Hasyim Mulyono
Mais por Hasyim Mulyono
Easy Healthy Pasta Recipes
Easy Healthy Pasta Recipes-
Are you Looking for the healthy and most delicious easy pasta recipes for kids? YOU'VE FOUND IT!!. This incredible Pasta Recipe app has all the pasta recipes you will need...and it's FREE for a limited time.<br><br>Now you can save a lot of time and effort and make that special pasta recipe you've b
Cerita Dongeng Anak
Cerita Dongeng Anak-
Aplikasi Cerita dongeng anak-anak ini sangat menarik untuk dibaca oleh anak Indonesia dari segala umur dan dapat dijadikan sebagai buku cerita yg feksibel tidak terikat oleh ruang dan waktu karena dapat dibuka dimana saja dan kapan saja. <br><br>Cerita Dongeng Anak berisi kumpulan dongeng singkat an
Feng Shui Tips Guide
Feng Shui Tips Guide-
Free Feng Shui Tips Guide Application help you know every important and basic information about Feng Shui to choose good direction for house or for your workplace, choose suitable feng shui color, feng shui material and Feng Shui Star. From this your job and career and your life is more lucky and he
Guide for Mobile Strike Games
Guide for Mobile Strike Games-
This FREE app can help you for winner play with Guide Cheats for Mobile Strike! and Let's Go action hero like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the new game of modern war!. How to play and win a victory, how to get more tips and tricks, etc., this is the guide for the Mobile Strike will help you a lot. Maste
Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Nusantara
Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Nusantara-
Jangan lewatkan Gratis aneka referensi resep nasi goreng spesial paling digemari keluarga, mudah dan praktis dari perangkat smartphone / tablet anda. Menyajikan panduan lengkap dan terperinci berbagai macam resep nasi goreng pilihan. Dapat di buka secara offline.<br><br>Kumpulan aneka resep cara mem
Easy Cocktails Menu Recipes
Easy Cocktails Menu Recipes-
Are you Looking for simple cocktail after come home from a long hard day, and you need that drink to get your night started right, this app is exactly what you will need.YOU'VE FOUND IT FREE!!.<br><br>The good news is that it's easy to make some of these popular cocktails at home, without any specia
Resep Masakan Ikan dan Seafood
Resep Masakan Ikan dan Seafood-
Resep Masakan Ikan dan Seafood adalah aplikasi Gratis yang berisi sekumpulan aneka resep ikan dari berbagai sumber dengan bahan yang mudah dijangkau, Sangat mudah untuk dibuat dan di sajikan dengan bahasa yang sederhana. Sehingga bagi yang blum bisa masak sama sekali, dengan aplikasi ini akan bisa l
Healthy Slow Cooker Soup Recipes
Healthy Slow Cooker Soup Recipes-
Healthy and easy soup recipes are easy to follow. With little help from this app, you can create wonderful results. It also doesn’t require big investment to get a ready to eat vegetable soup. Be it a chicken soup or plain tomato soup, you can add up to the nutritional level by adding healthy ingred
Famous French Food Recipes
Famous French Food Recipes-
Are you looking for famous french cuisine and french food recipes easy to make at home for all family and kids. You have found it now here!, this application You can cook by following a step-by-step recipe with pictures.<br><br>French cuisine consists of cooking traditions and practices from France.
Ketogenic Diet Food for Lose Weight
Ketogenic Diet Food for Lose Weight-
How to lose weight fast isn’t the easiest thing in the world, especially when you don’t know what you should eat. I’ve put together this ketogenic diet food list FREE to help people out there make decisions on what they are eating and shopping for.<br><br>The ketogenic diet is a medical, therapeutic
Natural Beauty Tips Plus
Natural Beauty Tips Plus-
Everyone loves to look beautiful. There are many advantages of looking beautiful. A gorgeous woman always receives attention. She marries the best catch. She gets to be the cheer leader. She dates all the attractive boys. She even manages to participate in the beauty pageants and win a crown for her
Resep Rumah Makan Padang Terpopuler
Resep Rumah Makan Padang Terpopuler-
Kita pasti pernah menikmati kuliner yang namanya nasi padang, atau kita pasti pernah melihat warung makan di sekitaran yang berjudul Rumah Makan Padang di daerahmu sana. Dapat di pastikan di semua daerah di indonesia terutama kota kota besar terdapat rumah makan padang yang terkenal dengan Daging Re
Tips dan Trik Lulus Soal Psikotes
Tips dan Trik Lulus Soal Psikotes-
Hampir semua perusahaan menggunakan Phsicology Test / Tes Psikologi atau psikotes / psychotest sebagai bagian dalam tahapan penerimaan calon pegawai. Keunikan dari tes ini adalah pada “ketidakpastiannya”. Mengapa? Karena faktor ini dapat memutarbalikan perhitungan logis potensi seseorang. Sebagai co
Aneka Resep Bubur Sehat Nusantara
Aneka Resep Bubur Sehat Nusantara-
Aplikasi Resep Bubur Sehat Nusantara ini menyajikan kurang lebih 50 Resep Aneka Bubur Spesial Lengkap Disertai Dengan Cara Membuatnya. Makanan Bubur Spesial ini sangat Cocok Dikonsumsi Pada Saat Santai atau sarapan Bersama Keluarga Maupun Rekan Kerja. Dan sangat berguna unntuk membantu saudara-saud
Vegan Burger Recipes - Best Veggie Food
Vegan Burger Recipes - Best Veggie Food-
Are you Looking for the best and delicious vegan burger recipes or the best veggie food? YOU'VE FOUND IT RIGHT HERE!. That's because everything you need to make the juiciest, tastiest hamburger is right true here in this Burger Recipes...and it's FREE for a limited time!.<br><br>If you want somethin
New Books of The Bible Stories
New Books of The Bible Stories-
This is NEW book Application of true stories. They are taken from the world’s greatest book, the Bible. The stories give you a history of the world from when God began to create until right up to our present day. They even tell about what God promises to do in the future.<br><br>This bible books giv
Cerita Legenda Rakyat Nusantara
Cerita Legenda Rakyat Nusantara-
Di negeri Indonesia terdapat banyak sekali kumpulan cerita-cerita yang berupa legenda. Dimana di dalam cerita tersebut selalu menyimpan pesan moral yang cukup dalam. Ini menandakan bahwa rakyat Indonesia sejak jaman dahulu sudah mempunyai budaya luhur yang cukup tinggi. Sayangnya dengan semakin maju
Dongeng Anak Cerita Rakyat Pengantar Tidur
Dongeng Anak Cerita Rakyat Pengantar Tidur-
Sudah menjadi kebiasaan Ibu-ibu dari masyarakat dan rakyat indonesia khususnya, sejak jaman nenek moyang dulu hingga sekarang selalu menyuguhkan dongeng rakyat setempat untuk pengantar tidur anak-anak nya. Seiring perkembangan zaman, banyak orang tua yang meninggalkan budaya mendongeng untuk anak. K
Easy Healthy Egg White Recipes Cookbook
Easy Healthy Egg White Recipes Cookbook-
Are you Looking for the best how to cook and make variety of egg white recipes &amp; foods homemade easy for all family and kids?. You will find all easy 50+ egg recipes food cookbook meal plans you will ever need. No more buying expensive cookbooks or writing down ingredients before you start cooki
Resep Minuman Es Jus Sehat
Resep Minuman Es Jus Sehat-
Resep es jus sehat merupakan aplikasi gratis yang memberikan lebih dari 50 aneka macam resep minuman es dan jus / juice yang segar dan sehat untuk di buat sendiri di rumah. Dengan meng-install aplikasi ini maka Anda tidak perlu lagi membaca buku resep atau majalah resep minuman dan lainnya, karena d
Thai Food Recipes and Cuisine Ideas
Thai Food Recipes and Cuisine Ideas-
Looking for FREE famous and best Thai food in Bangkok to make at home for all family and kids. You have found it now here!, this application You can cook by following a step-by-step opal Thai food recipes with the pictures.<br><br>Free Thai cuisine recipes is all about striking a balance between the
Best Chocolate Cake Recipe
Best Chocolate Cake Recipe-
You must be Looking for the Best Chocolate Cake Recipe right? YOU'VE FOUND IT!!, This incredible Simple and Easy Chocolate Cake Recipes app has all cracker cookie, moist and microwave chocolate cake recipe from matilda inspiration and more you will need...and it's FREE for a limited time!<br><br>Wh
Best Easy Meatloaf Recipes
Best Easy Meatloaf Recipes-
Looking for how to cook and make the best meatloaf easy for all family and kids?. You will find all easy 50+ The recipe for meatloaf you will ever need. No more buying expensive cookbooks or writing down ingredients before you start cooking with this healthy meat loaf recipes app you have all in one
Easy Peruvian Food Recipes
Easy Peruvian Food Recipes-
Looking for The best Healthy Peruvian Food Recipes easy to cook at home for all family and kids. You will find all Recipes you will ever need. No more buying expensive cookbooks or writing down ingredients before you start cooking with this healthy Peru recipe app you have all in one place. Simple t
Ayat Emas Alkitab Indonesia
Ayat Emas Alkitab Indonesia-
Ayat Emas Alkitab Indonesia adalah sebuah aplikasi yang memberikan pencerahan, tuntunan dan renungan harian dalam menjalankan kehidupan pribadi dan bermasyarakat. Ayat - ayat Alkitab berisi firman dengan manfaat yang melimpah bagi mereka yang menyediakan waktu untuk membaca, merenungkan dan menerapk
Easy Japanese Food Recipes Guide
Easy Japanese Food Recipes Guide-
Are you wanna learn how to cook Japanese Cuisine easy to make at home for all family and kids who like Japanese rice balls for take to school. You have found it now FREE!. This is the perfect application to start cook by following a step-by-step guide recipes for Healthy Japanese food.<br><br>There
Vegan Diet Food List Recipes
Vegan Diet Food List Recipes-
Are You Looking for the best and most delicious vegan diet food list recipes? YOU'VE FOUND IT HERE NOW!!, This incredible Vegan Recipes app has all the recipes you will need...and it's FREE!.<br><br>Healthy vegan food list recipes for diet always begin with healthy active ingredients. The food you p
Kitab Ilmu Fiqih Tuntunan Hukum Islam
Kitab Ilmu Fiqih Tuntunan Hukum Islam-
Aplikasi Kaidah Kitab Ilmu Fikih ini membahas tentang cara bagaimana beribadah yang benar, tentang prinsip Rukun Islam dan hubungan antar manusia sesuai dengan dalil-dalil yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah secara detail dari semua ilmu fikih yang ada. <br><br>Fiqih dalam bahasa Arab artinya p
Healthy Detox Drinks Recipes
Healthy Detox Drinks Recipes-
If you're looking for the best detox drinks that actually detox your system. This Healthy Drink Recipes application consists of various recipes of fat burning drinks, such as: smoothie recipes, detox tea recipes, juice recipes, and detox drink recipes. It will help you in how to make a healthy drink
Kisah Teladan Islami Terbaik dalam Al Quran
Kisah Teladan Islami Terbaik dalam Al Quran-
Kisah teladan islami yang penuh hikmah ini di ambil dari dalam al quran dan dapat di jadikan inspirasi serta tuntunan di dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari. Aplikasi ini juga di lengkapi dengan Mudzakarah 6 Sifat Sahabat yang bisa kita gunakan untuk suri tauladan.<br><br>Alasan Kenapa Anda Haru
Simple Easy Desserts Recipes
Simple Easy Desserts Recipes-
Are You Looking for easy and most delicious Quick and Simple Desserts Recipes? YOU'VE FOUND IT!!, This incredible Simple Dessert Recipe app has all the dessert recipes you will need...and it's FREE for a limited time!<br><br>Quick &amp; Simple Easy Desserts Recipes App allow you to make a dessert, w
Healthy Vegetarian Cookbook Recipes
Healthy Vegetarian Cookbook Recipes-
Are you looking for Complete Vegetarian Cookbook Recipes, because There are numerous recipe books in the marketplace and an array of websites which provide good recipes. Whether you are a housewife or professional, good recipes are available in many places and you should use them to make a recipe bo
Free Green Smoothie Cleanse with 10 Day Recipes
Free Green Smoothie Cleanse with 10 Day Recipes-
Green Smoothie Cleanse Diet with 10 day healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss is the best Free book application for DISCOVER THE HEALTHY WORLD OF FRUITS AND GREEN VEGETABLES WITH GREEN SMOOTHIES!. A green smoothie is a blend of various fruits and green vegetables like water melon, lemon, spinach,
Kitab Belajar Nahwu Shorof
Kitab Belajar Nahwu Shorof-
Banyak umat islam mengeluh mengalami kesulitan menguasai ILMU NAHWU–SHOROF dan membutuhkan waktu lama untuk memahami, dan menguasainya kemudian menerapkannya ke dalam kitab Arab gundul atau kitab kuning!. Namun dengan adanya aplikasi kitab Nahwu Shorof ini, insyaallah segala kendala, kesulitan dan p
Top Famous Inspirational Quotes
Top Famous Inspirational Quotes-
What inspires you? Best Famous Inspirational Quotes application had a lot of things that can provide inspiration – seeing other people accomplish great things, seeing other people overcome adversity, hearing inspirational quotes from great people, even the sheer beauty of nature can remind us just h
Best Beauty Makeup Tips Plus Tricks
Best Beauty Makeup Tips Plus Tricks-
This application will give you FREE the best makeup tips plus tricks to be pretty woman look. The makeup tutorial will provide inspiration how to create the perfect completing your beauty make up. It is easy and fast makeup tips for beginners, just fallow some simple image steps by step on the App a
English Stories for Kids - Moral Short Story
English Stories for Kids - Moral Short Story-
Are you looking for FREE the best Short Story with Moral for Kids and Bedtime Stories for child?, YOU'VE FOUND IT RIGHT HERE!, The application present a many English fairytale story with moral massage for the children. Great stories for all kiddies out there.<br><br>Short English stories with Moral
Cerita Islami - Hikmah Kisah Inspiratif Islam
Cerita Islami - Hikmah Kisah Inspiratif Islam-
Kehidupan sehari-hari manusia tidak lepas dari membaca dan bercerita, terkadang apa yang kita baca dan dengar sangat berpengaruh pada proses pendewasaan diri dan merubah sudut pandang kita tentang arti sesungguhnya kehidupan ini. Untuk itu aplikasi ini di buat dengan judul Hikmah Kisah Inspiratif Is
Active Physiotherapy Exercises Help Guide
Active Physiotherapy Exercises Help Guide-
What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a therapeutic health profession concerned with enhancing mobility and the quality of life of a person who may have been affected physically in one way or another. Physiotherapy is also referred to as physical therapy, involves evaluating, diagnosing, and treat
Tuntunan Bacaan Sholat Wajib dan Sholat Sunnah
Tuntunan Bacaan Sholat Wajib dan Sholat Sunnah-
Tuntunan tata cara dan bacaan sholat wajib atau fardhu dan Sholat Sunnah lengkap dengan Hadist Sholat, Dzikir dan berbagai kumpulan doa pendek. Tidak hanya itu saja, pada aplikasi ini adalah terdapat juga tuntunan wudhu dan tayamum yang mudah di pahami dan cocok digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran
Best Moral Story Books for Kids
Best Moral Story Books for Kids-
This Application Helps Kids to learn some good lessons about good habits to follow in life. You can help your kids build their moral values by reading this moral stories in their formative years. These stories are written in simple English and improve their reading skills in a fun way. The app prese
Strategy Guide for FIFA 17 and FIFA 16 Update
Strategy Guide for FIFA 17 and FIFA 16 Update-
This application are FREE The best strategy guide to WIN play game FIFA 2016 or FIFA 2017. On This application only guide for you play game FIFA 16 and FIFA 17. You just find some useful tips for beginners and intermediate player on FIFA 2016 and FIFA 17. With this application you can get the best e
Bible Stories for Kids with Pictures
Bible Stories for Kids with Pictures-
Are you looking for how to study the bible stories for kids or children?, YOU'VE FOUND IT RIGHT HERE!, The application present FREE bible story app with 50+ stories and 500+ illustrated images. This app is based on life history of Jesus. This app is for children and new believers. <br><br>The storie
Cerita & Kisah Islami untuk Anak Muslim
Cerita & Kisah Islami untuk Anak Muslim-
Bagi para orang tua biasanya menemani anak saat hendak tidur adalah kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Sebab saat itu adalah momen yang sangat penting untuk menambah kedekatan batin dengan buah hati. Selain itu, di waktu jelang tidur ini, orang tua bisa bercerita atau mendongeng dengan kisah inspiratif isl
Akbar Birbal Stories
Akbar Birbal Stories-
Akabr Birbal stories in Hindi are rich and popular since time immemorial. The stories are an integral part of the glorious Indian heritage that have deeply influenced the growth and development of children from all generations. This application present the best More than 70+ stories already collecti
Tips Guide for Piano Tiles 2 Game Cheat
Tips Guide for Piano Tiles 2 Game Cheat-
Are you ready a Fan of Piano Tiles 2? This FREE application is a one of the best Piano Tiles 2 Guide &amp; Tips. This application contains a guide in playing Piano Tiles 2 high consists of several tips and tricks to simplify the lovers of this game in completing fast every mission in the Piano Tiles
Inspiration Quotes of Day - Motivational Stories
Inspiration Quotes of Day - Motivational Stories-
Motivational Quotes have been one of the main causes for the success of various peoples. Reading Inspiration quotes on a daily basis has been reported time and again to boost a person's inspiration, and help them to take action towards what they want. Overall, By reading inspirational quotes on a da
Secrets of Success Millionaire Habits Factors
Secrets of Success Millionaire Habits Factors-
Secrets of success in your life are the big point you looking for to be the Millionaire now? With our powerful daily success step by step and the successful famous Biography habits app, we can assure you that it will make you feel amazing always and achieve you goal. The application present free the
Al-Quran dan Terjemahan Indonesia
Al-Quran dan Terjemahan Indonesia-
Aplikasi ini berisi lengkap bacaan Al-Quran dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa indonesia, terdapat juga di dalamnya ilmu tajwid yang bermanfaat untuk belajar membaca Al-Quran dengan benar dan baik. Semoga dengan adanya aplikasi alquran ini akan lebih mempermudah kita untuk sering membaca Al-quran dengan
Juzz Amma dan Terjemahan Indonesia
Juzz Amma dan Terjemahan Indonesia-
Juz 'Amma adalah surat juz ke 30 dalam kitab suci Al-Qur'an. Bacaan Juz Amma dimulai dari Surat An-Naba' da diakhiri Surat An-Nas yang berjumlah 37 surat. Surat-surat pada Juz'Amma hampir sebagian besar adalah Surat Makkiyah yang diturukan di Mekah. Sedang tiga surat lain diantaranya Al-Bayyinah, Al
Fairy Tales Stories and Fables Short Moral Story
Fairy Tales Stories and Fables Short Moral Story-
Fairy tales stories and Fables moral story for kids application is FREE the Books stories for kids with best story and pictures that the child must be like them more than 50+ Stories. You can give the mobile to your children and they can read the stories themselves or you can read to them. If you ar
Guide for Boomerang from Instagram Tips and Tricks
Guide for Boomerang from Instagram Tips and Tricks-
Are you looking for how to use boomerang on Instagram ?, How do you get started with Boomerang?. You'll have find here. Take a look at this step-by-step tutorial to get booming as soon as you can. Guide for Boomerang Instagram Ideas tips and trick Help you understand way to easy to use. Instagram do
Brain Maker Book - Emotional Intelligence EQ IQ
Brain Maker Book - Emotional Intelligence EQ IQ-
Brain Maker Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of your daily l
Healthy Breakfast Recipes Practice
Healthy Breakfast Recipes Practice-
Breakfast recipes always find the options are endless. Pancakes or waffles? Bacon and eggs? Muffin followed by a pastry? So why limit those delicious dishes to the morning hours? Here are much healthier snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings all day long with best healthy menu for ea
Kumpulan DOA Mustajab Sehari Hari
Kumpulan DOA Mustajab Sehari Hari-
Kumpulan doa-doa sehari-hari dari bangun tidur sampai tidur lagi - dilengkapi dengan transliterasi Arab-Latin untuk memudahkan dalam membaca - Isi hari anda dengan doa harian ini, Semoga ALLAH senantiasa memberkahi hidup anda.<br><br>Doa Harian Islam adalah aplikasi yang berisikan kumpulan doa-doa i
Kumpulan Sholawat Nabi Latin Terlengkap
Kumpulan Sholawat Nabi Latin Terlengkap-
Aplikasi Kumpulan Shalawat Nabi Terlengkap berisi berbagai kumpulan informasi mengenai berbagai macam Sholawat Nabi yang dapat kita lantunkan agar kita bisa lebih dekat kepada Allah SWT. Selain itu Shalawat merupakan amal yang paling mudah terkabul, membuat kondisi hati menjadi bersih, dan melalui s
Learn Features of MS Access Database
Learn Features of MS Access Database-
Are you looking for how to use ms access, We can help. This app will guide you through the new features of Microsoft Access 2010 to help you begin easily managing information with databases. Whether you are new to Access or have used it for years, everyone will learn something new in this tutorial.
Bacaan Surah Yasin Tahlil Dan Istighosah Lengkap
Bacaan Surah Yasin Tahlil Dan Istighosah Lengkap-
Aplikasi Gratis ini berisi Tentang Surah Yasin dan Terjemahannya dalam bahasa indonesia beserta di lengkapi juga dengan bacaan Tahlil dan Doa yang Lengkap. Dan tidak ketinggalan juga terdapat Istighosah berisi do’a permintaan pada Allah, itulah yang diperintahkan. Jadi dengan memiliki aplikasi ini d