Michael Todd
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Exclusive Kutz5.0
Download our app for Exclusive Kutz! Get an excellent user experience for our barbershop. Including:
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Have you ever wanted to share your daily routine, favorite books, and favorite movies with your friends? With Emtee, you can easily build out your daily routine, list the books and movies that inspired you, and share all that information with your friends. <br><br>All daily routines are public. You 安裝

The Original HamExam as an App!
Since 2001 HamExam has been available for the PC to help prepare prospective Amateur Radio operators for their exams. Now HamExam is available as an App!
The HamExam app generates practice exam papers for Amateur Radio Exams. Exams are available for the following c安裝

HamExam (ES) Radioaficionado-
El HamExam original, ahora disponible como una App!<br><br>Desde 2001 HamExam está disponible como software de PC y ayuda a los aficionados que aspiran a prepararse para los exámenes para licencia de radioaficionado. Ahora HamExam también está disponible como una aplicación para los usuarios en Espa安裝

HamExam (IT) Radioamatore-
Il HamExam originale ora disponibile come un App!<br><br>Dal 2001 HamExam è disponibile come software per PC e aiuta gli aspiranti radioamatori per preparare gli esami per la Patente di radioamatore. Ora HamExam è disponibile anche come un App per gli utenti in Italia!<br><br>L'Appl HamExam crea pro安裝

HamExam (NZ)-
The Original HamExam now as an App! <br><br>Since 2001, HamExam has been available for the PC to help prepare prospective Amateur Radio operators for their exams. Now HamExam is available as an App for New Zealand users!<br><br>The HamExam app generates practice exam papers for the General User Radi安裝

Australian Citizenship Test-
The Australian Citizenship Test App creates sample exams for the citizenship test of Australia. Questions will be randomly selected from a database containing more than 650 questions, and the generated sample tests allow you to practise authentic multiple choice exams.
The Australian Citizenship Te安裝

Koran Vers für jeden Tag-
Lassen Sie sich jeden Tag mit Zitaten und Versen aus dem Koran erhellen!<br><br>Frank Bubenheim erstellte, gemeinsam mit Nadeem Elyas, eine neue Übersetzung des Koran-Textes als Dienst an den Deutsche und den deutschsprachigen.<br><br>"Koran Vers für jeden Tag" bringt Ihnen alle Suren und Verse des 安裝

Quran Ayah of the Day (Hilali-Khan translation)-
Brighten your day with verses from the Quran delivered daily.<br><br>One of the most widely disseminated Qur'an in most Islamic bookstores and Sunni mosques throughout the English-speaking world, the Halili-Khan translation is one of the most popular amongst English-speaking Muslims alongside the Pi安裝

Quran Ayah of the Day (Pickthall translation)-
Brighten your day with verses from the Quran delivered daily.<br><br>"... The Qur'an cannot be translated. ...The book is here rendered almost literally and every effort has been made to choose befitting language. But the result is not the Glorious Qur'an, that inimitable symphony, the very sounds o安裝

Quran Ayah of the Day (Yusuf Ali translation)-
Brighten your day with verses from the Quran delivered daily.<br><br>The translation of the Quran in 1934 by Yusuf Ali is one of the most widely known and used amongst English-speaking Muslims, alongside the Pickthall and Hilali-Khan translations.<br><br>Quran Ayah of the Day delivers all the suwar 安裝

Corán Aleya diaria (Cortes)-
¡Ilumine su día con versículos del Corán, cada día entregados a sus manos!<br><br>La traducción castellana del Corán del lingüista español Julio Cortés puede ser la más fácil para leer y entender. <br><br>"Corán Aleya diaria" le trae todos las azoras y aleyas del Corán directamente a sus manos.<br><安裝

Corán Aleya diaria (Garcia)-
¡Ilumine su día con versículos del Corán, cada día entregados a sus manos!<br><br>Una traducción del Sagrado Corán pensada para la población hispanoparlante del mundo, pero principalmente para el público latinoamericano. Muhammad Isa García junto con un equipo de colaboradores expertos, ha procurado安裝

Coran Âyah du Jour-
Égayez tous les jours avec des citations et des âyât du Saint Coran.<br><br>Pr. Muhammad Hamidullah a publié sa traduction du Saint Coran en français en 1959. C'était la première traduction d'un érudit musulman dans la langue. Il a eu plus que 30 réimpressions et a vendu des millions d'exemplaires.<安裝

Aya Quran Hari Ini-
Mencerahkan hari Anda dengan ayat-ayat dari Quran yang disampaikan setiap hari.<br><br>Alquran adalah wahyu Allah kepada Muhammad melalui malaikat Gabriel, dan dengan demikian adalah teks agama utama Islam. Ini juga karya terbaik dalam literatur Arab klasik. Alquran dibagi menjadi surat, dan kemudia安裝

Corano Aya del Giorno-
Lasciate illuminare ogni giorno con citazioni e ayat del Santo Corano.<br><br>Nel 1994 Hamza Roberto Piccardo pubblica la prima edizione del Santo Corano, traduzione integrale e commentata per gli italiani e gli italofoni. La traduzione di Piccardo è stata scelta dall'Arabia Saudita come interpretaz安裝

Alcorão Aya do dia-
Ilumine seu dia com versículos do Alcorão a cada dia entregues às suas mãos.<br><br>Foi Samir El-Hayek quem traduziu pela primeira vez as 114 suratas – ou 6.342 versículos – diretamente do árabe para o português. Para concluir seu trabalho, Samir levou dez anos e publicou a primeira edição do catata安裝

القرآن آية اليوم-
سطع يومك مع آيات من القرآن تسليمها يوميا.<br><br>القرآن هو الوحي من الله إلى محمد من خلال الملاك جبرائيل، وبالتالي هو النص الديني المركزي للإسلام. وهو أيضا أرقى عمل في الأدب العربي الكلاسيكي. ينقسم القرآن إلى سورة، ثم تنقسم إلى الآية.<br><br>القرآن آية اليوم يسلم كل الصوار و آيات من القرآن الكريم.<b安裝

用古兰经每天传递的阿亚照亮你的一天。<br><br>马坚的汉译古兰经,对中国回族史学家白寿彝评价,是:“在忠实、明白、流利三者并举的要求下,我相信,这个译本是超过以前所有的译本的”。 <br><br>古兰经的每日阿亚提供了古兰经的所有章節和節句,章節稱為蘇拉,節句則被稱為阿亞。<br><br>生活常常是挑战性的,但古兰经给我们带来安慰,知识,灵感和鼓励,教导我们如何生活和如何应对我们的问题。<br><br>用您的智能手机或平板电脑每天发送的经文和诗歌来增亮您的一天。<br><br>搜索一节阿亚,或者点击一个按钮来呈现一阿亚。<br><br>- 每天都会受到新阿亚启发!<br>- 古兰经的所有章安裝

Devil's Dictionary-
The Devil's Dictionary is a satirical dictionary written by American journalist and author Ambrose Bierce. Originally published in 1906 as The Cynic's Word Book, it features Bierce's witty and often ironic spin on many common English words.
Enliven your day with quotes delivered daily to your smart安裝

Physics Questions-
Best tool for school or college for practising all those physics questions!
This app will help you to learn about the different concepts in physics.
With separate modules for each subject area, you can practice:
---> Electricity
---> Electronics
---> Electromagnetism
---> Force & Energy
---> Motio安裝

Quran Ayah of the Day-
Brighten your day with verses from the Quran delivered daily!
Quran Ayah of the Day delivers all the suwar and ayat from the Quran (also known as the Koran).
Life is often challenging, but the Quran brings us comfort, knowledge, inspiration and encouragement, teaching us how to live our lives and安裝

Motion Questions-
Best tool for school or college for practising all those motion questions! <br>This app will help you to learn about distance/displacement, velocity and acceleration in physics.<br><br>You can practice:<br>---> Mean velocity (v = s / t)<br>---> Equations of motion: s = ut + ½at², v = u + at, v安裝

Optics Questions-
Best tool for school for practising all those optics questions! <br>This app will help you to learn about optics and the quantum nature of light in physics.<br><br>You can practice:<br>---> Refraction<br>---> Snell's Law<br>---> Lens calculations<br>---> Double slit interference<br>---&g安裝

Aussie Word of the Day-
G'day mate. How ya goin'?
Strike a light! Aussie Word of the Day gives you over 2,600 true blue fair dinkum Aussie slang words and phrases, their meanings and examples of their use. That's something new every day for more than seven years!
Search for a word, or get new words and phrases at the cl安裝

Bible Verse of the Day +-
Brighten your day with verses from the Bible delivered daily!
Bible Verse of the Day delivers all the books, chapters and verses of the Bible.
Life is often challenging, but the Bible brings us comfort, knowledge, inspiration and encouragement, teaching us how to live our lives and how to cope wit安裝

Antenna Reference-
Antenna Reference App
This App provides a comprehensive guide to antennas with a good selection of antennas to consider for construction. As well as the common dipole, 'V', Quad, Yagi and vertical antennas there are many others. The Discone, Windom, Zepp and J-Pole, the X-Beam and ZL Special - just安裝

Einbürgerungstest Brandenburg-
The Einbürgerungstest Brandenburg App creates sample exams for the naturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany for applicants residing in Brandenburg. Questions will be randomly selected from the complete list of questions for the official naturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of G安裝

Einbuergerungstest Deutschland-
The Einbürgerungstest für Deutschland App creates sample exams for the naturalisation test of the Federal Republic of Germany. Questions will be randomly selected from the complete list of questions for the official naturalisation tests of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the generated sample te安裝

Electronics Questions-
Best tool for school and college for practising all those electrical and electronics questions! <br>This app will help you to learn electrical engineering, electronics, electromagnetism and physics.<br><br>You can practise:<br>---> Ohm's Law calculations (current, voltage, resistance)<br>---> 安裝

Force & Energy Questions-
Best tool for school or college for practising all those force and energy questions! <br>This app will help you to learn about forces, work, power and energy in physics.<br><br>You can practice:<br>---> Force (F = m / a)<br>---> Kinetic and Potential Energy<br>---> Work<br>---> Power<br>安裝

Божье Слово дня Святая Библия-
Священная Библия на русском языке.<br><br>Осветите свой день стихами из Священной Библии, ежедневно доставляемыми.<br><br>Божье Слово дня содержит все книги, главы и стихи из Священной Библии.<br><br>Жизнь часто сложна, но Библия приносит нам комфорт, знания, вдохновение и поощрение, учит нас, как ж安裝

Божье Слово дня - Синодальный перевод-
Синодальный перевод - это перевод книг Священного Писания на русский язык, осуществлённый в течение XIX века. Перевод имеет высокий авторитет и широко используется не только в православной Церкви, но и в других христианских конфессиях, использующих русский язык для проповеди.<br><br>Синодальная пере安裝

上帝的每日一词 思高本-
用思高本聖經每天傳遞的經文照亮你的一天。<br><br>思高本圣经是今日华语天主教會最普遍使用的《圣经》中文譯本。此译释本的出版起源自1924年在上海举行的天主教会议决定翻译《圣经》。<br><br>上帝的每日一词提供了思高本聖經的所有書籍,章節和經文。<br><br>生活常常是挑戰性的,但聖經給我們帶來安慰,知識,靈感和鼓勵,教導我們如何生活和如何應對我們的問題。<br><br>用您的智能手機或平板電腦每天發送的經文和詩歌來增亮您的一天。<br><br>搜索一節經文,或者點擊一個按鈕來呈現一節經文。<br><br>- 每天都會受到新經文啟發!<br>- 從創世紀到啟示錄的思高本聖經的所有書籍安裝

كلمة اليوم من الله الترجمة الكاثوليكية المجددة-
سطع يومك مع آيات من الكتاب المقدس تسليمها يوميا!<br><br>نشر اليسوعيون في بيروت ترجمة كاثوليكية للكتاب المقدس في عام 1880. في عام 1988 شركة النشر اليسوعية دار المشرق نشرت نسخة منقحة من الترجمة الكاثوليكية 1880.<br><br>كلمة اليوم من الله تجلب لك كل الكتب، فصول وآيات من الكتاب المقدس مباشرة إلى يدك.<br安裝

كلمة اليوم من الله فان ديك-
سطع يومك مع آيات من الكتاب المقدس تسليمها يوميا!<br><br>الترجمة الأكثر شعبية هي النسخة فان ديك، وخاصة في الكنيسة القبطية والكنائس البروتستانتية. وقد تم توزيع حوالي 10 ملايين نسخة من هذا الإصدار. وقد استند إلى نفس نص نسخة الملك جيمس الإنجيلية من الكتاب المقدس، ويتبع أسلوب أكثر حرفية للترجمة.<br><br>ك安裝

كلمة اليوم من الله سهل للقراءة-
تم إعداد "النسخة سهل للقراءة" خاصة للأشخاص الذين يريدون ترجمة عربية تعبر بدقة عن المعنى الكامل للنص الأصلي في نمط واضح وسهل الفهم.<br><br>كلمة اليوم من الله تجلب لك كل الكتب، فصول وآيات من الكتاب المقدس مباشرة إلى يدك.<br><br>الحياة هي غالبا ما تكون صعبة، ولكن كلمة الله يعطينا الراحة والمعرفة والإله安裝

كلمة اليوم من الله كتاب الحياة-
سطع يومك مع آيات من الكتاب المقدس تسليمها يوميا!<br><br>كتاب الحياة، والمعروف أيضا باسم النسخة العربية الجديدة، هو ترجمة عربية موحدة حديثة من الكتاب المقدس التي تحظى بقبول واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم العربي. كتاب الحياة هو الكتاب المقدس العربي الأكثر انتشارا على نطاق واسع مع عدة ملايين نسخة في التداول安裝

كلمة اليوم من الله الكتاب الشريف-
سطع يومك مع آيات من الكتاب المقدس تسليمها يوميا!<br><br>في الثمانينيات وجد مسيحي مصري أن أصدقائه المسلمين لا يستطيعون فهم الكتاب المقدس. بدأ مع ترجمة إنجيل مارك، وحماسهم قادته لترجمة العهد الجديد بأكمله، الذي أنجز في عام 1990. تم الانتهاء من الكتاب المقدس الكامل في عام 2000.<br><br>لغة بسيطة جدا، مع安裝

Gottes Wort für jeden Tag Elberfelder-
Lassen Sie sich jeden Tag mit Zitaten und Versen aus der Bibel erhellen!<br><br>Die Elberfelder Bibel ist eine deutsche Bibelübersetzung, die erstmals 1855 (Neues Testament) bzw. 1871 (Altes Testament) erschien. Sie konnte zwar nie die gleiche Verbreitung wie die Lutherbibel finden, hat aber im Lauf安裝

Bible Verse of the Day American Standard Version-
Brighten your day with verses from the American Standard Bible delivered daily<br><br>The American Standard Version (ASV) is a Bible translation into English that was completed in 1901 with the publication of the revision of the Old Testament; the revised New Testament had been released in 1900. Bec安裝

Bible Verse of the Day Darby Bible Translation-
Brighten your day with verses from the Darby Bible Translation delivered daily<br><br>The Darby Bible was first published in 1890 by John Nelson Darby, an Anglo-Irish Bible teacher associated with the early years of the Plymouth Brethren. Darby also published translations of the Bible in French and 安裝

Bible Verse of the Day Douay-Rheims Bible-
Brighten your day with verses from the Douay-Rheims Bible delivered daily<br><br>The Douay–Rheims Bible is a translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English made by members of the Catholic seminary English College, Douai, France. It is the foundation on which nearly all English Catholic安裝

Bible Verse of the Day English Revised Version-
Brighten your day with verses from the English Revised Bible delivered daily<br><br>The English Revised Version (ERV) of the Bible is a late 19th-century British revision of the King James Version. It was the first and remains the only officially authorised and recognised revision of the King James 安裝

Bible Verse of the Day King James Bible-
Brighten your day with verses from the King James Bible delivered daily.<br><br>The King James Bible (KJB), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England begun in 1604 and completed in 1611. The books of the King James Bible include the 39 books of the Old Testament, an 安裝

Bible Verse of the Day New International Version-
Brighten your day with verses from the New International Version delivered daily<br><br>The New International Version (NIV) is an English translation of the Protestant Bible. The New International Version follows in the same tradition as the King James Version, although it is tailor-made for the way安裝

Bible Verse of the Day Webster Bible Translation-
Brighten your day with verses from the Webster Bible Translation delivered daily<br><br>Noah Webster's 1833 limited revision of the King James Version focused mainly on replacing archaic words and making simple grammatical changes. He also introduced euphemisms to remove words he found offensive. Ov安裝

Bible Verse of the Day World English Bible-
Brighten your day with verses from the World English Bible delivered daily<br><br>The World English Bible is a is a Public Domain Modern English translation of the Holy Bible. The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible first published in 1901, the Biblia Hebr安裝

Bible Verse of the Day Weymouth New Testament-
Brighten your day with verses from the Weymouth New Testament delivered daily<br><br>The Weymouth New Testament ("WNT") is a translation into "modern" English as used in the nineteenth century from the text of The Resultant Greek Testament by Richard Francis Weymouth from the Greek idioms used in it安裝

Bible Verse of the Day Young's Literal Translation-
Brighten your day with verses from Young's Literal Translation delivered daily<br><br>Young's Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English by Robert Young. This is an extremely literal translation that attempts to preserve the tense and word usage as found in the original Greek an安裝

La Palabra de Dios diaria Biblia de Jerusalén-
¡Ilumine su día con versículos de la Biblia, cada día entregados a sus manos!<br><br>La Biblia de Jerusalén es una versión católica de la Biblia elaborada en francés bajo la dirección de la Escuela bíblica y arqueológica francesa de Jerusalén. La BJ ha sido traducida al español y otras lenguas verná安裝

La Palabra de Dios diaria Biblia de las Americas-
¡Ilumine su día con versículos de la Biblia, cada día entregados a sus manos!<br><br>Reconociendo la gran necesidad de una traduccion de la Biblia en un Espanol contemporaneo y literalmente correcta, la Fundacion Biblica Lockman ha producido La Biblia de las Americas. LBLA es un trabajo original tra安裝

Parole de Dieu du Jour Bible de Jérusalem-
Égayez tous les jours avec des citations et des versets de la Bible.<br><br>La Bible de Jérusalem est une traduction de la Bible élaborée sous la direction de l'École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem. Selon l'éditeur, « réalisée par les meilleurs spécialistes des études bibliques, el安裝

Parole de Dieu du Jour Bible du Semeur-
Égayez tous les jours avec des citations et des versets de la Bible.<br><br>La Bible du Semeur est une traduction avec l'objectif de rendre le texte biblique aisément compréhensible au lecteur non averti, et de permettre à ceux qui sont familiarisés avec la Bible d’apprécier d’une manière nouvelle l安裝

Parole de Dieu du Jour Bible Segond-
Égayez tous les jours avec des citations et des versets de la Bible.<br><br>La Bible Segond est une traduction biblique en français éditée par la Société biblique de Genève et publiée à partir de 1880. Cette traduction est particulièrement utilisée par les protestants et les chrétiens évangéliques f安裝

Parole de Dieu du Jour Bible Ostervald-
Égayez tous les jours avec des citations et des versets de la Bible.<br><br>Jean-Frédéric Ostervald est un théologien protestant et pasteur suisse. Sa traduction révisée de la Bible parue en 1744 a été la plus utilisée chez les protestants avec celle des pasteurs de Genève.<br><br>"Parole de Dieu du安裝

Parola di Dio del Giorno Bibbia Nuova Diodati-
Lasciate illuminare ogni giorno con citazioni e versi della Bibbia.<br><br>La Bibbia Diodati è la traduzione della Bibbia per eccellenza dei protestanti italiani, edita a Ginevra nel 1607 dal lucchese in esilio Giovanni Diodati (1576-1649). Questi vennero seguiti quasi trent'anni dopo da una seconda安裝

Parola di Dio del Giorno Bibbia Nuova Riveduta-
Lasciate illuminare ogni giorno con citazioni e versi della Bibbia.<br><br>La Nuova Riveduta è una traduzione della Bibbia in Italiano.<br><br>Prende il nome Nuova Riveduta dalla versione Riveduta curata da Giovanni Luzzi negli anni Venti che a sua volta è una revisione della traduzione di Giovanni 安裝

Dei Verbum diei Nova Vulgata-
Brighten your day with quotes and verses from the Bible delivered daily in Latin<br><br>The Nova Vulgata (Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio) is the official Latin edition of the Bible published by the Holy See for use in the contemporary Roman rite. It is not an edition of the historical Vulgat安裝

Dei Verbum diei Biblia Sacra Vulgata-
Brighten your day with quotes and verses from the Bible delivered daily in Latin<br><br>The Biblia Sacra Vulgata is a late fourth-century Latin translation of the Bible that became the Catholic Church's official Latin Bible during the 16th century.<br><br>The translation was largely the work of St. 安裝
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