance Level For Learning French Skills. FrencZainstaluj

Learn Czech Language Phrases4.7
◆Learn Czech language with the most useful Czech phrases and words.
◆You can learn Czech language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Czech words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Czechia.
◆There are most coZainstaluj

Learn Finnish: Phrasebook4.7
◆Learn Finnish language with the most useful Finnish phrases and words.
◆You can learn Finnish language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Finnish words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Finland.
◆There areZainstaluj

Learn Malay For Beginners4.7
Learn Malay Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Malay from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Malay language. Learning Malay fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Malay phrases & words from tZainstaluj

Learn Slovak For Beginners4.7
Learn Slovak Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Slovak from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Slovak language. Learning Slovak fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Slovak phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn Bulgarian: Phrasebook4.7
Learn Bulgarian Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Bulgarian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Bulgarian language. Learning Bulgarian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Bulgarian phZainstaluj

Learn Danish: For Beginners4.7
Learn Danish Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Danish from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Danish language. Learning Danish fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Danish phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn French Language Offline4.6
◆Learn French language with the most useful French phrases and words.
◆You can learn French language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of French words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in spain.
◆There are most Zainstaluj

Japanese Learn For Beginners4.6
◆Learn Japanese language with the most useful Japanese phrases and words.
◆You can learn Japanese language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Japanese words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Japan.
◆There aZainstaluj

Learn Arabic From English4.6
Learn Arabic From English Alphabetically and also with English Arabic Dictionary. The application provides a selection of words in English As well As Arabic Language completely free.
You can learn Arabic from the zero, from the basics to more advanced words.
+ Learn Arabic As welZainstaluj

Learn Thai Language Beginners4.6
◆Learn Thai language with the most useful Thai phrases and words.
◆You can learn Thai language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Thai words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Thailand.
◆There are most commoZainstaluj

Learn Thai Beginners Offline4.6
Learn Thai Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Thai from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Thai language. Learning Thai fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Thai phrases & words from thousaZainstaluj

Learn Arabic Beginners Offline4.6
Learn Arabic Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Arabic from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Arabic language. Learning Arabic fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Arabic phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn Hausa For Beginners4.5
Learn Hausa Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Hausa from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Hausa language. Learning Hausa fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Hausa phrases & words from tZainstaluj

Learn Korean Language Phrases4.5
Learn Korean Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Korean from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Korean language. Learning Korean fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Korean phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn Swahili For Beginners4.5
Learn Swahili Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Swahili from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Swahili language. Learning Swahili fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Swahili phrases & woZainstaluj

Learn Romanian For Beginners4.5
Learn Romanian Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Romanian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Romanian language. Learning Romanian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Romanian phrasesZainstaluj

Learn Uzbek Beginner!4.5
Learn Uzbek Learn English Alphabetically and also with English Uzbek Dictionary. The application provides a selection of words in English As well As Uzbek Language completely free.
You can learn Uzbek from the zero, from the basics to more advanced words.
+ Learn Uzbek As well AsZainstaluj

Learn Greek: For Beginners4.5
Learn Greek free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Greek from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Greek language. Learning Greek fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. Learn Greek essentials from thousands of greek phraZainstaluj

Learn Russian Language Phrases4.5
◆Learn Russian language with the most useful Russian phrases and words.
◆You can learn Russian language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Russian words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Russia.
◆There are Zainstaluj

Learn Chinese: For Beginners4.5
Learn Chinese free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Chinese from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Chinese language. Learning Chinese fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet.
+ No account registration requirZainstaluj

Learn Russian Beginners4.5
Learn Russian free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Russian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Russian language. Learning Russian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. Learn Russian essentials from thousands of Zainstaluj

Learn Turkish: For Beginners4.5
Learn Turkish free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Turkish from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Turkish language. Learning Turkish fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet.
+ No account registration requirZainstaluj

Periodic Table: 2024 Chemistry4.5
Periodic Table App is a top free periodic table app for iPhone where you will find elements with details, you can find a lot of information about elements of chemistry available on the latest periodic table. Every element is organised in its own row and column. These elements are very important for Zainstaluj

Convert Images To Pdf!4.4
Convert your Images to Pdf fast and easy with few simple steps. You can convert your images to pdf by selecting your desired images from camera roll. This app will allow you access to select images from photos gallery and then you can convert them to pdf easily. You can also print pdf according to yZainstaluj

Learn Persian For Beginners4.4
Learn Persian Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Persian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Persian language. Learning Persian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Persian phrases & woZainstaluj

Learn Serbian For Beginners4.4
Learn Serbian Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Serbian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Serbian language. Learning Serbian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Serbian phrases & woZainstaluj

Learn Polish For Beginners4.4
Learn Polish Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Polish from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Polish language. Learning Polish fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Polish phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn Croatian For Beginners4.4
Learn Croatian Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Croatian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Croatian language. Learning Croatian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Croatian phrasesZainstaluj

Learn Finnish For Beginners4.4
Learn Finnish Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Finnish from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Finnish language. Learning Finnish fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Finnish phrases & woZainstaluj

Albanian Learning For Beginner4.4
◆Learn Albanian language with the most useful Albanian phrases and words.
◆You can learn Albanian language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Albanian words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Albania.

Learn Japanese: For Beginners4.4
Learn Japanese free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Japanese from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Japanese language. Learning Japanese fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet.
+ No account registration reZainstaluj

Learn Welsh Phrases & Words4.3
Learn Welsh Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Welsh from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Welsh language. Learning Welsh fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Welsh phrases & words from tZainstaluj

Learn Czech For Beginners4.3
Learn Czech Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Czech from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Czech language. Learning Czech fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Czech phrases & words from tZainstaluj

Learn Azerbaijani For Beginner4.3
Learn Azerbaijani Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Azerbaijani from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Azerbaijani language. Learning Azerbaijani fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn AzerZainstaluj

Learn Amharic: Phrasebook4.3
Learn Amharic Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Amharic from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Amharic language. Learning Amharic fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Amharic phrases & woZainstaluj

Learn Swedish For Beginners4.3
Learn Swedish Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Swedish from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Swedish language. Learning Swedish fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Swedish phrases & woZainstaluj

Learn Turkmen For Beginners4.3
Learn Turkmen Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Turkmen from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Turkmen language. Learning Turkmen fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Turkmen phrases & woZainstaluj

Learn Spanish Quickly:Beginner4.3
◆Learn Spanish language with the most useful Spanish phrases and words.
◆You can learn spanish language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of spanish words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in spain.
◆There are mZainstaluj

Learn Lithuanian For Beginners4.3
Learn Lithuanian Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Lithuanian from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Lithuanian language. Learning Lithuanian fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn LithuaniZainstaluj

Learn German: For Beginners4.3
Learn German Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn German from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in German language. Learning German fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn german phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn French For Beginners!4.3
Learn French free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn french from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in French language. Learning french fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet.
+ No account registration required

Learn Hebrew For Beginners4.3
Learn Hebrew Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Hebrew from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Hebrew language. Learning Hebrew fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can learn Hebrew phrases & words fZainstaluj

Learn Tagalog For Beginner4.3
◆Learn Tagalog language with the most useful Tagalog phrases and words.
◆You can learn Tagalog language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Tagalog words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in Philippines.

Islamic Study English4.3
Learn & Read Islamic Study English version Mcqs(Multiple Choice Questions) quiz. The application provides a selection of thousands of mcqs for Islamic Study quiz preparation in English with Islamic Study answers.There are thousands of questions available for Islamic Study preparation.
You can learnZainstaluj

Biology Pro4.3
Learn & Read Biology Science Mcqs(Multiple Choice Questions) quiz. The application provides a selection of thousands of mcqs for biology quiz preparation in English with biology answers.
You can learn And Enjoy Biology from the zero, from the basics to more advanced for biology exam.

Learn Indonesian For Beginners4.3
◆Learn Indonesian language with the most useful Indonesian phrases and words.
◆You can learn Indonesian language from beginner level to advance level.
◆There are thousand of Indonesian words available offline to learn at any time without any data connection.
◆Very helpful while travelling in IndonesZainstaluj

Learn Portuguese: Beginners4.3
Learn Portuguese Language free with the most effective language learning app for free. You can learn Portuguese from basic to advance level. This app will help you to be an expert in Portuguese language. Learning Portuguese fast at home with our course in your mobile / tablet. You can Portuguese UzbZainstaluj
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