Bjoern Bartels
زیادہ Bjoern Bartels
My Love - Relationship Counter
My Love - Relationship Counter4.9
My Love shows you how long you and your partner have already been together. Thus it creates new anniversaries like "the 333rd day", "the 50th month", ... The new version of My Love can be customized with a picture of you and your partner. Enable push notifications and never miss out on special date
You are a runner, cyclist, triathlet or other athlete? With Calcupace you can easily convert between speed, pace, time or distance values. Following are some example scenarios given, which can be calculated with Calcupace: - I ran 7.5 miles in a time of 26:34 min; what would have been my time at 5
Four Plus
Four Plus4.7
Four Plus is an intelligent puzzle game with a simple and elegant design. Though challenging, Four Plus has a relaxing flow of play. Since you can interrupt and continue the game at any time, Four Plus is truly the perfect casual game! You have to place random shapes consisting of different colored
Infinite Path
Infinite Path4.7
Infinite Path is an intelligent puzzle game. Though challenging, Infinite Path has a relaxing flow of play. As you can interrupt and continue the game at any time, Infinite Path truly is casual gaming at its best! Compete with your friends via Game Center or share your new highscore in social netwo
Energy Costs Calculator
Energy Costs Calculator4.7
- How much does it cost per year watching television? - How much do I save by using energy-saving lamps? - When will the new refrigerator be profitable? Answer to such questions can be obtained by using the app "Energy Costs". With this little helper, you can calculate the consumption and costs of
Thunderstorm Pro
Thunderstorm Pro4.6
Thunderstorm Pro allows you to determine the position of lightnings during a thunderstorm. This is done by measuring the time between lightning and thunder, as well as considering the direction in which the lightning was seen. The spots are shown on a map. The moving direction of the thunderstorm ca
Tricky Disk
Tricky Disk2.5
– Keep the ball on the higher way as long as you can! – Master the tricky control of the ball and improve your skills! – Unlock new balls and compete with your friends!
Du willst schnell den Notendurchschnitt deines Zeugnisses ausrechnen?<br>Du bist in der Oberstufe und hast das ganze Umgerechne von Punkten in Noten satt?<br><br>Mit Notenschnitt kannst du ganz einfach und schnell dein Zeugnis Note für Note eintippen und du erhälst sofort deinen Durchschnitt als Pun