思慧 余
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White Noise 3D - Nature Music Hypnotic Lullaby
White Noise 3D - Nature Music Hypnotic Lullaby5.0
Some people like to work in the cafe, but not in quiet library - some studies show that coffee shop environment will be more conducive to the sound focus, enhance creativity at work, this environment can be considered a kind of sound. " white noise. " If you like listening to the rain, do not miss
chinese dictionary pro pinyin radical idiom poetry
chinese dictionary pro pinyin radical idiom poetry5.0
The most all the best language tools. Collection of 20,900 words, 40,000 idioms, 390000 words, 5000 words puzzle. Provides the following features: 1, Pinyin query; 2, radical query; 3, stroke search; 4, Chinese interpretation / example sentence / word / tablet / Pinyin / Wubi / radical / stroke; 5
心若有信仰,处处皆修行。 抄写经书的功德:修身养性、深入经藏、长养慈悲、自利利人、集中精神、训练耐心、亲近佛法、增长智慧、练习书法。 佛音功能:内置18首常用梵唱佛经音乐,师兄可一边听佛音一边抄诵佛经。 佛经阅读注音版:不用担心有的字不会念,这里的佛号佛咒佛经都是有注音的。 佛经抄诵:抄写时可选择多种不同笔刷、可调整笔刷大小、可撤销操作,还可查询汉字笔顺。 背景模板:抄诵完成的经书可以选择不同的背景模板。 古诗词:这里有最多最全的古诗词。 内容丰富不一一列举,师兄可下载体验。 【佛经】 阿阇世王经 阿阇贳王女阿术达菩萨经 阿含正行经 阿鸠留经 阿弥陀经 阿难分别经 阿难七梦经
Cantonese Help - learn chinese music radio fm dialect
Cantonese Help - learn chinese music radio fm dialect4.8
Cantonese Help, learning Cantonese lovers and users are worth having APP. Free anyway, why not try to download! The software provides a Function: 1, Cantonese and phonetic pronunciation translation queries (human voice); 2, Cantonese pinyin exercises (consonants, vowels and tones); 3, Commonly used
Light Music Lullaby - hypnosis relax deep sleep
Light Music Lullaby - hypnosis relax deep sleep4.5
origin When music became a therapy Modern music therapy originated during World War II. At that time the US military doctors found that listening to music not only improve the mood of the sick and wounded, but also reduce the infection rate and mortality, this phenomenon has aroused the attention of
Chinese dictionary hanzi
Chinese dictionary hanzi4.3
The most all the best language tools. Collection of 20,900 words, 40,000 idioms, 390000 words, 5000 words puzzle. Provides the following features: 1, Pinyin query; 2, radical query; 3, stroke search; 4, Chinese interpretation / example sentence / word / tablet / Pinyin / Wubi / radical / stroke; 5
Microphone Mixer - Voice Memo Recorder Changer
Microphone Mixer - Voice Memo Recorder Changer4.3
Microphone mixer, a special effects recording software, in the recording can add a variety of music effects (applause, screaming, color, drums, etc.), podcast recording must app. The following features are available: 1, (background) recording; 2, microphone tone adjustment; 3, around the channel, s
Baby Prenatal Music - Pregnant Lullaby
Baby Prenatal Music - Pregnant Lullaby4.3
Baby Prenatal Music, mainly neurological fetal sonic stimulation of the auditory organ, the brain to stimulate the growth of the fetus. Repeatedly broadcast pregnant eight months after a fixed music, for children born after the music-loving culture, and for the development of the child's imagination
Microphone Mixer - Full Version
Microphone Mixer - Full Version4.0
Microphone mixer, a special effects recording software, in the recording can add a variety of music effects (applause, screaming, color, drums, etc.), podcast recording must app. The following features are available: 1, (background) recording; 2, microphone tone adjustment; 3, around the channel, s
Flip Clock - minimalism digital alarm clock no ads
Flip Clock - minimalism digital alarm clock no ads3.2
A power-saving practical minimalist theme of the wind, ultra-wide-angle visual experience. Features: Big screen time, week, am and pm display; 12 hours / 24 hours A variety of styles flip theme; Support sliding adjustment brightness;
我的收音机 - FM在线收听广播网络音乐电台
我的收音机 - FM在线收听广播网络音乐电台3.0
一款个性十足的网络收音机,各种复古拟物主题,黑胶,随身听,磁带,录音机,音响,木质等,反正免费何不下载试试! 功能: [主题]各种丰富的复古拟物主题; [收藏夹]喜欢的电台轻松收藏; [最近收听]好听的电台永远不会错过; [定时关闭]不用担心睡着了而忘记关手机。 电台: [国家]你爱听的电台都在这; [省市区]收集了最新最全的省市区电台; [网络]各种播客脱口秀有声小说。 网络电台是在互联网上设立的电台。网络电台的创新点在于,它将我们传统电台转移到了网络之上。我们不需要繁琐的编辑和录音设备来使用网络电台,只需要一台电脑或手机就可以完成录音、制作以及收听;不需要发射塔对于信息进行发送,只
Geomancy Compass
Geomancy Compass2.5
Geomancy Compass is a tool designed for feng shui enthusiasts and professionals can be used to eliminate vertical pole sand receiving water use. This application provides the following features: 1. A variety of gestures, single-finger rotating compass, single-finger double adjust the compass, comp
An app that can improve finger click speed, click accuracy, and reaction ability. It is very suitable for game users to improve their hand speed skills.
RTAltitude - offline gps
RTAltitude - offline gps-
A must-have app for outdoor experts who travel, it helps you obtain the altitude and compass direction of your current location, and also allows you to participate in the global user altitude peak rankings.
Exchange Rate Bao
Exchange Rate Bao-
Exchange Rate Bao is a real-time exchange rate query software, offers more than 170 commonly used currencies and precious metals between the cash purchase / selling price, cash buy / sell price, the conversion price of the bank, as well as instant messaging, etc. Discover the history of the exchange
Geomancy Compass Full
Geomancy Compass Full-
Geomancy Compass is a tool designed for feng shui enthusiasts and professionals can be used to eliminate vertical pole sand receiving water use. This application provides the following features: 1. A variety of gestures, single-finger rotating compass, single-finger double adjust the compass, comp
《周易工具箱APP》易学专业人士和爱好者必备的应用程序。 「功能介绍」 ·汉字五行:根据条件(五行、部首、笔画、拼音、结构)查询汉字的五行属性; ·人体生命节律:查看生命(情绪、智力、体力、精神、意识、直觉、美感等)阈值状态; ·黄历:传统黄历功能; ·八字五行缺:可查询四柱八字的五行属性; 「关于订阅永久会员的声明」 ·如果您已订阅了“月会员”或“年会员”会员,请在订阅永久会员后手动取消连续包月或包年会员,取消方法请参考连续订阅声明。 「关于会员连续订阅声明」 ·付款:连续订阅商品包含“月会员”、“年会员”,您确认购买后,会从你那的苹果iTunes账户扣费,并提供1个月会员(购