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Pupil Distance PD Measure
Pupil Distance PD Measure4.6
App Store's highest-rated app to measure your Pupil Distance quickly and accurately. Measure your PD in seconds and order your next pair of glasses online for less. PD, short for Pupillary Distance, is the distance between the center of your pupils in millimetres. This measurement is vital for the
Color Blindness Exam
Color Blindness Exam4.6
Approximately 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women have some degree of color blindness. Among different types of color blindness, the most common is known as ‘red-green color blindness.’ Color blindness (also called color vision deficiency by vision scientists), is a condition in which the retinal cone c
Lens Thickness by GlassifyMe
Lens Thickness by GlassifyMe4.4
Visualize life-size eyeglasses lens thickness based on your actual prescription with our Lens Thickness app. • Professional level precision • Based on your actual prescription (Rx) • Use actual frame size or let the app use approximate frame size • View right and left lens individually • Choose fro
Contact Lens Rx by GlassifyMe
Contact Lens Rx by GlassifyMe3.9
Contact Lens Rx is a smart calculator that converts your eyeglasses prescription to your contact lenses prescription. Looking to purchase your contacts online? Get your contact lenses Rx using this app and be on your way! Why do I need it? Did you know your contact lenses prescription is not the sa
Reading Rx by GlassifyMe
Reading Rx by GlassifyMe-
The one and only app on the app store which swiftly determines your reading glasses prescription.<br><br>• App dynamically identifier your iPhone model and determines its display density to accurately display the reading chart.<br>• Neat screens and swift flow give you your reading Rx in under 60 se