زیادہ Codefavor
Ad Blocker - Block ads, tracking scripts, and more
Ad Blocker - Block ads, tracking scripts, and more-
Ad Blocker is a content blocker for iPhone &amp; iPad designed to block Adverts, Tracking, and more. It can speed up your surfing, save data and battery life.<br><br>Why you'll need it?<br>- No Ads, No visual pollution.<br>- Speed up your surfing of 4x faster.<br>- Reduce your data consumption on Ce
Bad Panda - Panda VS Insects
Bad Panda - Panda VS Insects-
Naughty Meng panda debut, our duty is to defend the forest.<br><br>A wide variety of insects are climbing to trees, you play the hero panda need to avoid these insects, and start attacking at the right time. Only kill the insects to get the score. Game over when encounter insects.
Contacts Helper - Group and manage your contacts
Contacts Helper - Group and manage your contacts-
Group and manage your contacts easily and quickly<br><br>- Batch delete contacts by group or all.<br>- New Group you can added.<br>- Move contacts from one group to another group.<br>- SMS,Mail to contacts quickly. <br>- Search and dial quickly.<br>- Dial history.<br>- All Address Book operation imm
Contacts Helper Pro
Contacts Helper Pro-
Group and manage your contacts easily and quickly<br><br>- Batch delete contacts by group or all.<br>- New Group you can added.<br>- Move contacts from one group to another group.<br>- SMS,Mail to contacts quickly. <br>- Search and dial quickly.<br>- Dial history.<br>- All Address Book operation imm
PriCalculator - Hide photos&videos via calculator
PriCalculator - Hide photos&videos via calculator-
PriCalculator can hide your photos, videos, recordings, documents, notes, diaries, web browser, password book, contacts and other files behind a calculator. What everyone can see is just an ordinary calculator. You can access your private world by entering your password on the calculator.<br><br>App
Calendar For Safe Photo Vault: Lock, Hide Pictures
Calendar For Safe Photo Vault: Lock, Hide Pictures-
Private Calendar can hide your photos, videos, recordings, documents, notes, diaries, web browser, password book, contacts and other files behind a calendar. What everyone can see is just an ordinary calendar. You can access your private world by entering your password on the calendar.<br><br>App fe
PriDialer - Hide photos, videos via behind Dialer
PriDialer - Hide photos, videos via behind Dialer-
FREE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY.<br><br>PriDialer can hide your photos, videos, recordings, documents, notes, diaries, web browser, passwords, contacts and other files behind a dialer. What everyone can see is just an ordinary dialer. You can access your private world by entering your password on the dia