Auryn Inc.
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RealColor: Cognitive Color Identification for Pre-K using colors taken from your surroundings-
RealColor is a unique union of technology and its use in education. It uses the phone camera and the colors of our world to introduce children to colors.<br><br>*** Updated to include "white Select" option ***<br><br>COLORING BOOK:<br><br>A *Coloring book* that allows the colors to be picked up from安裝

Purpose.<br><br>The purpose of emotiQ is to teach younger children about reading facial expressions. Research suggests that kids who are unable to identify emotion in faces have more peer problems and learning difficulties.<br><br>How We do it.<br><br>A simple button shuffles through the kids faces安裝

RealAlphabet is a unique union of technology and its use in education. It uses the phone camera and the alphabet found in our world to introduce children to letters. <br><br>FIND ALPHABET: <br><br>*Find Alphabet* challenges the child to find the letters indicated from around, making letter identifyi安裝

Where Do Balloons Go? An Uplifting Mystery : a creativity-enhancing kid's book by Jamie Lee Curtis (by Auryn Apps)-
Your child’s imagination will soar with this magical storytelling app! Rich interactive experiences they’ll return to time and time again! See why People Magazine called it "cool" and "loads of fun"! <br><br>Get a personal tour of the app from Jamie Lee Curtis herself by copying-n-pasting this link 安裝

Tilly Witch - A classic Halloween story book for kids by the author of Corduroy Don Freeman ("Lite" version by Auryn Apps)-
Tilly Witch forgot how to be mean and had to return to finishing school for witches to re-learn the trickery of the trade.<br><br>Tilly is a witch and the Queen of Halloween. One day, she tries playing at being happy, reasoning that children use Halloween to play at being evil witches. Unfortunately安裝

One Cold Night is a fanciful and interactive bedtime story book for kids which describes the onset of Winter, depicting the Mythical tale of Winter in the native American tradition, by Claire Ewart (iPad Lite Version, by Auryn Apps)-
The cloud coyotes howled in the moonlight. And Snow Woman comes to put the world to rest for winter. She frosts the fields, stills the stream, and brushes the last brittle leaves from the trees. Last of all, she sends one small reluctant bear scampering off to his warm winter den. Then, having tu安裝

Miko Wants a Dog: An interactive kids bedtime story book about a mouse wanting a pet to play with and how he gets one by helping his neighbor, by Brigitte Weninger illustrated by Stephanie Roehe (iPad “Lite” version; by Auryn Apps)-
Miko wants a pet dog more than anything. His friend Mimiki will pretend to be a dog for a little while, but he won’t go on a leash. No doubt about it—Miko needs a real dog. But Mama says Miko will have to wait until he’s older. He’s so disappointed, until he hears a bark from the next door neighbor’安裝

Inspector Peckit - a classic story book for kids about a detective pigeon’s search for a little girl’s lost knit bag by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime tale.(iPad Lite version, by Auryn Apps)-
A detective, who is also a Parisian pigeon, searches the city for a little girl's lost purse only to discover it in a rather embarrassing place. Another of Mr. Freeman's pigeons flying high and low, a bereted and eager Peckit (""at your beck and call"") flits from the rooftops of Paris, through the 安裝

Some Day, Some Night HD Lite is an interactive children's bedtime story app, about a day when the sun proclaimed, "I'd like to stay." By Jack Guinan, artwork by John Barilla (by Auryn Apps)-
Say goodnight to the precious little one in your life with the enchanting children's bedtime storybook SomeDay, SomeNight. It's a magical tale about a special day when the sun proclaimed, "I'd like to stay!" Stay up and not go to bed that is. But, with the help of his friends--the farmer, the birds,安裝

Miko Goes on Vacation: An interactive bedtime story book for kids about Miko’s first beach holiday, where he enjoys swimming and making new friends, by Brigitte Weninger illustrated by Stephanie Roehe. (iPad “Lite” version; by Auryn Apps)-
Miko, Mimiki, and their Mom are off to the beach for a vacation. It’s his first trip, full of new sights and surprises. But the beach is full of strangers, and Miko doesn’t want to leave little Mimiki all alone when he goes in the water. Then he meets Mia on a nearby blanket, who also has a little f安裝

Fruits for Little Lamb: teach your children about strong values and God's love in this Christian book for kids by Leslie Ann Clark ("Lite" version by Auryn Apps)-
Teach your children the fruits of the Spirit in this adorable app!<br>Love, kindess, peace, joy: God grants all this and more to His children. <br><br><br>Fruits for Little Lamb is a part of the Auracle line from Auryn Inc. and is based on Leslie Ann Clark’s book by the same name. Through a combinat安裝

Hattie, the Backstage Bat: vintage children's tale by "Corduroy" author Don Freeman ("Lite" version by Auryn Apps)-
❤From the author of “Corduroy”comes this charming tale! Sure to warm your heart and put a smile on your face! ❤<br>Hattie the Bat lives in a theater, and is told to hide out of sight backstage when a new production goes live.<br>Will Hattie stay put, or will she be unable to resist the spotlight? Wi安裝

Chuggy and the Blue Caboose is a classic story for kids about friendship between an old blue caboose and an engine, by the author of Corduroy, Don Freeman. A perfect bedtime tale for any train lover.(iPad Lite Version, by Auryn Apps)-
Forgotten on a side-track at a busy railroad yard, a lonely little blue caboose made friends with a little old fashioned engine. When the big Streamliner got stuck in the snow, she reminded the switchman that the old snowplow engine could clear the track in time. <br>Chuggy and the Blue Caboose is a安裝

Rowdy Raccoon and the Turtle Who Wanted to Fly is an interactive story book for kids that brings to light that every person is unique and important; written by Donna C. Braymer, illustrated by Shachi Kale (iPad Lite Version; by Auryn Apps)-
What's so great about being a raccoon? Rowdy Raccoon is about to find out. Raccoons weren't meant to fly, but you can't convince Rowdy of that. When he meets Scissor, the incomparable Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher, Rowdy is left to wonder why raccoons weren't created to be special too. The loveable crit安裝
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