ShiHai Wen
เพิ่มเติมโดย ShiHai Wen

NIV Bible.-
Full Audio Bible: Listen offline.Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play. (no internet connection required).<br><br>It includes Daily Audio Bible, Interlinear Bible, Search, Favorite, Note, Highlight, Sharing Verses, listen on the train, at the airport, in the car. Wherever you go, the Bible goes witการติดตั้ง

声律启蒙 - 图文有声国学专业版-
和孩子一起读《声律启蒙》,孩子读着这些“有意义的声音”、“带着音乐性的声音”,能触碰到他内在的生命体验。这样一种美的音韵和美的画意相结合的形式,能激发孩子对古诗文的兴趣!<br><br>内容简介:<br>《声律启蒙》是古代教小孩吟诗作对的启蒙读物。里面包罗天文、地理、花木、鸟兽、人物、器物等的应对,涉及大量中国古代传统文化知识。汉语之美,音韵之美,读起来很好听,跟唱歌一样。<br><br>《声律启蒙》共分上下两卷,每卷十五章。<br>本软件包含《声律启蒙》当中所提及的六百多个典故及人物介绍。<br><br>内容详细:<br><br>上卷:<br>第一章 一东<br>第二章 二冬<br>第三章 การติดตั้ง

Catholic Apps (Rosary, Divine Mercy, Prayer)-
Catholic Apps support iPad&iPhone with complete audio and text of Rosary, Divine Mercy and Litanies prayers. Audio Text Synchronized.<br><br>◎Features:<br>•No network required<br>•Includes the CHAPLET of Divine Mercy and LITANIES<br>• Complete Rosary Text and Audio;<br>• Complete Divine Mercy Tการติดตั้ง

Bibles -(KJV, NIV, NRSV, RSV, ASV, NASV for Study)-
FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>16 Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional King James Bible (KJV) audiobook to the contemporary NIV & ASV & RSV &NASV & NRSV & Chinese Bibles.<br><br>It inการติดตั้ง

Bible : Holy Bible ASV - Bible Study on the go-
FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional American Standard Version (ASV) audiobook to the contemporary KJV, RSV, NIV, NASV, NRSV & Chinese Union Version and more. <br><br>Iการติดตั้ง

Bible Chinese Union Version- Bible Study on the go-
FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional King James Bible (KJV) audiobook to the contemporary NIV & ASV & NASV & RSV & NRSV & Chinese Union Version and more.การติดตั้ง

Bible : Holy Bible KJV - Bible Study on the go-
Full Audio Bible: Listen offline.Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional King James Version (KJV) audiobook to the contemporary NIV & Chinese Union Version and more.<br><br>It includes Daily Audio Bible, Inการติดตั้ง

Bible : Holy Bible RSV - Bible Study on the go-
FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the Revised Standard Version (RSV) audiobook to the contemporary NIV & KJV & NASV & ASV & NRSV & Chinese Union Version and more. <brการติดตั้ง

Bible :Holy Bible NASV - Bible Study on the go-
Full Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play<br><br>Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional New American Standard Version (NASV) audiobook to the contemporary KJV & NIV & ASV & NRSV & RSV & Chinese Union Versiการติดตั้ง

Bible :Holy Bible NRSV - Bible Study on the go-
Full Audio Bible: Listen offline.Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) audiobook to the contemporary KJV & NIV & ASV & NASV & RSV & Chinese Union Versioการติดตั้ง

弟子规-有声国学图文专业版Di Zi Gui-
Di Zi Gui (simplified Chinese: 弟子规; traditional Chinese: 弟子規; pinyin: Dì Zǐ Guī; Wade–Giles: Ti Tzu Kui, Standards for being a Good Pupil and Child) was written in the Qing Dynasty during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor (r. 1661-1722) by Li Yuxiu. The book is based on the ancient teaching of the Chiการติดตั้ง

增广贤文-有声国学图文专业版Learn Chinese-
The best way to learn Chinese by Chinese wisdom!<br><br>学国学,知礼仪、识大体、长见识、会感恩、懂谦虚、提素质、讲担当!<br><br>领略国学魅力,弘扬传统文化。国学的智慧,是中国人生存发展的精神动力和文化源泉。应由更多的家长、老师、学生…共同发扬分享。<br><br><br>《增广贤文》<br>是中国明代时期编写的儿童启蒙书目。又名《昔时贤文》、《古今贤文》。书名最早见之于明代万历年间的戏曲《牡丹亭》,据此可推知此书最迟写成于万历年间。此书集结了从古到今的各种格言、谚语。后来,经过明、清两代文人的不断增补,才改成现在这个模样,称《增广การติดตั้ง

Bible : Chinese English Bibles Study-
FULL Audio Bible: Listen offline. Set Verse / Chapter / Book repeat play.<br><br>16 Bibles for study, listen, or just plain reading; translations from the traditional King James Bible (KJV) audiobook to the contemporary NIV & ASV & RSV &NASV & NRSV & Chinese Bibles.<br><br>It inการติดตั้ง

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Children's Book-
Lianhuanhua (Chinese: 连环画 (Simplified) 連環畫 (Traditional); Pinyin: Liánhuánhuà English:Children's Book) is a palm-size picture book of sequential drawings found in China in the early 20th century.<br><br><br>Romance of the Three Kingdoms, attributed to Luo Guanzhong, is a historical novel set in the การติดตั้ง

千字文-有声国学图文专业版Learn Chinese-
The Thousand Character Classic (Chinese: 千字文; pinyin: Qiānzìwén), also known as the Thousand Character Text, is a Chinese poem used as a primer for teaching Chinese characters to children from the sixth century onward. It contains exactly one thousand characters, each used only once, arranged into 2การติดตั้ง

三字经-有声国学图文专业版Learn Chinese-
让孩子很快学会: 仁、爱、礼、智、信!<br><br>学国学,知礼仪、识大体、长见识、会感恩、懂谦虚、提素质、讲担当!<br>领略国学魅力,弘扬传统文化。国学的智慧,是中国人生存发展的精神动力和文化源泉。应由更多的家长、老师、学生...共同发扬分享。<br><br>这一系列的国学APP,有专业的国学开发团队制作:配有专业语音、专业插图、专业解析!是国学复兴必备软件!<br><br>《三字经》,是中国的传统启蒙教材。在中国古代经典当中,《三字经》是最浅显易懂的读本之一。《三字经》取材典范,包括中国传统文化的文学、历史、哲学、天文地理、人伦义理、忠孝节义等等,而核心思想又包括了“仁,义,诚,敬,孝การติดตั้ง

百家姓-China Family Surnames-
The app inclued 1380 Chinese surnames :<br>Origin of Chinese surnames,<br>Distribution of surnames,<br>Surname stroke order animation<br><br>The Hundred Family Surnames (Chinese: 百家姓; pinyin: Bǎijiāxìng) is a classic Chinese text composed of common Chinese surnames. The book was composed in the earlการติดตั้ง

朱子家训-有声国学图文专业版Learn Chinese-
The best way to learn Chinese!<br>学国学,知礼仪、识大体、长见识、会感恩、懂谦虚、提素质、讲担当!<br><br>领略国学魅力,弘扬传统文化。国学的智慧,是中国人生存发展的精神动力和文化源泉。应由更多的家长、老师、学生…共同发扬分享。<br><br><br>《朱子家训》又名《朱子治家格言》、《朱柏庐治家格言》,是以家庭道德为主的启蒙教材。《朱子家训》全文524字,文字通俗易懂,内容简明赅备 ,对仗工整,朗朗上口,问世以来,不胫而走,成为有清一代家喻户晓、脍炙人口的教子治家的经典家训。其中,许多内容继承了中国传统文化的优秀特点,比如尊敬师长,勤俭持家,邻里和睦等การติดตั้ง


● 应用描述<br><br>○ 适配最新设备<br><br>○ 《小学生必背古诗词80首》(名师朗读,彩图注音版)——语文新课标必读丛书,教育部小学《语文教学大纲》制定必背篇目,包括了小学语文教材6个年级中的所有古诗词,班主任,小学语文老师推荐的版本。<br><br>○ 大字欣赏、拼音、解释、注释、译文、赏析,还配有很形象的精美插图。<br><br>○ 每首诗的每个汉字,都带新华字典详细解释、汉字笔顺书写动画、汉字跟写功能。<br><br>○ 领略诗词魅力,弘扬传统文化!此早教应用适合全国的学前儿童和小学生使用,是学习古诗词的最佳辅助教材。<br><br><br><br>● 应用功能<br><การติดตั้ง
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