Chess King
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Chess Tactics. Grunfeld Def.
Chess Tactics. Grunfeld Def.5.0
This course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Grünfeld Defense developing after moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actual variation
Capablanca - Chess Champion
Capablanca - Chess Champion5.0
640 commented games played by the 3rd World Champion Jose Raul Capablanca. All the games are deeply annotated. 250 most interesting and instructive positions from his games in an additional program "Play as Capablanca". This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, w
64 - Russian Chess Magazine 17/01
64 - Russian Chess Magazine 17/015.0
Magazine is published in Russian! Only contents and puzzles are translated in English. "64 - Chess Review" is Russia's most popular chess monthly, in print since 1924. Known for high quality articles and deep game analysis. The magazine is now going mobile. The new digital format is at its best whe
Chess Middlegame IV
Chess Middlegame IV5.0
Chess Middlegame IV course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section. Openings: Two Knights' defense, Sicilian defense (Richter-Rauzer attack), French defense (3. e5 and 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 variations),
Emanuel Lasker. Chess Champion
Emanuel Lasker. Chess Champion4.9
The most complete collection of Emanuel Lasker's games ever compiled. Contains 630 games, covering the entire long career of the 2nd World Champion in chess (held the title from 1896 to 1921). All the games are deeply annotated. Special section, "Play as Lasker" with 203 quiz positions to try and fi
Karjakin - Elite Chess Player
Karjakin - Elite Chess Player4.9
2232 games played by the Sergey Karjakin. 120 exercises: play like Karjakin and play against Karjakin. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included courses in tactics, strategy, openings, mi
Manual of Chess Combinations
Manual of Chess Combinations4.9
The material used in the program is based on a textbook by a renowned chess trainer Sergey Ivashchenko - Manual of Chess Combinations vol 2. You have to find the most important moves. Once you're solving a problem and proposing a wrong move, the program helps you with various visual hints (such as
Steinitz - Chess Champion
Steinitz - Chess Champion4.9
All 517 games played by the legendary World Champion. 55 exercises: play like Steinitz and play against Steinitz. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included courses in tactics, strategy, o
Encyclopedia 1 by Informant
Encyclopedia 1 by Informant4.9
Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations vol. 1 (ECC vol. 1) is the ultimate educational tool with systematic, carefully selected content for player with ELO 2000. The material is based on the latest edition of the eponymous bestselling book released by Chess Informant. This volume contains chess combinat
Encyclopedia 3 by Informant
Encyclopedia 3 by Informant4.9
Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations vol. 3 (ECC vol. 3) is the ultimate educational tool with systematic, carefully selected content for player with ELO 2400. The material is based on the latest edition of the eponymous bestselling book released by Chess Informant. This volume contains chess combinat
Chess Middlegame III
Chess Middlegame III4.9
Chess Middlegame III course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section. Openings: Sicilian defense (Closed System and 3. Bb5 var.), Scandinavian defense, Grünfeld defense, Queen's Gambit Accepted, Reti
Chess Middlegame V
Chess Middlegame V4.9
Chess Middlegame V course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section which includes over 500 games/lectures each of them illustrating typical plans and methods in the following openings: Petroff defense
Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800)
Chess Tactics Art (1600-1800)4.9
A fundamental course on chess tactics for Club Players. The course contains 240 teaching examples and 340 new exercises useful for consolidation of acquired knowledge. The exercises are classified according to about 30 tactical methods and motifs. This course is in the series Chess King Learn, whic
Chess King - Learn to Play
Chess King - Learn to Play4.8
Chess King - Learn to Play is a universe of learning courses. It includes lessons on chess tactics, strategy, and puzzles. Get prepared for battle on the chessboard online and offline with your personal chess trainer. Chess lessons are split by levels, from beginners to masters. This is a game that
Chess Tactics in Volga gambit
Chess Tactics in Volga gambit4.8
This chess course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Benko (Volga) gambit, appearing after moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 b5. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actual va
CT-ART 4.0 (Chess Tactics)
CT-ART 4.0 (Chess Tactics)4.8
The legendary tactics course that has been voted more than once by chess experts as the best chess training program in the world. This version includes 2,200 basic exercises and 1,800 auxiliary exercises, divided into 50 topics. The course is based on the bestselling book Combination Motifs by a re
Chess Tactics in French Def.
Chess Tactics in French Def.4.8
This course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the French Defense developing after moves 1.e4 e6. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actual variations, featuring about 130
Mate in 2 (Chess Puzzles)
Mate in 2 (Chess Puzzles)4.8
The best way to improve your game is to train yourself on your device in solving problems from practical games. If you a beginner but already know how to mate in 1 move, you have to move on and learn how to attack a king and give mate in 2 moves! This course includes 19 000 exercises from masters ga
Mate in 3-4 (Chess Puzzles)
Mate in 3-4 (Chess Puzzles)4.8
This course includes more than 2500 exercises for mating in 3 or 4 moves. You will have to use your fantasy and precise calculation in order to find a correct way of attacking the king. After going through this course you are sure to improve your skills and abilities considerably and will not miss a
Bobby Fischer. Chess Champion
Bobby Fischer. Chess Champion4.8
All 946 games played by the legendary World Champion, 217 of them with commentary. 180 exercises: play like Fischer and play against Fischer. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included cou
Mate in 1 move (Chess Puzzles)
Mate in 1 move (Chess Puzzles)4.8
If you are a beginner, you should practice much to mate in one move. This course provides excellent material for this training. The big number of exercises (2500) covers different methods of mating. Many of them is an excellent tool for speed training even for stronger players. This is a rare course
Chess Strategy for Beginners
Chess Strategy for Beginners4.8
This course is an interactive tutorial for those unexperienced players, both children and adults, who have already learnt the rules of chess and now wish to become players of intermediate strength. This course covers a wide range of opening, middlegame and endgame subjects. It starts off by teachin
Kasparov - Chess Champion
Kasparov - Chess Champion4.8
All 2466 chess games played by the legendary World Champion, 298 of them with commentary. 225 exercises: play like Kasparov and play against Kasparov. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are inc
Chess Tactics. Sicilian Def. 1
Chess Tactics. Sicilian Def. 14.8
This course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Sicilian Defense developing after moves 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4: the Dragon variation, the Najdorf variation, the Scheveningen variation and the Richter A
Encyclopedia 2 by Informant
Encyclopedia 2 by Informant4.8
Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations vol. 2 (ECC vol. 2) is the ultimate educational tool with systematic, carefully selected content for player with ELO 2200. The material is based on the latest edition of the eponymous bestselling book released by Chess Informant. This volume contains chess combinat
CT-ART. Mating Combinations
CT-ART. Mating Combinations4.8
CT-ART. Mating Combinations program is the unique due to two causes: the high quality of the theoretical material and a new technology of giving the studying material, the iBook technology that uses hyperlinks and additional windows for comfortable usage of the studying material. The course is prepa
Chess. King's Indian Defense
Chess. King's Indian Defense4.8
This chess course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the King's Indian Defense developing after moves 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actu
Chess Middlegame II
Chess Middlegame II4.8
Chess Middlegame II course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section. The following openings are viewed: Sicilian defense (Dragon, Najdorf, Paulsen variations), Ruy Lopez (Open variation, Exchanged Var
Chess Tactics in Slav Defense
Chess Tactics in Slav Defense4.8
This chess course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Slav Defense developing after moves 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actual variations, featur
Chess. Scandinavian Defense
Chess. Scandinavian Defense4.8
This course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Scandinavian defense developing after moves 1. e4 d5. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actual variations, featuring 28
Elementary Chess Tactics I
Elementary Chess Tactics I4.8
If you are a beginner, it is necessary for you to study simple tactical methods and learn how to employ them! This course includes more than 4300 exercises for beginners on the following tactical methods: Fork, pin, double check, discovered check, annihilation of the opponent's king defense, exploit
Chess Endings for Beginners
Chess Endings for Beginners4.8
The course is based on the 3 other courses: Beginners to Club, Chess Strategy for Beginners and Total Chess Endings. We carefully selected tasks that are not so easy to play, but not so complex to study. The material is adapted to beginners, and contains a large number of explanations and hints. Muc
Chess: Simple Defense
Chess: Simple Defense4.8
If you are a beginner, you just have to learn how to defend your pieces from being taken! Every chessplayer has to master and consolidate some basic defensive skills such as withdrawing or protecting a piece, interception or attacking an opponent's piece. Having consolidated your knowledge by doing
Chess Tactics for Beginners
Chess Tactics for Beginners4.8
This course is based on a bestseller by the experienced coach Sergey Ivashchenko which became a sort of chess publishing sensation and sold over 200,000 copies. More than 1300 training exercises are intended for beginners, both children and adults. Elementary and simple tasks (1-, 2- and 3-way) are
Chess Endgame Studies
Chess Endgame Studies4.8
This training course is a special subset of famous CT-ART 4.0 course, based on best chess studies, especially chosen for their instructive value. There is simply no substitute for the ease and quality of the studies presented, not to mention their eternal beauty. Endgame Studies includes about 950 g
Mate Escape. Chess Puzzles
Mate Escape. Chess Puzzles4.8
The course includes 380 exercises on the following aspects of defense: Avoiding checkmate, Interference, Support This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included courses in tactics, strategy, op
Chess Opening Blunders
Chess Opening Blunders4.8
Encyclopedia of Opening Blunders – learn to play chess by learning the opening mistakes and traps that have been discovered over time. The program is designed for studying the blunders in more than 40 openings and contains over 1,250 instructive exercises of varying difficulty from practical games.
Total Chess Endgames 1600-2400
Total Chess Endgames 1600-24004.8
Total Chess Ending course composed by GM Alexander Panchenko. It's aim is to teach a student the intricacies of the endgame through a theoretical section, which includes over 600 games/lectures, each of them illustrating theoretical and practical endgame methods, and training section, with more than
Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600)
Chess Tactics Art (1400-1600)4.8
A fundamental course on chess tactics for Beginners. The course contains 150 teaching examples and 1500 new exercises useful for consolidation of acquired knowledge. The exercises are classified according to more than 30 tactical methods and motifs. This course is in the series Chess King Learn, wh
Chess Strategy & Tactics Vol 2
Chess Strategy & Tactics Vol 24.8
This is a course for intermediate players based on a textbook by a distinguished Russian chess trainer Victor Golenishchev. The source material is supplemented with examples of play by lead chess players from the latest major contests and is organized in chess lessons. The course contains 34 themes,
Mikhail Tal. Chess Champion
Mikhail Tal. Chess Champion4.7
About 2600 games played by the legendary World Champion. And about 260 exercises in which you should play like Tal. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included courses in tactics, strategy,
Anand - Chess Champion
Anand - Chess Champion4.7
All 2929 chess games played by the legendary World Champion, 539 of them with commentary. 191 exercises: play like Anand and play against Anand. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included
Chess Tactics. Sicilian Def. 2
Chess Tactics. Sicilian Def. 24.7
This course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Sicilian Defense developing after moves 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6: the Lasker variation, the Paulsen variation, the Labourdonnais variation, the Simagin variatio
Chess Tactics in Open games
Chess Tactics in Open games4.7
This chess course is aimed at the club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in Open Games, appearing after moves 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4. The course presents the overview of the actual variants and 630 exercises for solve. This course is in the series Chess King Lear
Chess: Capturing Pieces 1
Chess: Capturing Pieces 14.7
If you are a beginner, you just cannot afford to give away your piece in 1 move, presuming, of course, that you wish to improve your play! Another thing you cannot afford is to miss a chance of grabbing an undefended piece of your opponent's! This course includes more than 1400 exercises with a few
Chess Opening Lab (1400-2000)
Chess Opening Lab (1400-2000)4.7
This is a perfect opening manual. It features a theoretical review of all the chess openings, which are illustrated by instructive games of the greatest chess players. This compact opening manual contains a detailed classification, which makes it useful to players of any level - beginners, intermedi
Chess Middlegame I
Chess Middlegame I4.7
Chess Middlegame I course composed by GM Alexander Kalinin is aimed at teaching a student much of the middlegame methods and intricacies through a theoretical section. Typical Plans and Methods in the Most Popular Openings: Scotch, Ruy Lopez, Sicilian, Caro-Kann, French, English opening, Dutch, Slav
Chess Strategy & Tactics Vol 1
Chess Strategy & Tactics Vol 14.7
This is a course for club players based on a textbook by a distinguished Russian chess trainer Victor Golenishchev. The source material is supplemented with examples of play by lead chess players from the latest major contests and is organized in chess lessons. The course contains 57 themes, includi
Chess Strategy (1800-2400)
Chess Strategy (1800-2400)4.7
This chess program presents many instructive positions with 18 most important strategic themes such as Advantage in development, Advantage in space, Attack on the king, Attack on the queenside, Weak squares, Pawn structure, Open files and diagonals and others. This course is in the series Chess Kin
Elementary Chess Tactics II
Elementary Chess Tactics II4.7
If you are a beginner, it is necessary for you to study simple tactical methods and learn how to employ them! This course includes more than 1800 exercises for beginners on the following tactical methods: 'annihilation of defense', 'decoy', 'interception' and 'distraction'. This course is in the se
Chess Combinations Vol. 1
Chess Combinations Vol. 14.7
The fundamental chess program for club players. This first part includes more than 1300 exercises (more than 200 examples to explore and 1100 to solve), classified in 40 tactical methods and motifs. This course is in the series Chess King Learn, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In t
Chess Combinations Vol. 2
Chess Combinations Vol. 24.7
The fundamental chess program for club players. This second part includes more than 2600 exercises (more than 400 examples to explore and 2200 to solve), classified in 60 tactical methods and motifs. This course is in the series Chess King Learn, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In
16th World Chess Champion
16th World Chess Champion4.6
All 1913 games played by the World Champion. About 370 of them with commentary. 110 exercises: play like Carlsen and play against Carlsen. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are included course
Alekhine - Chess Champion
Alekhine - Chess Champion4.6
The program contains 1300 deeply annotated chess games played by the 4th World Champion Alexander Alekhine. 600 games are commented for the first time. 200 carefully chosen positions for you to solve, representing some of the most interesting and instructive positions from Alekhine's games in an add
Botvinnik - Chess Champion
Botvinnik - Chess Champion4.6
The most complete collection of Botvinnik's games ever compiled. Contains as many as 1069 chess games played by Botvinnik from 1924 till 1970. Special section, "Play as Botvinnik" with 350 quiz positions for you to try and find those strong and beautiful moves played by Botvinnik in his games. This
Chess: From Beginner to Club
Chess: From Beginner to Club4.6
This teaching program is a kind of guide. It will introduce you to the rules and laws of chess and let you work your way of improvement from the level of Beginner to the one of Club Player. In the course 100 chess topics are considered including rules of chess game; methods of playing in opening, m
Chess School for Beginners
Chess School for Beginners4.6
This friendly interactive course is intended for both children and adult beginners. It is divided into 2 main sections: Chess rules and Playing. 500 carefully chosen, and in many cases designed, examples to help a student. This course is in the series Chess King Learn, which is an unprecedented che
Kramnik - Chess Champion
Kramnik - Chess Champion4.5
All 2537 chess games played by the legendary World Champion, 394 of them with commentary. 126 exercises: play like Kramnik and play against Kramnik. This course is in the series Chess King Learn (, which is an unprecedented chess teaching method. In the series are inclu
Chess King - Play Online
Chess King - Play Online4.4
Mobile client of the Chess King Play website. The app provides: * Online game * Local game for two players * Local game against the computer * Local analysis * Local database for all games * User profiles * More coming soon
Chess Tactics. Caro-Kann Def.
Chess Tactics. Caro-Kann Def.4.4
This course is aimed at club and intermediate players and presents the theory and playing hooks in the most sharp and deciding variations of the Caro-Kann Defense developing after moves 1.e4 c6. The course presents a deep theoretical and practical overview of the actual variations, featuring about 1