Shaikh Tariq
Więcej przez Shaikh Tariq
Salah Complete | Companion
Salah Complete | Companion5.0
This app is designed to introduce Salat to young, new reverts and elderly people. You can simply adjust the speed of recitation and put the device down on the prayer mat (musalla) and start reciting after the qari.
Understanding Islam - Maududi
Understanding Islam - Maududi5.0
Towards Understanding Islam - Download, if want to listen offline. - Listen while phone is locked, or using other apps. - Stream audios, if you don't want to save additional files.
Riyad-us-Saliheen: Audio
Riyad-us-Saliheen: Audio5.0
Audio book of Riyadh us-Salihin; English translation. This app is the audio of the Riyadh us-Salihin. Riyadh us-Salihin (English: The Gardens of the Righteous), is a compilation of verses from the Qur'an and hadith by Al-Nawawi. It contains a total of 1905 hadith divided across 372 chapters, many of
Muhammad: Man and Prophet
Muhammad: Man and Prophet5.0
Audio Book for "Muhammad: Man and Prophet" by Adil Salahi. Excellent islamic book in audio format with state of the art audio player. About Book: The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) initiated one of the most significant religious and cultural developments in human history, bringing the religion of Isla
Quran Urdu Audio
Quran Urdu Audio4.9
Quran Urdu Audio contains three Tafseer in audio format: 1. Tafheem ul Quran (Complete Tafseer) By Syed Abu Ala Maududi 2. Tafheem ul Quran (Translation with short commentary) By Syed Abu Ala Maududi 3. Bayan ul Quran (Complete Tafseer) By Dr. Asrar Ahmed You can download it for offline usage, or s
Tafheem ul Quran Full Audio
Tafheem ul Quran Full Audio4.6
Detailed version of Tafheem ul Quran; English translation and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari. This app is the audio of the tafheem ul quran English detailed version. Note: This detailed tafheem ul quran contains only introduction of surah 47 to 78. Remaining audio clips will be added soon. The Tafhe
Tafheem ul Quran: Audio
Tafheem ul Quran: Audio4.2
Abridged version of Tafheem ul Quran; English translation and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari. This app is the audio of the tafheem ul quran English abridged version. App Features: - Download, if want to listen offline. - Listen while phone is locked, or using other apps. - Stream audios, if don't want