Jesse SUEN
Больше by Jesse SUEN
français - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of French
français - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of French5.0
French Learning is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of French, such as French alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - French alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - French pronunciation Exercise - French Alphabet Exercise - Phoneti
Dutch Speech - Pronouncing Dutch Words For You
Dutch Speech - Pronouncing Dutch Words For You5.0
Dutch Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Dutch words, the program will read the Dutch words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Dutch words you entered Bookmarks - Record Dutch words Settings - Interface language settings, support Tra
Greek Speech - Pronouncing Greek Words For You
Greek Speech - Pronouncing Greek Words For You5.0
Greek Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Greek words, the program will read the Greek words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Greek words you entered Bookmarks - Record Greek words Settings - Interface language settings, support Tra
French Speech - Pronouncing French Words For You
French Speech - Pronouncing French Words For You5.0
French Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of French words, the program will read the French words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the French words you entered Bookmarks - Record French words Settings - Interface language settings, suppor
Swedish Speech - Pronouncing Swedish Words For You
Swedish Speech - Pronouncing Swedish Words For You5.0
Swedish Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Swedish words, the program will read the Swedish words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Swedish words you entered Bookmarks - Record Swedish words Settings - Interface language settings, s
Yue Speech - Pronouncing Chinese Words For You
Yue Speech - Pronouncing Chinese Words For You5.0
Cantonese Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Chinese words, the program will read the Chinese words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Chinese words you entered Bookmarks - Record Chinese words Settings - Interface language settings,
Türkçe - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Turkish
Türkçe - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Turkish4.0
Türkçe is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Turkish, such as Turkish alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Turkish alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Turkish pronunciation Exercise - Turkish Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Al
svenska - Alphabet of Swedish
svenska - Alphabet of Swedish3.7
svenska is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Swedish, such as Swedish alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Swedish alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Swedish pronunciation Exercise - Swedish Alphabet exercise - Phonetic A
Polish - The Basic Alphabet
Polish - The Basic Alphabet3.5
Polish is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Polish, such as Polish alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Polish alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Polish pronunciation Exercise - Polish Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphabe
Nederland - Alphabet of Dutch
Nederland - Alphabet of Dutch3.0
Nederlands is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Dutch, such as Dutch alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Dutch alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Dutch pronunciation Exercise - Dutch Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphabet
Italian Speech - Pronouncing Italian Words For You
Italian Speech - Pronouncing Italian Words For You3.0
Italian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Italian words, the program will read the Italian words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Italian words you entered Bookmarks - Record Italian words Settings - Interface language settings, s
Czech is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Czech, such as Czech alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Czech alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Czech pronunciation Exercise - Czech Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphabet exer
Russian - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Russian
Russian - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Russian2.6
Russkiy yazik is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Russian, such as Russian alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Russian alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Russian pronunciation Exercise - Russian Alphabet exercise - Phon
Deutsch - Alphabet of German
Deutsch - Alphabet of German2.5
Deutsch is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of German, such as German alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - German alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - German pronunciation Exercise - German Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphab
elliniká - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Greek
elliniká - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Greek2.0
elliniká is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Greek, such as Greek alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Greek alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Greek pronunciation Exercise - Greek Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphabet e
Hangul - Alphabet of Korean
Hangul - Alphabet of Korean1.8
Hangul is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Korean, such as Korean alphabet and Roman alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Korean alphabet chart - Roman alphabet chart - Korean pronunciation Exercise - Korean Alphabet exercise - Roman Alphabet exercis
Korean Speech - Pronouncing Korean Words For You
Korean Speech - Pronouncing Korean Words For You1.0
Korean Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Korean words, the program will read the Korean words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Korean words you entered Bookmarks - Record Korean words Settings - Interface language settings, suppor
Spanish Speech - Pronouncing Spanish Words For You
Spanish Speech - Pronouncing Spanish Words For You1.0
Spanish Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Spanish words, the program will read the Spanish words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Spanish words you entered Bookmarks - Record Spanish words Settings - Interface language settings, s
Danish - The Basic Alphabet
Danish - The Basic Alphabet1.0
Danish is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Danish, such as Danish alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Danish alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Danish pronunciation Exercise - Danish Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphabe
JP Speech - Pronouncing Japanese Words For You
JP Speech - Pronouncing Japanese Words For You1.0
Japanese Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Japanese words, the program will read the Japanese words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Japanese words you entered Bookmarks - Record Japanese words Settings - Interface language settin
GOJUON - Alphabet of Japanese
GOJUON - Alphabet of Japanese-
GOJUON is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation and kana of Japanese, such as SeiOn, DakuOn, YoOn, hiragana and katakana. Features include: GoJuOn chart - SeiOn, DakuOn, YoOn chart - Hiragana, Katakana conversion - Japanese pronunciation Exercise - SeiOn exercises -
Arabic Speech - Pronouncing Arabic Words For You
Arabic Speech - Pronouncing Arabic Words For You-
Arabic Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Arabic words, the program will read the Arabic words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Arabic words you entered Bookmarks - Record Arabic words Settings - Interface language settings, suppor
español - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Spanish
español - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Spanish-
Español is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Spanish, such as Spanish alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Spanish alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Spanish pronunciation Exercise - Spanish Alphabet exercise - Phonetic A
Thai Speech - Pronouncing Thai Words For You
Thai Speech - Pronouncing Thai Words For You-
Thai Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Thai words, the program will read the Thai words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Thai words you entered Bookmarks - Record Thai words Settings - Interface language settings, support Traditio
Hindi Speech - Pronouncing Hindi Words For You
Hindi Speech - Pronouncing Hindi Words For You-
Hindi Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Hindi words, the program will read the Hindi words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Hindi words you entered Bookmarks - Record Hindi words Settings - Interface language settings, support Tra
Siamese - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Thai
Siamese - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Thai-
Siamese is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Thai, such as Thai alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Thai alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Thai pronunciation Exercise - Thai Alphabet exercise - Phonetic Alphabet exercis
German Speech - Pronouncing German Words For You
German Speech - Pronouncing German Words For You-
German Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of German words, the program will read the German words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the German words you entered Bookmarks - Record German words Settings - Interface language settings, suppor
Polish Speech - Pronouncing Polish Words For You
Polish Speech - Pronouncing Polish Words For You-
Polish Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Polish words, the program will read the Polish words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Polish words you entered Bookmarks - Record Polish words Settings - Interface language settings, suppor
台灣駕照筆試練習是一個簡單而方便的應用程式讓人練習駕照筆試題目,應用程式包括了以下題目類型: - 汽車法規是非題 - 汽車法規選擇題 - 汽車標誌是非題 - 汽車標誌選擇題 - 機車法規是非題 - 機車法規選擇題 - 機車標誌是非題 - 機車標誌選擇題 - 機車情境式題目 - 機械常識是非題 - 機械常識選擇題 功能包括: 隨機練習題 - 可以自由選擇題目類型 - 有11種題目類型可選擇 筆試題庫 - 總共11種題目類型 - 列表形式瀏覽 模擬考試 - 提供汽車類考試 - 提供機車類考試 - 提供機械常識類考試 - 自動紀錄考試結果 學習愉快~! 祝大家考試成功~!
English Speech
English Speech-
English Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of English words, the program will read the English words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the English words you entered Bookmarks - Record English words Settings - Interface language settings, s
Russian Speech - Pronouncing Russian Words For You
Russian Speech - Pronouncing Russian Words For You-
Russian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Russian words, the program will read the Russian words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Russian words you entered Bookmarks - Record Russian words Settings - Interface language settings, s
Turkish Speech - Pronouncing Turkish Words For You
Turkish Speech - Pronouncing Turkish Words For You-
Turkish Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Turkish words, the program will read the Turkish words you enter. Features include: Speech - Read the Turkish words you entered Bookmarks - Record Turkish words Settings - Interface language settings, s
RO Speech - Pronouncing Romanian Words For You
RO Speech - Pronouncing Romanian Words For You-
Romanian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Romanian words, the program will read the Romanian words you enter.<br><br>Features include:<br><br>Speech<br>- Read the Romanian words you entered<br><br>Bookmarks<br>- Record Romanian words<br><br>Settin
Finnish - The Basic Alphabet
Finnish - The Basic Alphabet-
Finnish is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Finnish, such as Finnish alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Finnish alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Finnish pronunciation Exercise - Finnish Alphabet exercise - Phonetic A
Italian - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Italian
Italian - Learn The Basic Pronunciation of Italian-
Italiano is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Italian, such as Italian alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Italian alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Italian pronunciation Exercise - Italian Alphabet exercise - Phonetic
HU Speech - Pronouncing Hungarian Words For You
HU Speech - Pronouncing Hungarian Words For You-
Hungarian Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Hungarian words, the program will read the Hungarian words you enter.<br><br>Features include:<br><br>Speech<br>- Read the Hungarian words you entered<br><br>Bookmarks<br>- Record Hungarian words<br><br>S
Guoyu Speech - Pronouncing Chinese Words For You
Guoyu Speech - Pronouncing Chinese Words For You-
Putonghua Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Chinese words, the program will read the Chinese words you enter.<br><br>Features include:<br><br>Speech<br>- Read the Chinese words you entered<br><br>Bookmarks<br>- Record Chinese words<br><br>Settings<
PT Speech - Pronouncing Portuguese Words For You
PT Speech - Pronouncing Portuguese Words For You-
Portuguese Speech is a simple and convenient application that lets you know the pronunciation of Portuguese words, the program will read the Portuguese words you enter.<br><br>Features include:<br><br>Speech<br>- Read the Portuguese words you entered<br><br>Bookmarks<br>- Record Portuguese words<br>
Indonesian - Basic Alphabet
Indonesian - Basic Alphabet-
Indonesian is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Indonesian, such as Indonesian alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Indonesian alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Indonesian pronunciation Exercise - Indonesian Alphabet exe
português - The Basic Alphabet
português - The Basic Alphabet-
português is a simple and convenient application to learn the basic pronunciation of Portuguese, such as Portuguese alphabet and Phonetic alphabet. Features include: Alphabet chart - Portuguese alphabet chart - Phonetic alphabet chart - Portuguese pronunciation Exercise - Portuguese Alphabet exer