Dominik Gyecsek
更多 Dominik Gyecsek
Only Facts - 100k+ Fun Facts
Only Facts - 100k+ Fun Facts5.0
Discover the world of knowledge with OnlyFacts, your go-to app for interesting, random, and enlightening facts. With over 100,000 facts spanning 60 topics, you'll never run out of fascinating tidbits to explore, learn, and share. Stay informed with customizable notifications of random facts. Effortl
Show in Big
Show in Big5.0
Just open the app, and start typing right away, all the entered text will be shown with the biggest font size possible to fit the screen for the best readability. -Easy and fast to use -Multiple color options -History of your last 100 entered phrases -Pin phrases for quick access -Read the typed te
Most Common German Words
Most Common German Words5.0
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common German ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 115346 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1
Most Common English Words
Most Common English Words5.0
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in English, this app has all 3000, always available on your phone, even while offline. 60000 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Translations available in Spanish, German, French, Ital
Palabras en Inglés más Comunes
Palabras en Inglés más Comunes5.0
3000 palabras es todo lo que necesitas para expresarte fácilmente y tener conversaciones cotidianas en un idioma. Esta aplicación tiene todas las más comunes en español, siempre disponibles en tu teléfono, incluso sin conexión. 60000 oraciones de ejemplo para poner palabras en contexto, con pronunci
Moodio | Emotion Tracker
Moodio | Emotion Tracker5.0
With Moodio you can easily log your mood with just a couple of taps without writing a word. FEATURES -Easily search your mood history -Super quick way to add new moods and attach emotions, activities and notes to it -Statistics of your top moods, top emotions, top activities, activities that bring
Mots anglais les plus courants
Mots anglais les plus courants4.5
3000 mots sont tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour vous exprimer facilement et avoir des conversations quotidiennes dans une langue. Cette application contient toutes les applications anglaises les plus courantes, toujours disponibles sur votre téléphone, même hors ligne. 60000 phrases d'exemple pour
Guided Journaling - DoEntry
Guided Journaling - DoEntry4.4
Discover past trends, celebrate now, and take control of your future with the most personalizable guided journal app Features: -Record anything in one place, reflect on your life, form habits, reduce stress, sleep better, feel calmer, and happier through guided journaling -Over 50 ready-to-use mind
Most Common Spanish Words
Most Common Spanish Words3.8
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Spanish ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 123416 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B
Open Data Map
Open Data Map3.0
The Open Data Map is a location-based open data store that makes it easy for organizations, councils and you to share and explore location-based open data. Features Share locations, paths and polygons with custom fields, styles, categories and features and earn points to move to the top of your cit
Most Common Chinese Words
Most Common Chinese Words2.0
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Chinese ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 100127 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B
Swipe To Study
Swipe To Study1.0
Build your vocabulary with video clips -Study over 9500 words -Categorized by 40 topics, and 3 difficulty levels -Over 30000 video clips -Practice to master words
Guess for words in 25 languages with 297870 words in total, and daily challenges Select the languages you know, set the max tries, word length, and get to guessing Keep to your streak to compete with friends
Most Common Words
Most Common Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 100k+ example sentences to put
Most Common Arabic Words
Most Common Arabic Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Arabic ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 60000 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1,
Most Common Czech Words
Most Common Czech Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Czech ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 116638 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1,
Most Common Danish Words
Most Common Danish Words-
Master Danish effortlessly with 3k essential words, over 100k example sentences, hands-free learning, quizzes, spaced repetition, sync, dictionary, and notifications - 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most com
The Most Common Finnish Words
The Most Common Finnish Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Finnish ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 113541 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B
Most Common French Words
Most Common French Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common French ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 121536 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1
Most Common Hindi Words
Most Common Hindi Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Hindi ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 122980 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1,
Most Common Croatian Words
Most Common Croatian Words-
Master Croatian effortlessly with 3k essential words, over 100k example sentences, hands-free learning, quizzes, spaced repetition, sync, dictionary, and notifications - 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most c
Most Common Hungarian Words
Most Common Hungarian Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Hungarian ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 114.443 example sente
Most Common Indonesian Words
Most Common Indonesian Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Indonesian ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 123.271 example sent
Most Common Italian Words
Most Common Italian Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Italian ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 119327 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B
The Most Common Japanese Words
The Most Common Japanese Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Japanese ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 100147 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2,
Most Common Korean Words
Most Common Korean Words-
Master Korean effortlessly with 3k essential words, over 100k example sentences, hands-free learning, quizzes, spaced repetition, sync, dictionary, and notifications - 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most com
Most Common Dutch Words
Most Common Dutch Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Dutch ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 122041 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1,
Most Common Norwegian Words
Most Common Norwegian Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Norwegian ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 120901 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2,
Most Common Polish Words
Most Common Polish Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Polish ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 113458 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B
Most Common Portuguese Words
Most Common Portuguese Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Portuguese ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 124.517 example sent
Most Common Romanian Words
Most Common Romanian Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Romanian ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 115.039 example senten
Most Common Russian Words
Most Common Russian Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Russian ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 111.192 example sentenc
Most Common Slovak Words
Most Common Slovak Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Slovak ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 115133 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B1
Most Common Slovenian Words
Most Common Slovenian Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Slovenian ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 114219 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2,
Most Common Swedish Words
Most Common Swedish Words-
3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common Swedish ones, always available on your phone, even while offline. 120832 example sentences to put words into context, with pronunciations Filter by Levels (A1, A2, B
Most Common Turkish Words
Most Common Turkish Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Turkish ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 114.853 example sentenc
Most Common Ukrainian Words
Most Common Ukrainian Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Ukrainian ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 113.513 example sente
3000 Common Vietnamese Words
3000 Common Vietnamese Words-
- 3000 words are all you need to express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language easily. This app has all the most common Vietnamese ones that are essential to know for everyday conversations, always available on your phone anywhere, anytime, even while offline. - 122.708 example sent
Practical English Phrases
Practical English Phrases-
Prepare for Real Life with 13810 English Words and Phrases in 255 Topics from A1 to C2 Translations Available in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, and Russian Filter and Study by Levels (A1, A2, B1
Practical Spanish Phrases
Practical Spanish Phrases-
Prepare for Real Life with 13810 Spanish Words and Phrases in 255 Topics from A1 to C2 Filter and Study by Levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) Filter and Study by 255 Topics Spaced Repetition, so you always see the words you need to review the most first Study without even opening the app, even on your
DoEntry - Diary / Journal
DoEntry - Diary / Journal-
DoEntry helps you to capture everything in your life and relive it on all your devices.<br><br>SYNC<br>Your entries, tags, locations, recordings and photos (video and file support coming soon) are synced across all your devices via Dropbox, Google Drive or DoEntry.<br><br>TAGS<br>Organize your entri
-Simple and intuitive interface<br>-Daily breakdown of your focus times<br>-No need to open the app to go to the next step<br>-Customizable round, focus, and break times<br>-Multiple themes and dark mode
Flashcards Made Simple
Flashcards Made Simple-
Unlimited free sets and flashcards Add images, custom text fields, tags, stars, and links to other cards We don't track you or store any information about you Sync using your dropbox account, your cards and sets are always available for offline studying Spaced Repetition Quick add, and flexible impo