Oceanhouse Media
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Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards5.0
This powerful card deck by vibrational healer and revolutionary teacher Sonia Choquette is designed to activate your psychic voice and show you how to live the six-sensory life.
Each of the 52 cards in this deck is a creative tool for using your psychic muscles. These cards will give you access to Zainstaluj

Me Too! - Little Critter5.0
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as his little sister tags along wherever he goes, saying "Me Too!" to everything from playing football with his friends to eating the last piece of cake! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Jump iZainstaluj

Just Go to Bed - Little Critter5.0
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he resists his father's efforts to get him ready for bed! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. As he plays a space cadet when his father wants him in the bathtub, and a race car driver when it'sZainstaluj

It’s True - Little Critter5.0
Little Critter thinks that sometimes it’s easier to tell part of the truth instead of the whole truth. In this interactive book app, Little Critter learns quickly that lying has consequences and that telling the truth, no matter how hard, is always the right thing to do. Explore pictures, learn new Zainstaluj

Just a Snowman Little Critter5.0
Hooray! It is a snow day! And what a perfect time to make a snowman. But Little Sister needs help putting on her boots, Dad needs a hand with the shoveling, and Gator wants to build a fort. Will Little Critter ever get to build a snowman? Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he enjoysZainstaluj

Just a Little Love - LC5.0
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he discovers how a little love can fix any problem—big or little! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration.
Explore the Story:
- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration
- LEARN new vocaZainstaluj

Isis Oracle5.0
Live Strong!! Tap into the Divine Feminine Power of Isis Oracle from best-selling author and spiritual coach Alana Fairchild.
-- Powerful 44-card deck and complete guide --
-- Includes 2 unique card spreads: Wing of Isis & Golden Sun of Horus --
-- Save and share your readings --
Millions of peopZainstaluj

Dinosaur Stickers from Smithsonian Institution5.0
Share your favorite dinosaur with your friends, with Dinosaur Stickers from The Smithsonian Institution!

Wings of Wisdom5.0
Wings of Wisdom Oracle by Alana Fairchild
Artwork by Lindy Longhurst
Glide into this Healing Affirmation Oracle from Nature’s Angels and the future with Wings of Wisdom’s uplifting philosophy, inspiring guidance and empowering affirmations.
Be taken to new heights of awareness as you discover dZainstaluj

A Green, Green Garden - LC5.0
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he and his family plant a garden of vegetables! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. After lots of watering, weeding, and waiting, will Little Critter’s family get to enjoy a delicious meal fromZainstaluj

Celestial Reiki5.0
Celestial Reiki by Robert J. Boyd
This 60 minute soundtrack is ideal background music for Reiki treatments, meditation or simply music to relax to. Inspiring, heartfelt and soothing, this audio app is ideal for Reiki students and practitioners. The audio features bell sounds every three minutes.

Passion & Purpose Meditations5.0
Welcome to Passion and Purpose Meditations, created by Colette Baron-Reid, spiritual intuitive, mindfulness master, educator and oracle expert. Colette is a best-selling author and founder of Oracle School, online courses available globally for the modern mystic. Colette Baron-Reid is also a musicalZainstaluj

Berenstain Bears Bad Influence5.0
Join Sister Bear in this interactive book app as she gets into trouble with her new friend Miranda! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. When Mama Bear finds out about all the trouble, will she want Sister to stop playing with Miranda?
Explore tZainstaluj

Oracle of the Unicorns5.0
Oracle of the Unicorns
By Cordelia Francesca Brabbs
The most enchanting of mystical creatures, unicorns are a symbol of miracles, purity and magic. Like mermaids and fairies and dragons, unicorns, too, have a distinct and powerful spiritual energy. You can delve into their wondrous realm through thZainstaluj

5 Monkeys Bake a Birthday Cake5.0
Join the Five Little Monkeys in this interactive book app as they wake up early to bake a surprise birthday cake for Mama! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Will the Monkeys' rambunctious baking wake up Mama and spoil the surprise?
Explore thZainstaluj

Living Lights Collection #15.0
Dive into 7 exciting Berenstain Bears Living Lights book apps that help young readers learn how God wants them to live every day! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Enjoy The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree, The Berenstain Bears Discover God'sZainstaluj

Ask the Spirit Guides Oracle5.0
Ask the Spirit Guides Oracle app is here to help you find answers to your questions while you connect with nature. As you journey through life, the Spirit Guides and Totem Animals in this card deck will give you guidance about relationships, romance, career and all of life’s challenges.
The Spirit Zainstaluj

The Secret Language of Light5.0
The Secret Language of Light - Transmissions from your Soul by Denise Jarvie
The impulse to create and energise peace, love and fulfilment is alive within you. This glorious oracle app works with the mysteries and secrets of the light to illuminate the rich possibility and potential inside you. TheZainstaluj

Heart Meditations5.0
Stop questioning and rediscover your true self. Martine & Toni Carmine Salerno guide you on a spiritual journey that's transformed the loves of thousands.
"Excellent and Powerful Meditations" -user review
- Listen to the powerful meditations and find strength
Angels may appear to you during your Zainstaluj

Berenstain - Too Much Car Trip5.0
Join the Berenstain Bears in this interactive book app as they embark on a family road trip! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Will the cubs get bored in the car, or will the trip be full of exciting attractions and family fun?
Explore the StZainstaluj

Luminous Humanness Meditations5.0
Luminous Humanness
Kelly Sullivan Walden
Luminous Humanness Meditations create a bridge from the highest heavenly realms to the soil beneath your feet, where the sole of your feet meets the soul of the world. Enter a process of illumination and revel in the golden truth of all you are and are destZainstaluj

Whispers of Lord Ganesha5.0
"Love these cards & the App is amazing !!!" -iTunes Review
Lord Ganesha, the renowned elephant-headed god, is one of the most revered and worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. Ganesha's energy has the power to clear obstacles, bestow wisdom, and promote prosperity and success in all ventures.

Tacky and the Emperor5.0
Join Tacky the Penguin in this interactive book app as he prepares for the arrival of the emperor by wearing wacky attire! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Find out how friendship, kindness, and laughter always win out in the latest Tacky talZainstaluj

Just A Day at the Pond5.0
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he heads off for a summertime day at his grandparents’ farm! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Little Critter loves to fish the pond and collect frogs, but he doesn’t really know how to swim.Zainstaluj

Just Me and My Cousin - LC5.0
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he quickly learns that playing with his cousin is not always easy (or fun). Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. After pillow fights, tattletailing, checkerboards overturned, and more, how will Zainstaluj

Ellison The Elephant5.0
Join Ellison The Elephant in this interactive book app as he tries to make a big trumpet sound like his friends and sister, but all he gets is a little toot! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. With encouragement from Mom and provocation from hiZainstaluj

Leo the Lightning Bug5.0
Join Leo the Lightning Bug in this interactive book app on an adventure to make his very own light! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. With determination, motherly support, and a little luck, will Leo be able to light up the night?
Explore theZainstaluj

Nature's Whispers Oracle5.0
Nature is continually enticing us to spend time in her embrace, through the calling of birds, the babbling of brooks and streams, the fragrant smell of the flowers and the whispers of the trees as the wind blows through their branches.
Through this vibrant Angela Hartfield oracle card app, featurinZainstaluj

Meditations for Children5.0
Meditations for Children
By Elizabeth Beyer & Toni Carmine Salerno
This new meditation app was created for primary school aged children. Now you can help your children to enter the world of their imagination through these inspiring creative visualization. Designed specifically for kids, these guidZainstaluj

Crystalline Activations 25.0
Crystalline Activations - St. Germain: The Violet Flame
Journey with Justin Moikeha Asar from Manu Merlyn to Maha Chohan Lord Germain in this audio app. Experience Spiritual Alchemy, activate your inner Violet Flame of Transmutation and gift it to others as you embody the Crystalline Trinity of SaiZainstaluj

Gaia Oracle - Toni C. Salerno4.9
In this new oracle deck designed to bring peace and healing, 45 images and affirmations reflect the loving wisdom of Gaia. The 84-page guidebook offers insights for living, and guidance on using the oracle cards.
Give readings anywhere, anytime
- Choose from different types of readings
- Save youZainstaluj

Rumi Oracle - Alana Fairchild4.9
Whether you have studied Rumi's poetry for years or are drawn to him only now, this beautifully illustrated 44 card deck will strengthen and illuminate your connection with this beautiful and powerful soul who loves you with a fierce passion.
Rumi the mystic poet speaks a sacred language that we uZainstaluj

Jesus Guidance4.9
Jesus Guidance is an intimate app experience that sends loving and comforting messages from Jesus right to your mobile device!
Jesus Guidance has been crafted to reassure you and strengthen your faith, no matter what your relationship with Jesus may be.
CHOOSE how often you will receive new messaZainstaluj

Kuan Yin Oracle - Fairchild4.9
"This deck is sublime! The images are gorgeous. The content is rich with inspiration & understanding. The prayers & visualizations are powerfully resonant." -iTunes Review
The Kuan Yin Oracle app offers guidance and positive, practical and spiritual advice by Alana Fairchild featuring 44 gorgeous cZainstaluj

The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle4.9
The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Card app by Colette Baron-Reid is a 52-card divination system. You can bridge the unseen world of Spirit and the physical world of our day-to-day lives with this inspirational tool.
Based on the rich mythology of ancient Britain’s Isle of Avalon and the wisdom teachingsZainstaluj

Self Love Meditations4.9
Created by internationally renowned yoga teacher, motivational speaker and holistic health and wellness coach Koya Webb. These meditations created by Koya serve to soothe and heal the mind so you can live your daily life beyond fear and remain centered and calm.
The meditation tracks included wereZainstaluj

Red Fox at Hickory Lane4.9
Join Mother and Father Fox as their teach their four cubs to hunt, escape danger, and survive on their own. Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Their skills are tested when a coyote appears in the distance. How will the baby cubs react?

Ladybug at Orchard Avenue4.9
Join Ladybug in this exciting digital book app as she encounters many predators while hunting for food and searching for a winter home. Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Ladybug's bright red coloring helps to keep her safe, but will she find eZainstaluj

Edgar Cayce: Co-Creation4.9
Edgar Cayce: Co-Creation is the app that has the power to change your thinking for the rest of your life. Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or you are familiar with Edgar Cayce's work and are ready to change your life with "The Sleeping Prophet's" teachings, check out this app toZainstaluj

Angels, Gods and Goddesses4.9
This will be your go-to deck with incredible messages and artwork. You'll connect with these cards right away.
Receive daily guidance from the Angels, Gods & Goddesses. Simply think of a question and then pick one or more cards to see what messages the oracle offers you today.
In this truly inspirZainstaluj

Mother Mary Oracle4.9
Mother Mary loves you unconditionally, no matter what your religious or spiritual background. This moving and powerful deck explores the profoundly healing, protective and soothing energy of Mother Mary. Through this oracle, she brings you her guidance and wisdom and connects you with knowledge of yZainstaluj

White Light Oracle4.9
White Light Oracle by Alana Fairchild
Enter the Luminous Heart of the Sacred
You have a light within you. Trust in that light and in your own courage. The light is strong enough to guide, support and empower you to fulfill your sacred purpose of healing and soulful manifestation.
White light holdsZainstaluj

Little Critter At Scout Camp4.9
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he explores the great outdoors at Scout Camp! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. From racing canoes down the river to learning about different types of plants, what adventures will Little CritZainstaluj

Faery Forest Oracle4.9
Enter a realm where the ancient ones dwell, whose guidance is needed now more than ever before. Let Lucy Cavendish guide you through the gateways, where the beings of the Faery Forest offer you their natural, wild wisdom. Discover Goddesses, Gods, Faeries, Witches, Wise Ones, and Wyzards; powerful aZainstaluj

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle4.9
Alana Fairchild works absolute magic. It's impossible not to fall in love with this deck. With stunning artwork and detailed healing processes on each card, this deck is great for healing and meditation.
Within you beats a wild and compassionate heart, alive with fierce optimism. You have the couraZainstaluj

Numerology Guidance4.9
Numerology Guidance Oracle App
The Numerology Guidance Cards are the ultimate tools of divination, providing clarity and insight to assist you on your path. When you’re in need of answers, direction, inspiration, and hope, these cards will bridge the gap between your inner wisdom and the “universaZainstaluj

Berenstain Bears Give Thanks4.9
"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord." —Psalm 92:1
Join the Berenstain Bears in this interactive Christian book app as the cubs act out the first Thanksgiving complete with costumes, props and a full Thanksgiving feast! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story wZainstaluj

Berenstain Bears - Tooth Fairy4.9
Join the Berenstain Bears in this interactive book app as Sister Bear loses a tooth and gets a visit from the Tooth Fairy! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. What lesson will Sister learn when she finds out that her best friend Lizzy got even mZainstaluj

A Frog Thing4.9
Join Frank the Frog in this interactive book app as he becomes dissastifed with ordinary frog things and determined to find a way to fly! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. When he jumps and leaps and dives right into a friendly mother bird andZainstaluj

Alphabet of Space4.9
Get ready… blast off! Explore outer space with fun rhymes and colorful illustrations in this one of a kind Alphabet of Space storybook app from Smithsonian! From Astronaut to Zenith, and everything in between, there is so much for kids to learn about the universe.
Explore the Story:
- ENCOURAGE litZainstaluj

Saber-Tooth Trap4.9
Join Saber-Tooth Tiger in this interactive book app as he embarks on a wild hunt during the end of the Ice Age! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Will Saber-Tooth Tiger be able to hunt down his prey?
Explore the Story:
- ENCOURAGE literacy skZainstaluj

I Am Bliss Mirror Affirmations4.9
Are you ready to SUPER-CHARGE your self-confidence?
Affirmations can change your way of thinking, can develop confidence and can get you motivated to achieve more. Affirmations have been shown to help your brain create new habitual patterns of beliefs and behaviors.
Saying affirmations out loud iZainstaluj

Divine Circus Oracle4.9
Guidance for a Life of Sacred Subversion & Creative Confidence
Join the Divine Circus to zap the zombie-like, do-what-you’re-told way of the world, and embrace the genius of your own creative, free, wild spirit with this Alana Fairchild oracle card app. You are invited to join the Divine Circus, whZainstaluj

Hero's Journey Dream Oracle4.9
The Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle
Kelly Sullivan Walden
Artwork by Rassouli
Since time immemorial, the hero’s journey has been taken by wizards, goddesses, sages, and ordinary people, and whether you realize or not, you are taking it right now. You have been called from your everyday world, to questZainstaluj

Oracle of the Hidden Worlds4.9
Oracle of the Hidden Worlds by Lucy Cavendish - Artwork by Gilbert Williams
Connect with the Wisdom and Healing of the Divine Realms of Heaven and Earth
Beyond this world, just out of sight, lie wondrous realms you may have glimpsed, imagined, remembered or visited in dreams. These other worlds exZainstaluj

Sacred Rebels Oracle4.9
Live your own unique, inspired life and share your light with the world as a sacred offering. This oracle deck is filled with striking imagery and beautiful heartfelt guidance to support you in awakening your sacred, rebellious heart.
Celebrate and nurture your individuality. Become fully alive anZainstaluj

Mindful Living Meditations4.9
Welcome to Mindful Living Meditations, created by Colette Baron-Reid, spiritual intuitive, mindfulness master, educator and oracle expert. Colette is a best-selling author and founder of Oracle School, online courses available globally for the modern mystic. Colette Baron-Reid is also a musical recoZainstaluj

Berenstain Bears' Dinosaur Dig4.9
Join the Berenstain Bears in this interactive book app as Brother and Sister visit the Bearsonian Museum when a real dinosaur dig is taking place! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. What sort of fossils will they find? A Stegosaurus? A SpinosauZainstaluj

I Just Forgot - Little Critter4.9
Join Little Critter in this interactive book app as he tries hard to get through his day without forgetting anything! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Every young child will understand Little Critter's confusion and laugh with him from start Zainstaluj

When I Grow Up - LC4.9
Join Little Critter's sister in this interactive book app as she envisions all the wonderful things she'll do when she grows up! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and personalize the story with your own narration. Her aspirations to be a great ballerina, a courageous fire chief, a world-famousZainstaluj
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